Transitioning into the Globalist Reset

  • What are the Signs of the Times the Bible speaks of?
  • Is there a World Transformation that is to occur?
  • ​When is the Globalist Reset to take place?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

Where are we at Prophetically? What are the Signs in Question and that are Converging the signal the End of the Church Age? Let us see the following Partial List of them.

-The COVID Bio-Weapon released upon an unsuspecting World.

-The Greatest ‘Authorized’ Global Medical Experiment in the History of Humanity.

-The Soft-Genocide of Millions now that have taken and are still taking the Shots.

-More Planned Bio-Weaponized Viruses to be released to Reduce Populations.

-Plans to ‘Reset’ the World Monetary System in the conversion to Crypto Currency.

-Big Brother Surveillance States that are aimed to totally Control Populations.

-Loss of Personal Civil Liberties as Censorship and Totalitarianism rises.

-The Disruption in the World Food Supply Chains.

- Food Processing Plants being burned to the ground in the USA and other places.

-Globalist Elites pushing the illumination of eating Meat, but rather Bugs.

-Rise in Suicides, Mental Illness, Drug Use.

-Rise in Lawlessness, Theft, Rape and Robberies.

-Rise in Homelessness, Despair, etc.

-Rise in LGBT+ Agenda, Drag Queen Children’s Hours, Transgenderism.

-Abandonment of Traditional Family Values and rise in Witchcraft and Satanism.

-The Re-Definition of Marriage and the USA not being able to define what a Woman is.

-Rise in Abortion Movement as a U.N. Human Right.

-Bill Gates releasing Bio-Engineered Mosquitoes that are Infecting Humans.

-The Criminalization of Law-Abiding Citizens and releasing Convicted Criminals instead.

-Orchestrated Wars such as in the Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan, the Congo, etc.

-Fostering Millions of Refugees to cross Border in-route to Europe and the USA.

-Inflation of the Prices of Food and Fuel that are projected to go up 400% by 2025.

-Increase in Natural Disasters, Earthquakes and Volcano Eruptions.

-Weather Modifications that foster Flood, Fires, Record Heat and Record Cold Temperatures.

-Numerous Astronomical Signs, Convergences, Conjunctions and Alignments.

-There have now been 5 Red Heifers delivered to Israel.

-A 3rd Temple Rail Line is being drafted to be built to take People to 3rd Temple.

Then Prophetically Speaking, there is the Shemitah Count. Since 1952, it marks the 70-Year Marker to the Countdown of when the 7-Year Tribulation is to start, perhaps in the Fall of 2025. Why is this Biblical Marker included in the List of End Times Signs? Israel is the Sign of the Last Days. Israel, Jerusalem and the 3rd Temple are the Center-Pieces of the End Times. It will all Converge to start the Last Sabbath Cycle of 7-Year or the Last Shemitah, etc. And? One suggests that there might be a 3.5 Year Gap of Time since 2021-22, before the actual Tribulation Period spoken in the Bible begins.

Catalyst Call

One believes the Bible, that the Focal Point of the End Times will center on a coming Man, the AntiChrist that will be proclaimed Israel’s Long-Awaited Messiah. He will Sanction the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple and Divide Israel’s Land for Peace Purposes. He will unite the World in an initial False ‘Peace and Security. His Rallying Cry will center around the Temple in a Hybrid Religion of Judaism, Apostate Christianity and Islam. The Abraham Family House is one Rendition of this Outcome that will be incorporated into the Temple Mount. But before this stage is Set, there has to be a Major Regional War between Islam and the Jews or Israel.

Then the Mark of the Beast will come. And for that to occur, the Rapture Event has to happen prior to that. The USA has also to Fall and be taken out of the Luciferian Globalists way. How so? One believes that the Blueprint of the last Rendition of the Luciferian World Orders has to do with the 3 World Wars planned by the Kabbalist Luciferians. In part, the Secret Societies like the Masons had their Grand Dragon Master Mason, Albert Pike. He outlined these 3 World Wars to usher-in Lucifer to be openly worshipped by all of Mankind as the ‘True God’. The 3rd World War was to be and will be between Islam and ‘Political Zionism’. And the War in the Ukraine is a perfect Catalyst for this Outcome. How so? It will lead to the Gog-Magog War.

Consider that the Ukraine War has disrupted the Wheat Harvests and Food Supply Chains of the World. Millions of People will be soon if not already will be Starving to Death. This is Great News to the Demented Mengele ‘Angels of Death’ Eugenicist Scientists that want Humanity Dead. Then the West, as with NATO and the USA have been sending Billions of Tax-Payer Money to fund the Ukraine War with Assets and Weaponry. This will leave Western Europe and the USA’s Arsenals depleted. This is the desired Outcome of the New World Order Kabbalists that will then sweep-in to control Europe and invade the USA eventually. The American People are now Morally and Mentally Bankrupt. They rather have chosen their warped ‘Woke’ Psychosis.

But something has to give. Despite not knowing all the Prophetic Details, most End Times Students would agree that the Next Major Prophetic Event is the End of the Church Age, as assented by the Rapture Event. One would agree with many End Time Watchers that have said before, that it does Feel like the Calm before the Storm, at least in the USA. One also senses that the Luciferian Globalists know that they are being ‘Restrained’ until the Rapture. In the meanwhile, they are preparing to Double-Down. The Globalists are making sure People will be Sick, Hungry, and Defenseless.

They are making World Conditions so Destitute, to the point that they are making everyone Poor through Inflation and Disruption in the Fuel and Food Supply Chains. The Time is coming and already here in many places in the USA, it is so expensive just to pay for the Bare Necessities or to even own Guns. They are Taxing them out of People’s Hands because it will be made to be so Expensive. This is how the Globalists will go around the 2nd Amendment in the USA. The Luciferians want the USA to become like New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the UK. They are grinding down the Nation to the point that People will trade Guns for Food or Federal Assistance.

Survival of the Fittest

So, if the Rapture does happen in one’s Lifetime, the People of the USA will see major Social Unrest, particularly in the Urban Centers when Fuel and Food start to run out, by Design. The COVID Lock-Downs have no doubt been studied as the Nations like Venezuela, Australia, Canada, China, the Netherlands and Sri Lanka have all been Beta Tests.

They have gathered enough Intel of the Psychology of what People will stand for and endure and who will Resist, etc. It is coming to America and then to the whole World, all at once after the Rapture Event, etc. And when it does, it will go down Fast and Hard, one would think. The Rapture will be the Checkmate, It is any Game Position in Chess in which a Player's King is ‘In-Check’ and there is no possible Escape.

Checkmating the Opponent Wins the Game. Prophetically Speaking, how are all these Signs Above and Below relevant then? Who is to Escape? It is the Bride of Christ that will Escape, as promised by Jesus. Consider that the Rapture Event, which one believes will be the Fuse, the Trigger and the next major Prophetic Event to occur will not start the 7-Year Tribulation Period. It will be a Man, the AntiChrist False Messiah that will start the Day Count once that ‘Covenant is Strengthened’, however that will look like and be. One is more convinced it will be amongst the Sanhedrin of Israel.

One suggests that there will also be a Gap of Time that will allow for that Magor War between Islam and Political Zionism to occur. It will allow for the Orchestrated Chaos to have the Peoples of the World beg for a Savior to come and deal with the Issues. Why? Israel will use the Samson Option. It will go Nuclear against its Inner-Ring of Muslim Enemies, etc. The Rapture Event will also allow for the Great Deception to take hold of the World in how the ‘Ancient Alien’ Agenda will converge.

It will have Lucifer’s Army of Fallen Angels and Demons manifest themselves as the Returning ‘Creators’ and Progenitors of Humanity. They will ‘Disclose’ themselves, come to save Humanity from Total Destruction, etc. How one arrives at this Timeline, is that one believes that Jesus started His Ministry with that Shemitah in 28 AD. It was on Yom Kippur, November 1, 28 AD. Jesus proclaimed the Year of Jubilee on Yom Kippur. And that the Sabbath Cycle follows the 2520 Days of the coming Tribulation Period from that Year Time Marker, etc. And how there could be a3.5 Year or 1260 Day ‘Overlap’ of Time presently since 2021-22. It the suggests the starting Tribulation with the Fall 2025.

As it is known from Daniel, there is that Cutting-Off in the Midst or at the 3.5 or 1260th Day Count. That Year would be 2029, based on this Timeline Model. This is where the Confusion lies, of ‘Who’ is doing that Cutting-Off and Confirming the Covenant? One believes, as with many other End Time Students, that it is a Dual Prophecy of Multiple Layers and a possible 3.5 Year Overlap. It is about both Jesus Christ and the AntiChrist. But this is where many confuse both because Jesus does not ‘Break His Covenant’, etc. That is what the AntiChrist will do. One surmises that the Mid-Tribulation is when the Day Count continues from that point going forward. Jesus’s Ministry started on a Shemitah Cycle, based on one’s Calculation from that November 1, 28 AD Yom Kippur.

Signs in the Sky
Then 1260 Days later was exactly April 14, 32 AD. One has presented Evidence of how the Day had a unique Astronomical Occurrence of a Total Solar and Blood Moon Eclipses, on the same Day. One believes the Apostle Peter, on Pentecost validated this ‘Impossible’ Astronomical Occurrence, on the same Day based on the Prophecy of Joel. But after all, was not the Day of the Death of the Son of GOD, the ‘Great and Terrible Day of the LORD’? Or could it be alluded to? Would not the Death of the Son of Man, in Human Flesh rise to that level? If that does not, not sure what would other than Jesus’ Resurrection and Return.

One has written and mentioned that the world would likewise see this same Astronomical Occurrence happen. This would be due to the Flyby of Planet X at the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period, etc. For example, one wonders what it will look like when that Solar Flare engulfs the Earth to produce a Heat so intense, People will seek Death because of it. Global Warming will be very real then. It will be insane. One suspects it will be an Effect of Planet X’s Flyby and its Perturbations affecting the Sun due to its Proximity. The Tribulation Period, especially the 2nd Half will be the Days of Signs and Wonders as it was for Israel in the Old Testament.

And this type of Astronomical Occurrence could be as a Prophetic Bookmarker of sorts for both of Jesus’ Appearances, perhaps. But, back to this 3.5 Year or 1260 Day Overlap of the 28-35 AD Shemitah superimposed over the 32-39 AD Timeframe. What if the Rapture takes place, coinciding with the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest. But then, the Tribulation Count does not occur for a corresponding 3.5 Year Gap, to then Re-Start in the Fall of 2025?

This would line-up with the Essene Calendar of 2025-26 in how they calculate the Start of the Tribulation Period would commence there and then. Not that one is relying on their Calendar necessarily. But one is biased because they agree with one’s 32 AD Date being the Year of the Crucifixion of Jesus, etc. This 3.5 Year Gap Time, as it was then would just be enough Time for all the Globalist’s Reset List to be fully implemented. They would have in place all that they have worked-up to now, based on such Sign from Above and such Signs from Below.



Then Sudden Destruction
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the End Times World Wars that are coming, according to the Bible. The Topics will focus on the Geo-Political and Spiritual Contention between the Muslims and the Jews. In particular, one aspect of the Conflict will center around the War between Israel and Iran. The book will also look at the  Astronomical Signs above  that accompany such Geo-Political Events below on Earth.

Purchase a Copy on Lulu Books.


A People of Signs and Wonders
What is the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble?' Where does it come from? Where in the Bible does it reference it and what is the Prophetic Context being inferred? This Book attempts to chronicle the various aspects that point to the coming Time when Israel will be in Dire ‘Trouble’. One can argue that since Israel’s Modern ‘Re-Birth’ in 1948, there has been nothing but ‘Trouble’. Why? One will present the Factors that will lead, to what one does interpret will be the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Daniel, known as the 70 Weeks of Years.

Purchase a Copy at Amazon Books.


3 World Wars Israel Still Has To Fight
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Notions of why Jerusalem, of all the Cities on Earth will draw all Nations against her in the Last Days. The Old Testament Prophets wrote of how the entire World would be getting ‘Drunk’ over Jerusalem in an attempt to possess her. Why? Control Jerusalem and one Controls the World. This is predicated on the Biblical Nuance that the City was deliberately placed at the Center of Humanity. It was placed by the Creator of the Universe, of Humanity, that is YHVH.

Purchase a Copy at Amazon Books. 5 Star Rating. * * * * *

In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors, that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times.

Purchase a Copy at Amazon Books. 5 Star Rating. * * * * *


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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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