Wars Above, Battles Below

  • Is there an Un-Seen Spiritual Realm? Is it real?
  • If there are Spiritual Being, how do they Manifest?
  • Why do they appear during Times of Stress/Wars?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

‘Put on the Full Armor of GOD, so that you can make your stand against the Devil’s Schemes. For our Struggle is not against Flesh and Blood, but against the Rulers, against the Authorities, against the Powers of this World’s Darkness, and against the Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavenly Realms. Therefore take up the Full Armor of GOD, so that when the Day of Evil comes, you will be able to Stand your Ground, and having done Everything, to Stand’.
–Ephesians 6:11-13

If one is remotely familiar with the Biblical Account of Creation or what the Bible says or is about, one will usually refer to the Stories of Genesis. Most People are somewhat aware of the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, Noah’s Flood, etc. But what is the constant underlying Prophetic Current that is seen across both the Old and New Testament is how there is a ‘Struggle’ or War going on, presently. And Humanity is caught right in the Middle; it is Center-Stage. Why?

Realize that this Struggle or War started way before Humanity was created in Genesis. It occurred with the Rebellion of Lucifer in Heaven. And out of all that is created in terms of a Place and a Time, the Fall of Lucifer happened and happens to be tied directly to Earth and Humanity. Why? It is that although this Struggle or War did not start with Humans, it will end with it. From Genesis to Revelation, one can see how this War and its various Battles have occurred since Eden. How so?

In Eden, YHVH created the 1st Human, Adam. And then subsequently, YHVH ‘constructed’ Eve out of the Material of Adam, etc. But in this Garden of Eden, there was Innocence, Direct Fellowship or Relationship with the Creator. There was no Sin, no Rebellion, concerning Humanity, at that Point in Time. However, for some Reason ye to be fully Understood, Lucifer, the Rebel by this Time had access to Eden. And in dealing with Eve, Lucifer as the ‘Shining One’ introduced Deception and Doubt that led to the 1st Humans joining his Cause, his ‘Gospel’. And this is where the Struggle or War began for Humanity.

Due to disobeying the 1 Rule given in Eden by YHVH to Humanity, Humanity not only became at ‘Odds’ or as the Bible called at Enmity between Humanity and its Creator, YHVH, but it became at Enmity against each other. Hello ‘Battle of the Sexes’ just as much. So, this Enmity began in Genesis but will End at Revelation. And one’s Point is that the Bible is a Storyline of this Enmity or War and its many Battles that had been fought, are being fought and will still be fought. It is where in Genesis, YHVH pronounced the Curse of the War of the Seeds.

Seed War
This had to do and has to do with the Seed of the Woman, the Messiah and the Seed of the Serpent, Lucifer. This is Amazing because as Christians, one’s interpretation of Genesis is that it was and is and will be Jesus who was, is and is forever that Seed of the Woman. And it is He that was foretold to crush the Head of Lucifer, but not before Lucifer would ‘bite’ the Heel of the Woman’s Seed. It was a Mutual Duel to the Death of Both. But the Miracle and Promise was and is that the Seed of the Woman, true to a Seed’s Constitution, had to be planted in the Earth, then Die, but to then ‘Germinate’ or be Reborn anew.

Obviously, this Prophetic Picture refers to the Promised Savior that became the Messiah of Israel and the World. And it was at Calvary that this literally took place. Even the Constellations in the Sky ‘communicated’ this Universal Truth. But what is still occurring on Earth and in Heaven is a State of War. Although Lucifer has been technically and discovery defeated, the vanquishing of him and his Cadre of Rebel Angelic Beings that sided with him, along with the Demons of the Disembodied Giants, will not occur until the End of the Millennial Kingdom. This is after the White Throne Judgment, in the Timeline, according to one’s Interpretation of the Bible Narrative, etc.

So, from Genesis to Revelation, one can see this Struggle, this Enmity, this War rage on Earth. In every Generation, there have been those Battles that have either been won or lost by YHVH’s People. You have amazing Accounts of Courage, Bravery and Sacrifice. And then you have Disobedience, Defeat and Disaster that befalls YHVH’s People in this Spiritual Warfare. It is really a Mirror on Earth of what is also occurring in Tandem in the Heavenlies or in Heaven itself. Which, contrary to popular perspective, Heaven and Eden were and are in a State of War.

Lucifer and his Fallen Angels still have Administrative Rights to the Court of Heaven, for some Mysterious Reason yet to be fully understood. But it will only be during the Time of the Book of Revelation that the Revelation 12 War will ensue and conclude with Lucifer being Expelled from Heaven, forever. But it is in the Heavenlies that such Celestial Entities also abode according to the New Testament. The Gospels and Epistles describe how this 2nd Heaven is where such Powers reside. And they are delineated into various Ranks of Rebellion. According to the Apostle Paul, for example, in Ephesus, he delineates those Powers of Darkness.

It is he and others that expose this Struggle, this Enmity, this Angelic War that is raging, presently. And it is in the Heavenlies where such Entities live, move and have their Being, etc. The Apostle Paul taught that there is a Present Struggle or War that one needs to be putting-on the ‘Full Armor of GOD’. And it is to withstand the Schemes of Lucifer. So, there you have it. Lucifer is scheming Humanity. That is part of this Struggle as it is a 3-Fold Assault. This Assault comes from Satan, from Self and then from Society. And? And these Assaults come from these Spiritual Entities that share Earth with Humans. Humanity is not alone on this Planet, mind you. It never has been. This is especially True if one holds to the Gap Theory as one does. The Gap Theory is defined by what was in-between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. And?

Heavenly Realm
Well, these Dark Entities reside in the 1st Heaven, the Atmosphere or Earth, as in the Sky, the Clouds, etc. The 2nd Heaven is the Cosmos, and the 3rd Heaven is where Heaven exists. This is where the Dimensions of YHVH reside and such Angelic Beings, both Holy and Wicked traverse in-and-out of. And this is what one will be touching upon in terms of the War in Israel. One will be highlighting how some People noticed strange Black Streaks of Smoke that traversed throughout the City of Tel-Aviv when Iran launched its 2nd Ballistic Missile attack against  Israel on October 1, 2024.

This was on the Eve of the Rabbinical Civil New Year. And it so happened it was when the Annular Solar Eclipse passed over Easter Island in the Pacific. Easter Island is in reference to Passover, etc. And what are these Black Streaks of Darkness? These are the Manifestations of what the Apostle Paul warned about these Entities that exist in these Realms Above and affect Events and People Below. They are categorized into 4 Major Types of Darkness controlled and operated by Lucifer’s Domain. They are the  following.

3-Powers of this World’s Darkness
4-Spiritual Forces of Evil

Now, realize that without the Victory in Jesus, Humanity, that was captured as Hostages by Lucifer in the Garden of Eden would have perished for all Eternity. But it was how Jesus came as the Final Adam to redeem or purchase back Adam’s Fallen Race of Humanity. YHVH did this because, in some marvelous way, Humanity is Special and He has set His Love, Favor and Purpose upon a Redeemed Humanity. But this is now contingent and only efficacious if every individual Human Being avails itself of this Divine Promise of Provision. The Alternative is to then be Judged and Condemned along with Lucifer and his Angels on Judgment Day.

Upon Jesus Resurrection and Ascension, He sent down the Holy Spirit to indwell the Followers and Believers in Jesus. They have the Power of a Resurrected Christ who has been given now All Power and All Authority. And it is with the Power of Obedience and a Sin-Confessed Life that one ‘Puts on Christ Jesus’. This is the Armor. And as one heard, the Analogy used by Paul was of a Roman Soldier. But one can make approximate Parallels Inferences to what the High Priest of Israel also whore. There was a Helmet or Head Covering with a Crown that said, ‘Holiness unto YHVH’.

There was the Breast-Plate that had the 12 Precious Stones that protected the Vital Organs, the Heart. There was the Sash or Belt that was the Ephod, etc. And it is through Prayer and Knowing and Recounting the Promises of YHVH in the Scriptures that is the Sword of the Word. This is how Lucifer was Defeated, then as now. And that is how one should engage when the Enmity or Struggle or War as in Battles come knocking on one’s Door. And as a Follower and Believer in Jesus, it is not a matter of if but when. Lucifer will come to ‘Sift you as Wheat’.

Jinn (Genies) in the Battles
Now, all this is in Context and Background for what one will address in the following Segment. It has to do, as noted that during the Iran Ballistic Missile Attack on Israel during the Rosh HaShanah Timeframe, as the Missiles and Drones were exploding and Lighting-Up Tel-Aviv at Night, there appeared these Black Streaks of Smoke or Dark Entities over the City. They were very subtle and some People conjecture they were Satellite or Screen Anomalies, Glitches, etc. But if one studies the Broadcasts, frame by frame, these Dark Entities are the stuff of which have been noticed and captured on video in other Places and at other Times. Below is the Context of how it was reported in an Iranian News Outlet, accusing Israel of unleashing Jinn’s. Or as in Jennies, as in Desert Spirits, i.e., Demons. The Jewish People call them ‘Dybbuks’.

Iranian Cleric: Jews have had access to genies since Davidic Times

As Israel continues to demonstrate impressive intelligence capabilities by eliminating much of the leadership of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, some of its enemies are reportedly attributing supernatural powers to the Jewish State.

Iranian opposition news site Iran International published a recording from a televised interview given by an Iranian cleric close to the Ayatollah's regime accusing the Jewish people of trapping and employing djinn, or genies, for three thousand years, as well as using science fiction technology.

Iranian Shia seminary teacher Mostafa Karami claimed, "Considering the Zionists' history of subjugating genies, they carry out many of their missions through this means, and demons are their secret army."

"They [the Jews] have had access to genies and cosmic science since the time of David and Solomon," he added. "Historically, they have always used genies, their documents and traditions proved that. They have used genies and demons for warfare and intelligence operations throughout history."

Source: Israel National News


Posted on X

An Islamic Regime Mullah, Mostafa Karami, who regularly speaks on behalf of the Terrorist Islamic Regime in Iran, just said that Israel was successful in eliminating Nasrallah & Hezbollah because ‘Jews use Genies for Military Operations’.

I'm not joking.

Iranian-Canadian Politician. Proud Constitutional Monarchist. Raising Awareness on #IRGCTerrorists & Islamofascists in Canada. #KingRezaPahlavi

Historical Horrors
Thus, as one can surmise, the Earthly Warfare over Israel is just emblematic of the Spiritual War that is occurring in Tandem. One can see this Warfare Thread throughout the Bible. Beginning with Adam and Eve, it continued with Cain and Abel. Then you have the Israelites in Egypt. Then there were the Amalekites that sought to Curse Israel through Balaam. Then you had Moses and Joshua battle the Giants of the Promised Land. You and the Christophany of Jesus, as the Counterpart to Joshua, ‘Jesus’ who was fighting the Natural Inhabitants of the Promised Land.

Then you had King David against the Giant Goliath. Then there were the Philistine that plagued Israel during the Days of the Judges, as with Samuel, Samson, Gideon, Barak, etc. Then you had Ahab and Jezebel seeking to murder the Prophet Elijah, Athaliah seeking to murder Baby Joash. Then you had the Murder of the Priest named Zechariah in the Temple that Jesus put on as responsible the Sanhedrin for doing. Then you had Elisha opening the Eyes of his Servant to see the Warfare on Earth reflected by the Armies in the Heavenlies.

Then you have many Opposers to the Gospel like Alexander in the New Testament. Then presently, there is the Accuser of the Brethren that is against the Church Body of Jesus on Earth. Then in the Future, there will be the AntiChrist that will be against those People that come to Jesus during the Tribulation. Then there is that Revelation 12 War where Lucifer and his Wicked Angles seek to invade Heaven one last Time, directly. But the Attack is repelled and Lucifer and his Angles are instead thrust upon the Earth. And even after Jesus returns and sets-up His 1000 Year Kingdom, there will be that last Gog-Magog War at the End of the Millennium, etc. Now, most of these Struggles or Enmities have been Collective, against Israel and then the Church Body.

But there is also individual Struggle, as mentioned with not only Satan, but one’s Sin and what Society wars against one’s Mind, body and Soul. It is through the same Temptation of Eve that such a Warfare is conducted, through the Lust of the Eye, and the Desire of the Flesh, and the Pride of Life, etc. These are the Venues in which the Spirit World and all those Principalities and powers mentioned can have access and Authority in one’s Mind, Body and Spirit. As it is, many Humans delight in Wickedness and seek Communion with such Entities because they receive Knowledge, Power and Authority. In the case of Israel, let us consider why Tel-Aviv was where such Dark Entities apparently manifested, enough to be captured by Cameras.

Consider that Tel-Aviv is presently the Hub of where the core of the Jews have resided in the whole of what is now Modern Israel, since 1948. But Tel Aviv is an ancient outcropping of Jaffa where an Ancient Monolith Center and Settlement was situated. It was and is a Spiritual Portal that is Triangulated when Magic, Medicine and Blood Rituals are incorporated. Suffice to say that Tel-Aviv is also where presently, it is considered the Gay Capital of the World. It is thus energized by this Spirit of Perversion that dominates over this City. And those that study the Paranormal, assert that such Dark Entities thrive on the Suffering of the Innocence, to include Killings, Violence and Sexual Perversion.

For example, Tel-Aviv has more Bars and Night Clubs in all of the Core of the Middle East. Most that reside in the City are those that consider themselves ‘Secular Jews’. And with that, they are most likely Atheists, Leftists, and in many cases, used Drugs for Recreation Purposes and would consider themselves Spiritualists. So, one’s Point is that such a Composition of a Population would foster more so a Spiritual Disposition to have such Dark Entities be manifested during the Bombardment of the City that caused Chaos and Death. Also consider that the capture of such Images of these Dark Entities have also been captured in other places.

For example, they have been captured in Turkey, in Texas, in broad Day-Light. Then it was captured, likewise during the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse, which happened to also fall on the Rabbinical Religious New Year. Coincidence? No. Now the News Article referenced stipulated that the Iranians are blaming the Jews and accusing them of utilizing these Dark Entities for their Military Purposes. But in this case of Iran lobbing Ballistic Missiles at Israel, most were said to have been intercepted and there was Minimal Death that occurred. But being the Middle East, the Culture of there being Jennies in a Bottle as Desert Spirits goes back before Abraham.

One’s Point is that it is not only the ‘Jews’ that perhaps could or do employ such Spiritual Entities. But there is precedence to this Claim. How so? Consider that according to the Talmud, King Solomon controlled 70 or 72 of these Spirit Entities or Demons. It was through his Ring. In one aspect of the Mythos, it is explained how Solomon bound the Powerful Asmodeus in the task of helping him construct the Temple of YHVH. Imagine that? Now, if the IDF or other Modern Military Forces use such Dark Entities for their Military Purposes? Of course. What?

Well, it is just veiled in a more Modern Sophisticated Vernacular. Such Endeavors are called ‘Special-Ops’, ‘Dark Projects’, etc. For example, it is understood that the Soviets, the Americans, the Chinese use Remote Viewers that Tap into this Realm spoken about and defined by the Apostle Paul. Then you have the ESP Extra-Sensory Perception Projects where the U.S. Military and that of other Nations have experimented with the Supernatural and/or the Paranormal. There are some Whistleblowers who have exposed how the Military of the USA, as 1 Primary example, are working with ‘Aliens’ but are really Fallen Angels.

And these Dark Screeches that are captured on Film are the disembodied spirits of the Giants of Old that were destroyed and seek a Host, a Body. And the Prize is a Human Body/Host, etc. So, according to the Bible, these Dark Entities are real, evil and part of the Agents that war and battle against Humanity. And War, Suffering, Violence and Killing of People, especially the innocent is what delights Lucifer. Humanity would not stand a Chance if it were not for Jesus’ Victory at the Cross of Calvary. But any Human Being, not covered by the Blood of the Lamb, of Jesus is as they say, a ‘Sitting Duck’. They have no Divine Protection and are as Sheep without a Shepherd. And the Evil Wolves, the Roaming Lion, that is attributed to Lucifer is seeking whom to devour.

So, this late iteration of the War of the Seed of the Woman against the Seed of the Serpent is literally manifesting themselves over Israel in a literal way. But it is just emblematic of the Spiritual Warfare that is currently raging for each Mind, Body and Soul of every Human on the Planet. And with Jesus, in Jesus, there is Total Projection. This is however, aside from what GOD allows as part of having to go through Appointed Suffering, personally or in one’s Community, State, Province or Nation.

The Video and Picture of the Dead Sin-War HAMAS Leader, dead in the Rubble? What a Spectacular and Haunting Image. One has to say that the IDF’s Reach is indeed Long and Deep. No Muslim Enemy of the Jews is Safe. One heard from 1 Palestinian Commentator that most Palestinians loathed him.

Sin-War was an Evil Man and had no Problem offering every Palestinian Child, Woman and Man, down to the last 1 of them for the sake of Destroying the Jews and Israel. He mentioned that secretly, most Palestinians are relieved that Sin-War is Dead as many Syrians openly celebrate the Death of Nasrallah of Hezbollah. This how the Spiritual War where such Dark Entities exist is played-out in the Realm of Humans.





A People of Signs and Wonders
What is the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble?' Where does it come from? Where in the Bible does it reference it and what is the Prophetic Context being inferred? This Book attempts to chronicle the various aspects that point to the coming Time when Israel will be in Dire ‘Trouble’. One can argue that since Israel’s Modern ‘Re-Birth’ in 1948, there has been nothing but ‘Trouble’. Why? One will present the Factors that will lead, to what one does interpret will be the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Daniel, known as the 70 Weeks of Years.


In the Midst of the Tribulation 
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. 


3 World Wars Israel Still Has To Fight
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Notions of why Jerusalem, of all the Cities on Earth will draw all Nations against her in the Last Days. The Old Testament Prophets wrote of how the entire World would be getting ‘Drunk’ over Jerusalem in an attempt to possess her. Why? Control Jerusalem and one Controls the World. This is predicated on the Biblical Nuance that the City was deliberately placed at the Center of Humanity. It was placed by the Creator of the Universe, of Humanity, that is YHVH.



Burden of the Nations
This Book ascertains Events surrounding Israel as the Fig Tree Nation and how it is being contested by the Nations and coming from the Muslim Arabs who call themselves ‘Palestinians’. It is a ‘Battle over Zion’ and who will get that as the ‘Winner takes All’. This was not the case initially when the Palestinians had a chance at having their own State. They rejected the U.N. Partition Plan in 1947. This Book will examine the Political, Social, Religious Factors of how Israel is fast approaching its Rendezvous.


He Who Comes in His Own Name
The purpose of this Book is to correlate the first 13 Kings of both the Kingdoms of Judea and Israel with that of the first 13th ‘Kings’ of Modern Day Israel in terms of its Prime Ministers since 1948. This study suggests that perhaps the 13th Person to Rule the Modern State of Israel will have a Parallel Destiny in terms of what the Number 13 means, what the Term might represent, and if it could be associated with the last Ruler of Israel before the Rightful King returns, Jesus.


Rededication of the Altar of Sacrifices
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for the Redemption of Israel of how the Rededication of the Altar of Sacrifice is directly related as the Precursor for the coming 3rd Temple, the AntiChrist and the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th Week of Years. The Religious Jews along with the Sanhedrin Rededicated the Altar of Sacrifice on December 10, 2018. This Rededication 'Echoes' the one also performed by Nehemiah at a similar 70th-Year Time Marker.


​Last Luciferian Beast Empire
This Book examines the case for the Countdown to the coming Apocalyptic New World Order that will be tied to Daniel’s 7-Year Sabbatical Cycle of the Terminal Generation based on Sacred Knowledge, Past, Present and Future. Evidence presented will examine Astronomical Heavenly Signs, Biblical Types and Parallels to suggest when the advent of the coming Luciferian AntiChrist and his Empire are soon to be Debuted. The 'Image of the Beast' as foretold will cause the coming 3rd Temple to have an Abomination that causes Desolation.


Abode of the AntiChrist
The Olivet Discourse basically consisted of a Prophetic Outline or Blueprint that would involve the Restitution of 3 Factors that have to be in place before Jesus' 2nd Coming. The Factors disclosed by Christ start with the Temple, then Jerusalem and ended with Israel. Christ foretold that these 3 Factors would be Destroyed, in that precise Order. The Olivet Discourse went on to disclose that miraculously, the same would involve a Reinstitution, but in Reversed Order at the End of Days signaled by the budding of the Fig Tree.



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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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