What is Known and not Known

  • What is the Enoch Year Calendar based on?
  • Can the Rapture Timing be ties to this Calendar?
  • ​What can one expect in the coming Years?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

With every Year that passes by and the Rapture Dates come-and-go, ‘Where Are We At? At such Points in Time, one feels like a Pilot flying 1 of those Planes that enters the Bermuda Triangle and the Instrument Gauges are all spinning. It is at these Times, during the Year, when one takes ‘Inventory’ of what has been known. Here below is one’s Data that has been considered as Benchmarks of Time pertaining to the possible Rapture’s Timing. This itemization can help to regroup to reiterate what one does know, of what could be and one is working with.

As one’s July 23 ‘723 Pentecost New Wine Day Count has come-and-gone, let us see if the up-coming 3 Weeks within this ‘33’ Week of August 13-17 Day Range has anything about it that could pertain to some Rapture Clues in terms of Timing. In one’s Thought, a ‘Last Calling’ could be the Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary. But here again, which Calendar? It would be September 23, 2024, obviously if one uses the Gregorian Day Count. However, if one uses the Biblical Day Count, it will be August 17, 2024. That is where one is at.

July 23, 2024
‘723’ + 50 Days (inclusive) from Feast of New Wine
= September 11, 2024
= Feast of New Oil

July 23, 2024
‘723’ on Full Buck Moon to 9 of Av, Tisha B'Av
= August 13, 2024
= 21 Days ‘777’

August 13-17
= Week 33 of 2024
= Ranges from August 12, 2024 to August 18, 2024

August 13, 2024
= 33rd Week of the 33rd Tuesday.
= 225th Day of the Year (226th in Leap Years) in the Gregorian Calendar
= 140 Days remain until the End of the Year
= Paris Olympics is the 33rd Olympiad

This would be 3 Days after the Rabbinical Calendar of Av 9 of August 13, 2024. (Day starting at Evening.)

August 13, 2024 
To the Revelation 12 Sign of September 23, 2024 = 40 Days
= 9th of Av, 5784

August 17, 2024 
If one uses the 360 Day Calendar and applies that to the Revelation 12 Sign of September 23, 2017, the end day would correspond to August 17, 2024.
= Biblical Year 360 Days/Year x 7 Years = 2520

August 19, 2024
= Tu B’Av (Av 15).
= Jewish ‘Valentines Day’

August 21, 2024
= 7 Years from 2017 Eclipse,1st of 3 Great American Eclipses


That Greek God depicted in the Olympics was Dionysus, the God of Wine. And how on the Official Wikipedia Page, the Paris Olympics started on July 24, just the Day after one’s July 23 Pentecost New Wine Day Count. As with the Revelation 12 Sign, the Luciferians are also tracking the Events of the timing of the New Wine, at last based on the Solar Calendar.

Tishrei 1, 5784 = September 16, 2024
= Rabbinical Calendar

But on the Solar Calendar, October 2 is 1st of Tishrei and is when the 2nd New Year (Jewish Civil) Solar Eclipse occurs. It complements the April 8 Great American Eclipse, which was the 3rd in the Series that started on August 21, 2017. And that occurred on the Jewish Religious New Year, based on the Solar Calendar. It was also, as noted 7 Years ago as was/is the Revelation 12 Sign Anniversary.

Tishrei 1, 5784 = October, 2024
= From Spring Equinox 

As one can read and perceive, the determination to ‘Know’ the Correct Feast Days seems like a continual ‘Goal Post’ moving on the Timeline. If the Day Counts, calculated to Av 9, Tish B’Av and Av 15, Tu B’Av, and the following come-and-go, then one must resolve oneself to consider the Year 2025 with the same July 23 (723) Pentecost New Wine Theory. Personally, one would think it is cutting it to close for the Fall 2025 start of the Tribulation Period. And that is if the Timeline is ‘Correct’. But there were sure a lot of ‘33’ Numerical Factors that are jumping-off the Pages, as they say.

Av 9 = August 13 (Presumed Pentecost New Wine based on Dr. Awe/Tyler Calculation.)

Av 13 = August 17 (7 Year Anniversary of Revelation 12 Sign if use 360 Day/Year Count.)

Av 15 = August 19 (Jewish Valentines Day, ‘Snatching’ of the Brides at Shiloh.)

Av 17 = August 21 (7 Year Anniversary of 1st Great American Eclipse.)

End of the Church Age based on the Enochian-Year?
Note that the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse was 33 Days out from September 23, 2017 Revelation 12 Sign occurring Astronomically. Now, what if the Creation Week Pattern is exclusive of Daniel’s Last Week? Meaning that the Church Age has to complete its ‘2 Days’ or 2000 Years, completely before the Last Shemitah is played-out? So, say if one’s Theory of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year is the Start Year, then the following Equation.

32 AD + 2 Days (2000 Years) = 2032

This would then mean that the Essene Calendar that espouses a Fall 2025 start of the Tribulation Period would be incorrect, as the Year 2032 would then be when, thereafter, the 7-Year Tribulation would need to have started from. However, as it has been said, Prophecy has a Shelf Life. And with the acceleration of World Events, the Rapture Factor has to come into focus fairly soon. If not in this Late Summer/Early Fall, then it is a Total Bust for any given Year that is being observed for the Possible Rapture Timing.

Here below are some more Thoughts on the Timing of when the Church Age ends. In the Bible, 2 Witnesses are required to establish a Matter. One will implement this Supposition given the Day-to-Year Ratio of Prophetic Time-Keeping to possibly ascertain when the Church Age is to conclude, etc. It stipulates that 1 Day is as 1000 Years, and 1000 Years is as 1 Day in YHVH’s Delineation of Time.

Thus, if one were to superimpose this Day-to-Year Ratio Equation with what one surmises was/is the Crucifixion Year of 32 AD, what Year would 2000 Years coincide with? One will consider 2 Standard Versions of Calendars, the Solar 365 Day/Year one and then the Enochian 360 Day/Year one. These Day Counts are an Approximation.

1) 2000 YEAR (365/DAY COUNT) = 730,000+ DAYS (Considering Julian Conversion.)

April 32 AD + 2000 Years = 2032
If one subtracts the 7-Year Tribulation Period = 2025

2) 2000 YEAR (360/DAY COUNT) = 720,000 DAYS
April 32 AD + 720,000 Days = 2003

Cannot be based on the Biblical Year as the Time-Frame has passed.

2000 Years x 364 Day/Year = 728,000
April 32 AD + 728,000 Days = 2025
If one adds the 7-Year Tribulation Period = 2032

This Calculation, based on the Enochian Calendar would be in-sync to the Tribulation Period Timeline, that one is presently speculating. This Correlation could be the Key in how the Day-to-Year Ratio Pattern would complete the 2000 Years of the Church Age, being as if it were ‘2 Days’. And again, this is based on the Creation 7-Day Pattern, etc.

Fall 2025 to Fall 2025

Note that in these general Calculations, the Years 2025 and 2032 reoccur. The Point is that regardless of which Timeline one is considering, they are all just showing how close the End of the Church is. And in turn, it shows just how close the Rapture is to conclude this ‘Pentecostal Intermission’ that has lasted for 2 Days or 2000 Years. Now, will it be based on the Enochian 364 Day/Year Calendar then? It is only a Suggestion to consider.


© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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