

Seeing the Day Approaching

  • What is the Contention about the New Wine Theory?
  • Why is this New Understanding being Questioned?
  • Is this New Wine Pentecost Teaching an actual 'Lie'?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

As the Topic of the New Wine Pentecost has picked-up some Traction in the End Times Community, it has not gone without its share of Push-Back and Controversy. The Theory does go against Church Tradition and Teachings. But to that End, one has now presented 4 Books on the Subject. One is only sharing what one calls, where one is on the ‘Learning Curve’. One is not saying one is ‘Right’, but just sharing one’s Research into this Topic. And realize that it is just 1 of many other that encompasses Geo-Politics and Astronomy. As Theories go, they need and will be Tested.

In the case of one’s New Wine Pentecost occurring on a July 23 Date? That will have to be Tested with each passing Year. Perhaps 1 Year, it will be that Year. Until then, all such Prognostications are but Dress Rehearsals. And that is fine. However, one does long to be on the ‘Other Side of the Rapture’. How one can tell the Day approaching is how the ‘Prophetic Batton’ is about to be handed back to Israel. All one has to do is keep one’s Prophetic Eyes on the Nation of Israel.

And then there are the Geo-Political Aspects of the World spiraling out of Control with its Economic, Social, Moral and Spiritual Decline. One is only cataloging the Collapse. Some Readers of one’s Research have mentioned that one 'Has recently been doing a lot of Research and Writing, and I mean a lot'. Yes. It is a 'Full Court Press', as they say. It is only because one is seeing the Urgency of the Hour, or in this case the Year, Month, Day and very Hours even, if that is possible. As one has stated to others noticing the same Tempo, it is because one is in 'The Zone', sort of speak and one wants to take advantage of the Opportunity, one may not have later on.

Also, one has more Time to Research and Write before School begins back in the Fall. This has been one's Cycles throughout the Year. It is also based on a Crescendo that leads-up to one's '723' Code or July 23 Date for any given Year. Based on one's Theory, that is when one surmises the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory is to occur. However, do account for Time Zones. But it is based on '0' Hour, Jerusalem Time, and the 1st Watch of the Day, which is from 6am to 9am.


If the Hour can be known and is presumed, then that would be 6am, at the Crack of Dawn. And again one is just basing it on the Scriptural Clues in Acts 2. Then the Day has been ascertained, the Last Day of the Wheat Harvest, a July 22 making July 23 the Event. And here is one's '723' Code that one received in a 'Vision', Dream a few Years Ago.

It is because, as also explained to others asking, one is a Once-in-a-Year Rapture High Watch Time Observer. Since one is more convinced that when the Rapture Event occurs, it will coincide with a Summer 'White Wheat Wedding'. So, any other Rapture High Watch Window, is 'Out the Window' in one's Estimation. But one could be wrong and stand with the Brethren that appear to have a Case, even though one would and will disagree upon. It is just an Issue of What Year? One believes one has Reversed Engineered the Rapture Equation. One is not declaring this as a matter of Pride but just Research.

Then the Month is determined by default in being the Gregorian Month of July or the 4th Month of Tammuz of the Jews, etc. Lastly, what about the Year? One is basing it on 4 Prophetic Timelines pertaining to Israel. One will be highlighting 3 Timelines. It is a Triangulation of sorts. One has shared these 4 Timelines before. But for Review, this is how one is surmising that 2024 is the Highest Rapture Watch Year, according to one's Research. It has to do with the following.


She was 84 Years old at the Time. She saw and held Jesus at the Temple. It was the 8th Day as Jesus was to be Circumcised that Day. The Scriptures mentioned that she was Married but only for 7 Year, thus a Widow, etc. If one considers the Numerical Factors as Prophetic Clues, and then superimposed the Time Template onto the Birth of Modern Israel, a Metaphor for Jesus, then the following.

1948 Birth of Modern Israel + 84 Year Anna Age = 2032 - 7 Year Marriage = 2025 


Then there is the Law of the Trees from the Old Testament. The Tree Law stipulates that when Planting a Tree, presumed in the Promised Land, that it was to be left alone for 3 Years. No Fruit would be allowed to be eaten, if any were produced, until the 4th Year. So, if Israel is as a Newly Planted Tree, back in the Promised Land, then the following Prophetic Equation, just the same.

1948 Birth of Modern Israel + 3 Year Tree Probation = 1951 + 4th Year = 1952


In one's Interpretation is how the Correct Countdown to the 7-Year Tribulation is to playout. One argues that it is not 1948 when the Countdown starts, but rather 1952, which by the way coincides with a Shemitah Synchronization. And this Timeline, based on the Shemitahs is when, again one contends, the Year of the Abomination of Desolation can be determined.

1952 Israel as Fruit-Bearing 'Tree' + 80 Years (Psalm 90) = 2032 -7 Year Tribulation = 2025

This is why one is more convinced that given an Approximate 1 Year Gap of Time, the Rapture Event should then occur in 2024. This is based on how YHVH prescribed a Period of 1 Year for Newlywed Men of War Age. If a Jewish Man married, he was to take 1 Year 'Off' to 'Make her Wife Happy' before being commissioned to the Jewish Army and engaging in War, etc. So, if one applies this same Prophetic Template to Jesus, as being Betrothed to the Church before going-off to make War, say in the Fall of 2025?

Fall 2024 to Fall 2025

Then approximately 1 Year would there be when He, Jesus, as a Type of the Newlywed Jewish Man, before going off to War would take His Bride. Will this coincide with the Rapture's Timing then? Only Time will Tell. But it would follow, that based on the 4 Prophetic Timeliness, it will be in the Fall of 2024 that what is considered World War 3 will occur. And that will center around Israel in the Middle East, after the Rapture Event. 

And that World War will involve Nuclear Weapons. Then it will be approximately 1 Year, in the Fall of 2025 that the Covenant is 'Cut' and the 7-Years of 'Peace and Security' will have been Promised. This approximate 1 Year Gap of Time will allow for the 3rd Temple to be Built, and for the Walls of the Jewish Cities to be dismantled as Israel will now believe it is at Peace and Secure with their False Messiah, come-on-the-scene after the Rapture, etc.

The Debate about the New Wine being on the Pentecost of Acts 2 has to do with the various Calendar and Month Discrepancies pertaining to the Pentecost New Wine Theory and its Rapture Implications. This is if one even is ‘Open’ to the Theory that the Jewish Shavuot of the Wheat Grain is not the same as the Pentecost New Wine, 50 Days later. Then there are those Brethren that outright attack the Theory altogether. It is expected that those that hold to Church Tradition will defend such Dispositions, regardless of any Circumstantial or Direct Evidence presented.

When one 1st introduced the Notion of a Double-Count of 50 Days from one’s Interpretation of Leviticus 23:16, no one took notice or reacted to one’s Post Online. Not only did one post on one’s Personal Website, but posted to an Online End Times Blog, called 5 Doves and Revelation 12 Daily. One’s Theory was received with Apprehension and Mixed Reactions. But over the Years, since around 2018, one further developed the Concept that led to 4 Books worth of Evidence, etc. Initially, only 1 other Person on 5 Doves subscribed to one’s New Wine Pentecost Theory. This is a Sister in Christ, named ‘Chance’, or as her Handle when Posting Online.

Chance (7 July 2024)
Douglas H and True Pentecost

Chance (7 July 2024)
Zadokite Priestly Calendar, Luis Vega - The Feast of New Wine

It is all 'Lies'?

Yes, it has been a Journey of Discovery here on 5 Doves pertaining to this Topic, as well as others over the Years. There have been the Blood Moon Tetrad, the Revelation 12 Sign, Asteroids, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, New Wine, UFO's, Nephilim and the List goes on. And Brother Tng is to be Commended for this Platform where one has been able to share such Research, Work, Debate, etc. 5 Doves is perhaps 1 of the very 1st Online End Times and Rapture Blogs, since the Mid-1990s. And the 'Look' is still 1990s, which is Awesome.

Chance was right there all along in confirming and contributing to this New Understanding or Interpretation of how the Acts 2 Pentecost is not the same as the Jewish Shavuot. Now, perhaps there were other Brethren that actually understood this but had not Published. Either they did not want to be bothered about it, did not really see a need or saw the potential Discord it would bring. And Boy, has it now. Her Research is Top Notch. One looks forward in Reading her Posts on 5 Doves. She has greatly encouraged and provided needed Intel to the Body of Christ in these Last Days. This is in direct Opposition to how other Brethren, perhaps well-meaning have sown the Seeds of Discord.

So, apparently a Brother in Christ, named Lee Brainard believes one is spreading ‘Lies’ about Pentecost and its association to New Wine. He did not mention one’s Name or Work specifically in his Video Critique, but he states that the Teaching is ‘Not Biblical’. He primarily is reacting to the Video Teachings of Dr. Awe and Tyler at Generation 2434. Now in Principle, one is with Dr. Awe and Tyler’s Camp. But as to the Details, as to the Day Count, one does not agree with their Av 9 Pentecost Timing. The issue is just what Calendar one is using and what is the Start Date. No Big Deal, but not apparently to Bible Police Brainard.


However, despite one’s Disagreeing with Dr. Awe and Tyler at Generation 2434 t9th of Av as the actual Day of when the New Wine is to be determined, it is nothing to ‘Accuse’ the Brethren of ‘Spreading Lies’ because of it. That Accusation by Brainard has now been taken to a whole New Level of Scrutiny. And? These ‘Attacks’ are damaging the Body of Christ. It is not building it Up, it is Tearing it down. Last Time one read the Definition of ‘Lying’ is the Willful and Deliberate Deception of others. One is convinced that it is not the case with Dr. Awe and Tyler.

Now others have begun to take note of this New Understanding or Interpretation, of how the Acts 2 Pentecost is not the same as the Jewish Shavuot. And that it corresponds to the 2nd Count of 50 Days. And, that the Rapture’s Timing could very well coincide with the Anniversary of when the Holy Spirit came down to ‘Officially’ start the Church Age. Realize that as far as Commissions go, they will have an eventual Expiration Date. Meaning that 1 Day, the Church Age ends. And that Last Day will be because of the Rapture Event.

The Question one has just asked, could or will the Rapture Event occur on the Anniversary of the Acts 2 Pentecost, that one is more convinced coincides with the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Wine. And more so, that it was to commemorate the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest. And that, upon further Research, the day after, coincides with the Astrological Leo New Year. Is all that just Coincidence then? Not in this Book.

In one’s Opinion, this Brainard Fellow is coming off as some sort of Scriptural Police. And that anyone like him or anyone else not seeing their Point of View, is ‘Not Biblical’ and in fact, ‘Spreading Lies’. But with any new Bent on the Bible, Discord and Debate does happen, as it should. The Scriptures teach that one should be Testing the Spirit of ‘Everything’ and where it is coming from. And that is exactly what one is asking. Read and see for yourself if what one is presenting is Sound, Scriptural and Secure.




Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate
People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ They say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing? The purpose of this Book is to delve deep into this Question that has been Contemplated, Contested and Consternated for nearly 2000 Years, since the Church Age began or was Initiated with ‘Power from on High’ in Acts 2.

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Summer White Wheat Wedding
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why? This initial Start Date will determine the exact Day in which the Feast of New Wine, on a July 23 Date.

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​Conclusion of the Commission
A study of the Astronomical and Mathematical Patterns heralding the End of the Church Age and the coming Transference of Testimony and the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of time suggests that the Church Age is about to conclude and transfer the Gospel Witness back to the Dispensation of Israel to finish the 70th Week of Years. This specific time is predicated on the Convergence of several Prophetic Timelines will be presented to highlight this time of the Synchronization of Biblical prophecy.

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© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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