Return of Jesus in 2032?

  • Is lsrael's Life Expectancy an End-Times Sign?
  • How is Calab's Age a possible Clue for this?
  • Does these 2 Factors predict the Return of Jesus?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The Life Expectancy for Israel in 2024 was 83.63 Years, a 0.17% increase from 2023. What if this Numerical Factor is the Clue or Key in helping determine who and what is or will be the ‘Last Generation’? Is this the Fig Tree Generation that Jesus warned about would see His Return to Earth? Consider the following Detail. Israel’s War of Independence, formally ended with the 1949 Armistice Agreements, which established the Green Line demarcating the Territory of a Sovereign Israeli State.

The 1949 Armistice Agreements were signed between Israel and Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. They formally ended the Hostilities of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and also demarcated the Green Line, which separated Arab-Controlled Territory. Then Jordan had annexed the West Bank (Ancient Highlands of Judea and Samaria). Then the Egyptians occupied the Gaza Strip. This lasted until Israel’s Victory in the 1967 Conflict called the 6-Day War. Consider the following Equation.

February 24, 1949 + 83.63 Years = 2032.63 – 7 Year Tribulation Period = 2025

Then consider the following Year Count. If one presumes the Israeli Life Span is to increase to 84 Years by 2025, then the Following.

May 14, 1948 + 84th Year = 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation Period = 2025

Well, how does this possibly Year factor into the Rapture Timing? If one uses the Start Year of 1949, when Israel won its Independence War, then the Life Expectancy coincides with one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period of 7 Years, all-inclusive. It is the case that one wishes to highlight that prior to 2025, the Year 2024 saw some amazing Astronomical Occurrences. Consider the ones highlighted as follows. There was the Double 7-Year Anniversary of Celestial Signs. There were the 3rd Great American Eclipses and the Revelation 12 Sign.

There was the Comet C/2023 A3 in Virgo that Crisscrossed it, as to Mark the Spot with an ‘X’. This same Celestial Motif occurred with the 3rd Great American Eclipses in how they too, ‘Marked the Spot’ with an ‘X’ Motif, topographically across ‘Virgin America’, etc. As far as the Astronomical Aspect of the Revelation 12 Sign is concerned, it will have served its Astronomical Shelf-Life in 2024. This is at least, as one surmises, that the Sign is to be fulfilled Prophetically at the Mid-Tribulation or the Year 2029, based on one’s Timeline. As far as the Church Age is concerned, the Revelation 12 Sign had cast its Shadow, Retro-Actively.

Happy New Year
The Great Sign in Virgo, occurring Astronomically, has served to ‘Wake-Up’, many Believers and Followers of Jesus since 2017. Then as to the 3 Great American Eclipses? They were a 3-2-1 Countdown to the Nineveh Judgment of the USA to begin. The National Judgment of the USA is surely coming. Note the following ‘Count Down’ of the October 2, 2024 Jewish Civil New Year Solar Eclipse. This was an Annular or Ring of Fire or Wedding Ring Type of Solar Eclipse. It started over the Pacific Ocean and ended-up in Patagonia. And in what Sign did the Eclipse occur? In Virgo.

This October 2, 2024 ‘Wedding Ring’ Annular Solar Eclipse started on the Jewish Civil New Year, of Tishri 1. Amazingly, it complemented the Total Solar Eclipse on the Jewish Religious New Year, back on April 8, 2024, being Nisan 1. And guess where the Maximum occurred? Over Easter Island or ‘Passover’. The only ‘Land’ or in this case, Island that went totally Dark was Easter Island, just like Egypt went totally Dark when the Hebrews left Egypt on that 1st Passover, etc. It then ended its Trajectory in the Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia. This is in the Southern Tip of South America.

Here is its possible Prophetic Signaling, perhaps. In Spanish, Tierra del Fuego means Land of Fire. And Pata-Gonia’s Entomology comes from the reference to the Giants living in the Land. The Word is derived from Feet, Pata or Peda to infer ‘Big Feet’ or ‘Big Foot’, etc. One wonders if the Prophetic Inference is to suggest some Lands are going to go up in Flames or Fire, maybe even Atomic Fire and Darkness? And that the Return of the Giants is to accompany what is to occur after the Rapture in some way. It is, after all, what the Book of Enoch foretells is exactly what the Last Generation will experience.

Then there is that Comet Atlas, C/2024 A3 that is streaking across the same Constellation of Virgo in 2024. This Comet came out of nowhere from Serpens. And not until 2012 did it start moving. And then only in 2024 did it enter Virgo. But spectacularly, it then does an About-Face and crisscrosses it again in 1 Weeks’ Time. It is as if to Highlight it. One sees it as a Missile Bombardment that the Nation of Israel, that the Virgo Motif represents is presently going through, etc. Will this Time-Frame be when the 7-Front All-Assault of the Muslims engage with Israel, i.e., the Psalm 83 War?

Is that the Time that Israel unleashes its Samson Option and rains ‘Fire’ and Darkness on the Lands of Syria, i.e., the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus.  So, given all these very interesting Astronomical Events to consider, will the Rapture occur then ‘Suddenly’? Or perhaps sometime thereafter in 2025? Time will tell. If so, it will be cutting it close as one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline is still a possibility. This is based on one’s Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory of a July 23 (723).

Many End-Times Watchmen are sounding the Alarm of the escalating War between Israel and its Muslim Neighbors, etc. One is convinced it will be a Nuclear Isaiah 17 Prophetic Footsteps to the Destruction of Damascus Crescendo. And that, in one’s Estimation will coincide with the ‘Water’ Breaking of all these Labor Pains as the Sons and Daughter of Glory will be ‘Birthed’ out of this World and into the Heavenly one. This Scenario would very well constitute the ‘Sudden Destruction’ Reversal of Events.

A Factor of 77
If this Birthing of the ‘Sons of Liberty’ in Jesus, Metaphorically is to be considered, then so should the Maturing of Israel in regard to the Main Topic of this study, Israel’s Life Span. Since the Average Life Expectancy is 83 Years as of 2024, what does that mean for what Israel is to experience also in terms of its own ‘Birthing’ and/or Maturing as had the Church Age Believers and Followers of Jesus at the End of the Church Age? In that case it pertained to the Age of Caleb. What? How so? 

Consider the following Year Correlations based on the Old Testament Characters. YHVH judged the People of Israel by making them wait 40 Years to enter the Promised Land, except for Joshuah and Caleb. As a result of the Rebellion at Mount Sinai and for the Bad Report of the 10 Spies, every Israelite and Company, 20 Years Old or older, had to die in the Wilderness. It has been surmised that Joshua and Caleb were approximately 77 Years Old when they took possession of the Promised Land, once the New Generation crossed the Jordan River into what would be called Israel. Consider that in 2025, Israel will have entered its 77th Year since being ‘Reborn’ in 1948.

‘Then the Sons of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, You know what the LORD said to Moses the Man of God at Kadesh-Barnea about you and me. I was 40 Years Old when Moses, the Servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh-Barnea to spy out the Land, and I brought back to him an Honest Report. Although my Brothers who went with me made the Hearts of the People melt with Fear, I remained Loyal to the LORD my GOD’. -Joshua 14:6-8

Israel Reborn and Entered Land in 1948 + 77 Year Caleb Factor = 2025

Ona side note, a Researcher named Karl Lawley has done a Psalm-Based Timeline of the Tribulation Period. He also surmises a Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Time-Frame, and with 32 AD being the Crucifixion Year, etc. What he does is correlate the Psalms of Ascent, starting with Psalm 125-132. But he also parallels them, starting with Psalm 77 to 84. Thus, the Psalm 77, corresponds to the Year 2025 that starts the 7-Year Tribulation, in the Fall. Note that in this Correlation, Psalm 124 would correspond to the Rapture.

Year:      2025     2026     2027     2028     2029     2030     2031     2032
125        126      127      128       129        130     131        132
Psalm:      77         78         79        80          81         82        83          84

It is mere ‘Coincidence’ that the Psalm 77 corresponds to the Age of Caleb when he took possession of his Inheritance once the Hebrew crossed into the Promised Land? The Generation of Joshua and Caleb forfeited possessing the Promised Land because of their Unbelief and Reservations. However, the 2 Exceptions were Joshua and Caleb who did cross into the Promised Land. In fact, they were the only ones from the 3+  Million Throng of the Israelites and Company who did. Caleb and Joshua were about 40 Years Old when they had spied-out the Land of Canaan. And the Bad Report was mainly due to how there were Giants in the Promised Land. This was of course the Luciferian Ploy to Genetically saturate the Promised Land with such Beings to deter it from being possessed.

Possessing the Promise

To this Day, those Peoples siding against Israel seek to prevent her from Possession all of its Allotted Land that was Promised by YHVH Himself. But it takes the Joshua’s and Caleb’s of YHVH’s People to endure and persevere in the midst of ‘Bad Reports’ in the World. In terms of this Application corresponding to the Church Age, it is incumbent upon Followers of the Greater Joshua and Caleb, Jesus, the Captain of one’s Salvation that has cleared the Land of its Spiritual Giants. And the Bride to Christ must press on in the Fight that it is, although a Spiritual One.

If Lucifer cannot keep Jesus from bestowing Salvation by Liberating the Captives from Sin, as He did with Liberating the Hebrews from Egypt and its Pharaoh, then Lucifer seeks to keep the Disciples of Jesus from entering the Kingdom and its Heavenly Rewards, etc. So, back to the Contemporary Effort of National Israel to totally possess the Promised Land since 1948?

What if Israel is to totally Possess the Promised Land, as in the Highlands of Ancient Judea and Samaria after the Psalm 83 War and Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus? Israel will then take these Possessions due to how it becomes this ‘Old’ or Mature as was Caleb exactly on its corresponding 77th Year. Amazing, no? If so, then consider the following Year Counts. Note that in 2029, that is the Year that one is surmising will be the Mid-Point of the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline.

1. 77 Years Old in 2025.         From 1948
2. 77 Years Old in 2029.         From 1952 (1st Shemitah Count back in the Promised Land.)

Because of the People's Unbelief, Caleb had to wait before he and Joshua could enter the Promised Land. Caleb was from the Tribe of Judah and was a Leader of Israel after the Death of Joshua. Some End Times Students of the Bible surmise that Caleb was around 84 Years Old when he literally took possession of his Inheritance. Why then?

                                            Age of Caleb

77        78        79        80        81        82        83        84
                        1          2          3          4         5          6          7        
       Entered                                                                   Possessed

Consider that it is believed by some that Israel was fighting the Canaanites for a Period of 7 years. Here is the Parallel Timeline then of the 7-Year Tribulation. All that to say that Caleb entered the Promised Land at Age 77, but it was only 7 Years later that he possessed his Inheritance. That is a Prophetic Model, in one’s Estimation of who Modern Israel will likewise inherit the Promise Land, entirely; only when the Greater Joshua comes to partition it.

If Caleb can be seen as a Prophetic Type of the whole of Israel, then consider that it would be in 2032 that the 84th Year occurs and according to one’s Timeline, it is when Jesus returns. This Notion is based on the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline. And how from 32 AD, one’s surmised Crucifixion Year, 2000 Years = 2032.

In the 77th and 84th Year
This 84 Year Life Expectancy of Modern Israel would factor in the Supposition that the Countdown from Israel’s Return to the Promised Land started in 1948, then on its 84th Year.

May 14, 1948 to September 11, 2032
= 30,801 Days
= 84 Years 3 Months 28 Days
= 1011 Months
= 4400 Weeks

But if one considers the Year 1952 as an Alternative Count to base the Psalm 90 Prophetic Template of 70 and 80 Years, if by Strength, then the following Year Count is also to be considered that synchronized with 2025 and 2032. That is when the Shemitah or Sabbath Cycles of the Land’s Rest are taken into account.

1952 Shemitah Year (4th Year of Tree Planting Law) + 80 Years = 2032 – 7 = 2025

If one then uses this Sabbath of the Land Cycle Count from 1952, rather than from 1948, then 80 Year, per Psalm 90 would render the End Year as 2032. And then if one uses the same Psalm to factor in the 70 Year Notion, then that End Year, using the 1948 Declaration of Israel’s Independence would be 2018. One would then count the subsequent Sabbath Cycles of 7 Years from there to alternately come to the Year 2032.

1948 + 70 Year (Psalm 90) = 2018 + 7 Year Sabbath = 2025 + 7 Year Sabbath = 2032




Why the Planet is in Peril
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation. It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against one’s Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is one’s Soul. Why? ​​



End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come. 


Then Sudden Destruction
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the End Times World Wars that are coming, according to the Bible. The Topics will focus on the Geo-Political and Spiritual Contention between the Muslims and the Jews. In particular, one aspect of the Conflict will center around the War between Israel and Iran. The book will also look at the Astronomical Signs above that accompany such Geo-Political Events below on Earth. Lastly, the Book will delve into how the Church Age plays in all this and how Israel will resort to a False Messiah that will promise them, a false sense of Peace and Security.  


Zero Hour U.S.A.
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the USA.  The various chapters will be based on one’s Political Science background but incorporated and interpreted through a Biblical Lenses and Prophetic Filter. What does '72 To Monkey' means? It is hat in a period of 72 Hours, ‘All Hell will Break Lose’. It is, that after a Period of 72 Hours from a given Time Marker, an unavoidable and certain aftermath is to occur. And that is why one chose that Title for the Information one is providing pertaining to the coming ‘Zero Hour’ USA. 


In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors, that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. 


© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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