Temples of the Sky Serpents

  • What is the Cydonia Triangulation found in Tikal? 
  • Did the People of Tikal have contace twith Mars?
  • Why were the 'God' associated with Serpents?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to present the Theory that the Ancient Sacred Site of the Mayan Acropolis of Tikal in the Jungles of Guatemala is configured to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation. One is convinced, based on over a Decades worth of Research, that the Cydonia Pyramid Complexes found on Cydonia, Mars are real. And that the Triangulation of the Face, the Pleiades Pyramid City and the Giant Pentagon Pyramid Fortress was constructed by Beings, either Spiritual in Kind or Angelic in Nature.

And that there existed a Civilization on Mars that had direct Communication and Interaction with Earth and on Earth. However, that the Worlds that existed were those that were present before Adam of the Bible was Created by YHVH. This is one’s Working Theory. And the Evidence? You have nearly all Sacred Sites on Earth, both Ancient and even Modern ones now configured in this Triangulation found on Mars. Coincidence? No. Furthermore, one is convinced that the Communication and Interaction of such Beings are still on Mars, underground as they are on Earth, to this Day.

As to this ‘Conspiratorial’ Assertion, one is convinced that the Connection has to do with an ‘Ancient Alien’ Narrative an interaction of how such Beings, identified as Luciferian Fallen Angels have been working with World Elites, Families and Governments under Top Secret Environments and Military Bases. Advanced Technology has been exchanged for Access to Humans to continue with their Genetic Manipulations, etc. Eventually, only after the Rapture Event that removes the Corporate Body of Jesus from Earth will the Full Manifestation of these Beings be allowed.

It will coincide with the Timing and Technology in Lucifer’s attempt at Defacing the Image and Likeness YHVH created Mankind with. This is why the mRNA Type of Injections or Application into Human Bodies will serve to essentially change the Genome of Humanity at the Molecular Level. It will essentially change that Image and Likeness from YHVH’s to Lucifer’s, and his Mark on Humanity will be 666, etc.

In investigating the Theory that Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern are patterned after the Triangulation found in Cydonia, Mars, one has been intrigued why this ‘Martian’ Configuration has not been ‘Known’ or Revealed. Obviously, this Motif has not been allowed to be known to the General Public because of what it insinuates. It runs along the same Lines of the UFO Disclosure. In that case, the Rationale given for not disclosing that UFOs exist and ‘Aliens’ are real is that it would upset the Social Order.

The Original Creation
Beyond that, it is said that the Religious Order would be undermined. Perhaps that could have been said back in the 1940s or after World War 2 when the USA and the World were less sophisticated, Technologically and Spiritually. But one is convinced, that as one comes from a Biblical Frame of Mind and Interpretation, no Christian would have or should have their Faith in Jesus, ‘Shattered’ to the revelation that ‘Ancient Aliens’ exist and Humans are not the only Species of Beings co-inhabiting Planet Earth.

If one has read the Bible and done their ‘Homework’, the Bible alludes to such Beings and World existing prior to Adam. Of course, this is based on the Gap Theory that not all Christians are aware of or believe. One does not need to ‘believe’ in the Gap Theory or debate about whether the Earth is Billions of Years Old or just 6000 Years based on Genesis 1:2, etc. As one has researched this Topic of Cydonia and identified now over 500 Sites on Earth that have this Triangulation Pattern, one is more convinced that the ‘Disclosure’ has been forestalled, intentionally for another Reason. And what is that?

Consider that the Disclosure of the ‘Ancient Alien’ Narrative has to come at a Time that will be used as an Explanation that will address the Rapture Event. If the Alien Disclosure would have been made since the 1940’s and the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation confirmed by the Government and/or Media, it would corroborate what the Bible has insinuated. And the change to keep Humanity deceived by the Luciferians would have no effect on the World’s Population after the Rapture.

It is because the Bible speaks of a Time that the Earth existed but then became ‘Formless and Void’. This insinuates an Original and 1st Creation than what occurred in Genesis 1:2. Genesis 1:1 was that Original Creation. Genesis 1:2 is the ‘Refurbishing’ of the Earth to have been made suitable for Mankind. This is essentially the Gap Theory. And what is more relevant to the Study of the Cydonia Mars Triangulations found on Earth is that there is a War presently raging in heaven and on Earth. It is over Power, Control and Worship. And it is due to the Rebellion of this ‘Anointed Cherub’.

His Name is Hillel or Lucifer, meaning the ‘Light Bearer’. The Bible speaks about how Angels are stationed in Abodes and some left that Station or Post. Then in the Book of Enoch, you have the account of the Incursion of 200 Fallen Angels of the Watcher Class that descended on Mount Hermon in what is now Lebanon. They purposely came to mix the Genome of Humanity. Why? Part of the War of the Angels is that YHVH made Humanity to be Co-Heirs and Rulers with Jesus.

And it is Jesus, the 2ndd Person of the Trinity that became a Man. Jesus was and is that Person that took on Flesh and Blood and Bones. It was for the purpose of rescuing the Fallen Race that YHVH made in Eden. It is because through Eve, the Female and Wife of Adam, Lucifer deceived into joining His Angelic Rebellion and War against YHVH. And the Evidence of this Angelic-Human Alliance is that the Angels mated with the Human Women. This Sexual Union, apparently possible, produced the Giants of Old. The Bible is full of stories of the Giants that the Luciferians have tried to obfuscate and cover-up, like the UFO Phenomena, etc. Why?

Seed of the Serpent

This Triangulation serves as ‘Portals’. You have the Biblical Accounts of how the Jews, under the Command of Moses and Joshua cleared the Promised Land of the Giant Tribes. Then you have the Reason why YHVH destroyed the World that existed, by Noah’s Flood. That Pre-Flood world was different from the World of the Present Day, due to the Genetic Manipulation of Mankind. Sadly, what has come True is the Warning Jesus gave in how His Return would be characterized by the same attempt at Changing Humanity’s Genome, i.e., mRNA Injections with Graphene Oxide, etc.

What one finds rather intriguing is how most Earthly and Human Civilizations venerated a Version of Beings called the Shining Ones. There are countless Creation Myths about how the ‘God’ came down from Heaven in Serpent Ships and were they themselves indented with being a Serpent or Attributes of one. Consider the Meso-American Mythos of their Creator God. To the Aztecs, he is Quetzalcoatl. In the Mayan Culture, he is known as Kukulcan. In the South American he was and is known as Viracocha.

In Teotihuacan, you have the House of the Feathered Serpent. And as one has revealed, its dimensions are exactly of those of the Biblical 4th Temple of Ezekiel. Coincidence? No. Does this not resonate with the Shining one that entered Eden and was the one that deceived her into joining his Rebellion, etc. And in Tikal, what does one find concerning the Triangulation? You also have the Temple of the Serpent. And then you have the Acropolis of the 7 Temples and the Main Palace. These are the 3 Main Structures that encompass Ancient Tikal. Before one identifies and corresponds the Temples to the Cydonia Template, here are some Facts and Information about Tikal for Context.

Tikal is the Ruin of an Ancient City, which was likely to have been called Yax Mutal, found in a Rainforest in Guatemala, approximately 303 Kilometers (188 Miles) North of Guatemala City. It is one of the largest Archeological Sites and Urban Centers of the Pre-Columbian Maya Civilization. The Architecture of the Ancient City is built from Limestone and it is located in the Archeological Region of the Petén Basin. The City-State became one of the most powerful Kingdoms of the Ancient Maya that dates back as far as the 4th Century BC.

Tikal reached its Apogee during the Classic Period, around 200 to 900 AD. During this time, the City even interacted with areas throughout Meso-America, such as the Great Metropolis of Teotihuacan in the distant Valley of Mexico. As early as 200 AD, Teotihuacan had Embassies in Tikal. Some Tikal Noblemen Tombs portray their Lords dressed in the Warrior Garb of Teotihuacan. By AD 250–300 its Architectural Style was influencedTeotihuacan, including the use of the Talud-Tablero Form.

The Great Plaza lies at the core of the Site; it is flanked on the East and West Sides by 2 Great Temple-Pyramids. On the North Side it is bordered by the North Acropolis and on the South by the Central Acropolis. The Central Acropolis is a Palace Complex just south of the Great Plaza. The North Acropolis, together with the Great Plaza immediately to the South, is one of the most studied Architectural Groups in the Maya Culture. The Plaza of the 7 Temples is to the West of the South Acropolis. It is bordered on the East Side by a row of nearly identical Temples, by Palaces on the South and West Sides and by an unusual Triple Ballcourt on the North Side.

Then there is the Mundo Perdido Complex, It was given its Name by the Archeologists of the University of Pennsylvania; it is centered upon the Lost World Pyramid and a small Platform to the West of it. To the South of Mundo Perdido, recent 2021 Excavations have revealed a 1/3 Size Replication of La Ciudadela, or The Citadel, in Teotihuacan. This Area may have been used as a Diplomatic Headquarters and as an effort to further stamp Teotihuacan culture upon the residents of Tikal.

There is evidence that 1 of Tikal's great Ruling Dynasties was founded by Conquerors from Teotihuacan in the 4th Century AD. Following the end of the Late Classic Period, no new major monuments were built at Tikal and there is Evidence that Elite Palaces were burned. These events were coupled with a Gradual Population Decline, culminating with the Site's Abandonment by the End of the 10th Century AD.

The Name Tikal may be derived from ti ak'al, in the Yucatec Maya Language. It is said to be a relatively Modern Name Meaning, ‘At the Waterhole’. Population Estimates for Tikal vary from 10,000 to as high as 90,000 Inhabitants. The Region of Tikal is believed to have suffered War, Deforestation, Erosion and Nutrient loss After 950, Tikal was all but deserted, followed by a rapid decline in Population Levels. Recent Analysis also indicates that the City's Freshwater Sources became highly contaminated. Thereafter, the Rainforest claimed the Ruins for the next 1000 Years.

In 1525, the Spanish Conquistador Hernán Cortés passed within a few Kilometers of the Ruins of Tikal. Then a Spanish Friar, Andrés de Avendaño became lost in 1696 and described a Ruin that may well have been Tikal. Because of the Site's remoteness, no Explorers visited Tikal until Modesto Méndez and Ambrosio Tut visited it in 1848. From 1956 through 1970, major Archeological Excavations were carried out by the University of Pennsylvania Tikal Project. In Modernity, Filmmaker George Lucas used Tikal as a Filming Location for the Fictional Moon Yavin 4 in the 1st Star Wars Film, which premiered in 1977.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikal


One will start with the Southern Acropolis. This is where the Complex of the Plaza is famous for its 2 Opposing Pyramids. Just to the North are the 7 Temples. This corresponds to the 7 Stars of the Pleiades. But the actual Configuration, based on the Size proportions, rests in the Palace just across the Main Plaza. The ‘Handle’ of the Pleiades Outline, in this case like it is at Palenque, is truncated.  Then there is the Temple of the Serpent. It is toward the West-End and amazingly, its Center-Piece is a Face or that Serpent Being or rather the Shining One with Wings, etc.

And who is this Serpent God Creator, this Shining One? According to the Meso-American Mythos, in all 3 Main Civilizations of the Americas, he was a Man with a White Complexion and a Beard. He created the Sun, Moon and the Stars and Humans. He came to ‘Teach’ Humanity Civilization. He had a striking resemblance to Jesus in many Attributes. This Shining One, the ‘Serpent’ came from Heaven, came from the East and is to return at the End of Days or an Age. The inference to the Serpent can also be attributed to Knowledge and Wisdom, etc. He had Disciples accompany him. He was and is the God of the Storms or of Lighting.  According to Research, he made Mankind by breathing into Stones, but his 1st Creation were Brainless Giants that displeased him.

White Saviors

So, he destroyed them with a Flood and made Humans. After creating them, they were scattered all over the World. He had the ability to walk on Water. He ventured throughout the World creating New Civilizations and starting Cities with Temple, etc. He was and is associated with Venus, the Bright and Morning Star. A Cross Motif was designed on his Shield. He was born of a Virgin. He had an Evil Twin Brother associated with the Evening Star or Phase of Venus.

He was associated with showing the Indigenous People how to plant Maize that was a Symbol of Death and Resurrection. After being Crucified as depicted in the Murals of Palenque, he went to the Underworld and created the 5th Sun or Age by offering his own Blood.  As one can sense, the overlap between Ancient Meso-American Christology is striking in comparison to the Gospels. So much so that according to Research, Franciscans such as Toribio de Benavente ’Motolinia’ saw Elements of Christianity in the Pre-Columbian Religions.

He believed that Meso-America had been evangelized before, possibly by Thomas the Apostle. According to legend, he had ‘Gone to Preach beyond the Ganges’. Some early Spanish Franciscans thus equated Quetzalcoatl with the Apostle Thomas. They rationalized that perhaps the Amerindians had long-awaited his return and mistook the Spanish Conquistadors as them or his People, being White, Bearded and on Beast, i.e., Horses. Absurd? Perhaps but consider that the U.S. Mormons believe. This is according to Research. in 1892 1 President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, John Taylor, wrote the following.

‘The Story of the Life of the Mexican Divinity, Quetzalcoatl, closely resembles that of the Savior; so closely, indeed, that we can come to no other Conclusion than that Quetzalcoatl and Christ are the same Being. But the History of the former has been handed down to us through an Impure Lamanitish Source, which has sadly disfigured and perverted the original Incidents and Teachings of the Savior's Life and Ministry. - Mediation and Atonement, Page 194.

Lastly, the Pyramid Complex ‘P’ is what corresponds to the Giant D&M Pentagon Pyramid. Now, on to one’s interpretation of how the Cydonia Mars Triangulation is seen at Tikal. Note that this Configuration can only be assessed from the Air, from a Top View. Thus, consider that the Triangulation was and is meant to be seen by those that could have such abilities to fly or exist in such a Realm, i.e., Princes of the Power of the Air, etc. And this is where the Fallen Angel Narrative comes into play. It is only such Beings that could appreciate and recognize such Sites. And again, one is convinced that these Sacred Sites, based on Gematria, i.e., a Hexagram, served as Star-Gates, Portals that pierced Dimensions, and to this Day.


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Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.​

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Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ on another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This Book suggests that the Triangulations were points of Contention as a Euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the World, in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites. This study will help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks will be about, the ‘Return of the Martian Saviors’.

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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars. The study will involve Astro-Archeology, pertaining to the coming of the Celestial Gate Keepers.

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