
Debut of the Lord of the Rings

  • Was there a Hidden Message at the Closing Event?
  • What is the King of the Locust?
  • Who is the Lord of the RIngs?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

‘They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon’. -Revelation 9:11

Well, as one could anticipate and they did not disappoint, the Paris Olympics Closing Ceremony was a Ritualistic Tribute to the Debut of the coming King of the Bottomless Pit Locusts. The Name means the ‘Destroyer’ in both Hebrew and Greek. Abaddon or Apollyon is known as the ‘King of the Locusts’. It was an example of the Artistic Rendition to the Homage of the Book of Revelation 9:11. One is very intrigued with the Chapter and Verse attribution of ‘9-11’ as it beacons the Muslim Attack on the Twin World Trade Centers in New York City back in 2001.

Officially, the Paris Olympic Closing Ceremony was depicted and led by the ‘Golden Traveler’ who was portrayed by the Dancer Arthur Cadre. In 1 Depiction, the Golden Traveler is descended in the midst of a Light Show that construes  Freemasonic Compass and Square. In another Depiction, the Golden Voyager comes up-side-down in the Chi-Rho Body pose. This is the Motif that signals ‘Christ’. Can it be any more Obvious of who they are paying tribute to and are beaconing? Interestingly, the Term ‘Gold Savior’ = 666 in the Gematria Cipher. Then in another Scene, this Golden Voyager summons Nike, the Winged Angel of Victory. In one’s Interpretation, it is the Lucifer or in this rendition, Apollo (Apollyon) calling the Titans from Tartarus to be loosened upon the World. This is the Stuff of the Book of Revelation.

Then the 5th Angel sounded his Trumpet, and I saw a Star that had fallen from Heaven to Earth, and it was given the Key to the Pit of the Abyss. The Star opened the Pit of the Abyss, and Smoke rose out of it like the Smoke of a Great Furnace, and the Sun and the Air were darkened by the Smoke from the Pit. And out of the Smoke, Locusts descended on the Earth, and they were given power like that of the Scorpions of the Earth’. -Revelation 9:1-3

As with the Paris Olympic Ceremony, the Mockery against Jesus Christ was Blatant, Deliberate and Public. There was even a Bus with the depiction of their LGBT+ Last Supper in comparison to Leonardo Da Vinci’s one painted on the Bus. The Bus came from Spain, full of a Young Christian Group that was arrested for doing that. So much for European Free Speech. But as with such Predictive Programming, the aim is to show what is to occur thereafter. How soon after? Not sure. Take for example the London Olympics back in 2012. In Hind-Sight, the depiction of Hospitals, Nurses, Death Rising and Injections are now seen as the coming COVID Plandemic. Yet, it was approximately 7 Years thereafter that it actually was implemented. So, perhaps what the Luciferians plan to do will take Years or there could be an acceleration factor.

Predictive Programming

Consider that many have noticed about what the Paris Olympics are being remembered as. There were complaints about the horrible ‘Fake Food’ and Beds made of Cardboard. There was the Contaminated Seine River Water, etc. Some People and many Athletes were convinced that they were intentional. 

Was it Predictive Programming or symbolic for the coming Degradation and deletion of Choices, Comfort, Nutrition? Think of Restrictions to Resources, Travel, Fake Meat, and Insect Food, etc. One had to wait for the Breakdown of this Ceremony that is usually done by many other Students of Symbols and Biblical Prophecy. One such Brother in Christ, named David has a YouTube Channel called RISE.

A bit about this Research and Work. He is from the UK and came out of the Music Scene in the 80s, but then met Jesus. He has a keen sense of persecution in reading the Hidden and not so Hidden Luciferian Innuendos that are programmed and broadcasted through Media and such Venues as Worldwide Spectacles and Commercial, for example.

RISE (Formerly Round Saturn’s Eye)

Coming from a Musical and Artistic Background, it lends to this Skill-Set in attempting to decipher what is really being portrayed and communicated in all such Luciferian Ritual Magic Shows. This goes for all the American Football Championships, in particular. Now when YouTube came along, RISE had a Channel that broke-down various Advertisements and Events as noted. However, when the Censorship came to YouTube, his Channel was deleted. Obviously, the Content exposed the Luciferian  Undertones.

Here is where one has had a direct interaction with him. It is not that one agrees with exactly everything he puts-out or interprets. But for the most part, one does see or perceive his interpretations as being ‘On the Mark’, as one does also research on exposing the Luciferian Double Entendres. RISE was present at the Altar of Sacrifice Dedication on December 10, 2018 in Jerusalem. It was when the Nascent Jewish Sanhedrin orchestrated this Dedication, exactly 70 Years from the Independence of Israel. And that is what the Jews from the Babylonian Exile did 1st when they completed the 70 Year Diaspora in Babylon and had returned to Jerusalem.

This Prophetic Correlation and Anniversary was and is Spectacular in one’s Opinion. So, RISE witnessed this Amazing Event and took Pictures. More than that, you interviewed the Leaders of the Event, who were all of the 70-Member Sanhedrin. His YouTube Channel was very popular, but not to the Israeli Authorities. His Public Interview of the ‘Average Jew on the Street’ and the Interviews with the Members of the Sanhedrin struck a Nerve with the ‘Powers that Be’ that truly run Israel and the World. In his last visit to Israel, he was arrested and thrown in Prison. If it was not for Divine Intervention and Providence, perhaps he would have been still locked-up.

Spirit of AntiChrist

Since then, he has not wanted to return to Israel and has continued to interpret the Symbols and Signs of the Luciferians. They use Numbers, Words and Art to Hide and to Reveal. However, his Expose of the Paris Olympics Closing Ceremony Video received a Strike from the YouTube Censorship Police. On a Side-Note, it was reported that the CEO of YouTube, the one that collaborated with implementing the COVID-19 Censorship has died. Susan Wojcicki was only 56 Years Old and died on August 9, 2024.

August 9 was the 222nd Day, adjusting for the Leap Year in the Gregorian calendar. And then, there are 144 Days remaining until the End of the Year, etc. But she was the one that deplatformed 1000s of Channels who did not submit to the ‘Official State Science Narrative’ of how the COVID-19 Shots were ‘Safe and Effective’. And that if one did not take the Death Shot, you would lose your Job, and be Censored from any Public Discord about it.

This included Dr. Robert Malone who was instrumental in inventing the mRNA Injection Technology and advised not to be taking such Injections for the COVID-19 Plandemic. One was so intrigued with the Altar of Dedication, that one surmised it was a Key Prophetic Milestone reached. One wrote a Book on the Altar and its possible Biblical Significance. The Pictures of the Event are all of RISE’s and he graciously allowed them to be used in the Book. If one wishes to see the Images of the Event, here is the Link to the Free Online PDF Version of it.

The purpose of this Book is to present a case for the Redemption of Israel of how the Rededication of the Altar of Sacrifice is directly related as the Precursor for the coming 3rd Temple, the AntiChrist and the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th Week of Years. The Religious Jews along with the Sanhedrin Rededicated the Altar of Sacrifice on December 10, 2018. This Rededication 'Echoes' the one also performed by Nehemiah at a similar 70th-Year Time Marker.

Free Online PDF Version

Now back to the Casual Observation of the Paris Olympics Closing Ceremony. Most of the World would have surmised that it was just a very French Artistic Expression. But if one has ‘Eyes to See’ and is familiar with the Biblical Themes of Prophecy, one would agree with RISE’s Interpretation of what went on and what the Real Message was all about. It was about the Rise of the AntiChrist, the King of the Locusts. Ironically, the Bible teaches that the Locusts have no ‘King’.

The following is a Summary of his Interpretation that one is totally in agreement with. The Main Character of the Closing Ceremony was that of a Golden Creature, resembling a Locust. He appears to initially Fall from Heaven and then Destroy the Nations as that Motif is laid-out on the Ground of the Olympic Stadium. Then upon several Artistic Displays, an Army of ‘Gray Aliens’ emerge.

King of the Locusts
And then as if the Bottomless Pit is opened and the Locust also emerge. All this while a Singer is proclaiming a ‘Worship Song’ or the Ode to Apollo. Now if the Golden Voyager can be also likened to a Bee, the it would make sense as Bees ‘Dance’. In that Dance is the Code that transmits Location and Direction back to the Hive. That is what Lucifer is transmitting through this Luciferian Ritualistic Magic Show. And here is your AntiChrist Connection. The Fallen Angel that is over the Pit is called Apollyon, a derivation of Apollo. This is whom the Luciferians are summoning. It is the Spirit of AntiChrist and all those 200 Watchers that were Imprisoned during the Days of Enoch.

This ‘King of the Locusts’, better known or revealed as Lucifer, the Shining One. He is the Fallen ‘Anointed’ or ‘Christ’ Cherub who appears now as an ‘Angel of Light’, the Great Golden Dragon’. It is a False Light that is blinding Humanity to his False Gospel and coming False AntiChrist and False Prophet, etc. But in keeping with the Theme of the Locusts or even ‘Fly-Looking’ Motif, it would be very befitting. The idea for the Olympics to unite the World is centered around the Flame. It was derived from Ancient Greek Ceremonies where the Sacred Fire was kept burning throughout the celebration of the Ancient Olympics. See Article about the Watchers here.

A Study in the Rise and Fall of the Nephilim

It was situated on the Altar of Hestia’s Temple. In Ancient Greek Mythology, Fire was and is considered Divine because it was stolen from the ‘Gods’ by Prometheus. It was given as Forbidden Knowledge to Mankind. This clearly has Biblical Inferences to the Book of Genesis and what transpired there with Knowledge, Light, Unity, etc. There was a Conspiracy that occurred there in that the ‘Prometheus’, or better known as Lucifer deceived Humanity into following and worshiping him instead of the 1 True Creator GOD, YHVH.

As it was commented, Lucifer has become the ‘Prince of Devils’ and assumed various names like Beelzebub, Lord of Flies as depicted in Matthew 12:24–27. He is also often cited as Beelzebul Lord of Dung, etc. But as one that subscribes that the 4th Beast of the Nebuchadnezzar Statue of World Empires is still in place, it is Rome that is reviving as well. Eventually, once the U.S. Economic, Political, Social, Religious and Military Hegemony collapses, the Transfer of Power or World Order will revert back to Rome. The 10 Toes represent the last 10 Kings that will rule the entire Planet at that Time.

And Europe is ripe now for this Vacuum to be filled with Muslim and Pagan Spirituality. Notice that with all such World Venues and Shows, the Theme seems to be consistent. Like with the UK Commonwealth Games and Swiss Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremonies, the Luciferians are also rehearsing their Rituals and longing for their ‘Christ’, i.e., Lucifer. In the UK Commonwealth Games, the Event concluded with the entire World worshiping the Golden Calf or Bull.

Lord of the Rings
And riding it was the ‘Whore of Babylon’. Coincidence? No. And it was very interesting how towards the End of the Ceremony, a Human Pyramid was made in which the Golden Goblin then became that All-Seeing Eye that is to come down and finish the Temple or Tower. It is very reminiscent of how the 1st Mason, Nimrod, attempted to unite the World against YHVH on the Plains of Eridu. It was, however, interrupted and that has been the Great Work of the Luciferians ever since. It has been to complete the Temple of Light for Lucifer to then abide in it and rule Earth as he once did before the Fall, perhaps.

Now, in one’s Estimation also, the Olympic Venue that seeks to Unite the World is the perfect endeavor for the Luciferians to push their Imagery of their Luciferian New Utopia of restoring their Golden Age. It is Lucifer, their ‘Golden Boy’ that is the Lord of the Rings, the Olympic Rings as each represents the Human Permanently inhabited Continents. Then there was that Red Piano, symbolizing the Rise of the Phoenix. The Name of the Band was called ‘Phoenix’. Coincidence? No. The Piano has 88 Keys and it is the ‘Code’ for when Portals open. Those that study Luciferianism, and the Occult noticed the detailed correlation of Numbers and their Positions. As a Commenter, citadelblu637 noted the following.

The Circle ‘Timepiece’ is a Sigil representing the 9 primary and highest-level demonic Principalities underneath Lucifer- 12 o'clock is Abaddon, between that and 3 O'clock you have Molech then Baal, after 3 O'clock is Baphomet, Leviathan is 6 O'clock, between that and 9 O'clock, you have Azazel. Then Thoth, 9 O'clock is Samael. And Ashtaroth is represented in the very Center or Middle. These are the Highest Level Demonic Principalities and Powers of Darkness that they are summoning. And the VISUAL ACTS as a Decode of sorts as to whom/what Entity they are sacrificing to underneath the stage also. The Altar will be strategically placed directly Underground/Subterranean at a Western Wall, which will be positioned also beside a 'Marking Point' Northern Wall. These are their Directions for the Ritual to those who are invited.

Astrologically, the Lion’s Gate occurred at this Time. And to suggest even a deeper image, consider the Motif on the Reverse Side of the Olympic Medallions. It is a Black Hexagram. Others have commented how what was depicted on the Closing Ceremony, occurred in Athens, Greece. Athens started burning. The Acropolis area was smoked-out. Many People had to flee from the Smoke in Athens. One can say, perhaps it was the Revenge of the Titans as the Olympians, along with the Humans conquered the Titans, in Greek Mythology, etc. 

Also, not coincidentally there was a big Earthquake right outside Los Angeles, the Host of the 2028 Olympics on the Day the Mayor landed with the Olympic Flag. If one 3-Dimensionalized it, it is the Black Cube with Rays coming out of it. So, one is convinced that the Paris Olympic Closing Ceremony was their Rehearsal of symbolizing the Manifestation of their Locus King and how Evil Spirits came about as the Fallen Angels reproduce themselves as the Hybrid Nephilim.

These are the Biblical Titans that descended on Mount Olympus. It is the Battle that is depicted on the Side Reliefs of the Altar of Zeus that was at Pergamon. And that was where, according to Jesus, the ‘Seat of Satan’ was and is. Presently, the Altar is situated in Berlin, Germany. What one also noticed about the Olympics this Time around was that as the Luciferian Programming and Broadcasting was intense, so was the Witness of many of the Olympians and Teams resonating with their Personal Testimony of being a Believer and Follower of Jesus. Perhaps the most Iconic Photo of the entire Paris Olympics occurred in the French Department of Tahiti with the Surfboarding Event.

Gabriel Medina showcased the wonder of threading a near-perfect Barrel Ride. The Photographer, Jerome Brouillet just happened to shoot his Camera as Medina appeared to ‘Walk on Air’, as he pointed ‘Up’ with his Right Hand Finger. His Surfboard was also standing straight-up, parallel with the Safety Line attached to his Left Foot. It was an Amazing Photo that appears to defy Gravity. And that is what the Rapture Event will do also. It is after that ‘Death Defying Event’ that the King of the Locusts, the Biblical AntiChrist will be revealed and eventually let-lose to unite the World in the Worship as they all sing the Song of Praise to Apollo.


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