7-Year Anniversary Event

  • ​What is the UN Pact for the Future?
  • How does the Virgo Sign play into this Day?
  • Is there a Biblical Significance in 7 Years?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to consider the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign that occurred, Astronomically back on September 23, 2017. In that Year, it was just after the Feast of the Jewish Civil New Year of Rosh HaShanah. The Astronomical Alignment features the Giant Gas Planet, Jupiter in an approximate 9-Month Retrograde within the Constellation of Virgo. This Cosmic Depiction alluded to the Imagery of the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period Imagery described by the last remaining Apostle, John in the Island of Patmos.

The Sign is a Multi-Layered Metaphor of how Israel will be sought to be ‘Devoured’ by the Red Dragon as the Maiden or Virgin births the Man-Child. That Motif is ascribed to being the Messiah as it is Israel that birthed the Messiah, etc. However, the Imagery depicts a Rapture Event that many End Times Students of Prophecy allude to its double-fulfillment of how the Sign is a Prelude to the Rapture Event of the Bride of Christ.

This is in light of how the Man-Child can also be ascribed to the Body of Christ that 1 Day is to Snatched-Up to Heaven and seated at the Right Hand of GOD in Heaven, in Jesus. This is Biblical. However, one is convinced that the actual fulfillment of the Revelation Sign, occurring in Chapter 12 is the Mid-Point of the whole 7-Year Tribulation Period. It is a sort of ‘Intermission’ in-between the Seal and Bowl Judgments, etc. But what has been discussed is that, what if the Revelation 12 Sign was and is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture Event that will close-out the Church Age?

Realize that at some Point in Time, the Church Age Commission will End. And the Transference to the Prophetic Economy of Israel will occur. Consider that as the Luciferians, the Synagogue of Satan and other Globalists have been working and planning their ‘Great Reset’, so has Jesus Christ. YHVH’s Great Reset is Israel. And it will occur in Tandem with how the next Step in assuring this Great Reset is vested in the UN Meeting that will propose its Members to pledge ‘Allegiance’.

It turns-out that on the exact same Day in 2024 of the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, the UN proposes that all Member States ‘Swear’ an Oath of Fealty to the UN. This means that various Political, Social, Economic and even Religious Platforms will supersede any National Sovereignty. The UN will essentially become the World Governance Authority. It is the latest Step in creating a 1 World Government. And what is so ‘Bad’ about that construct? Would that not be beneficial for Humanity? Sure, if Humanity did not have a Sin Nature.

No Bill of Rights
It means that Sovereign Nations, like the USA who has a Bill of Rights, at least on Paper will not supersede any UN Protocols. It means that the UN Law will be the Supreme Law of the Earth and the Inalienable Rights would be replaced by what the State deems is ‘Truth’. Can one say, ‘Hello 1984?’ As it is, the WHO, World Health Organization has also been working ‘Behind the Scenes’ in establishing a Global Authority and Governing Body, pertaining to their Plandemics to usurp any National Sovereignty or Constitution, etc.


Realize that Prophetically, this World Government Plot will succeed. The Bible says that the coming Reset and New World Order will consist of 10 Regions on Earth. This is of course after the USA is Destroyed. This is why the Luciferians do not want a 2nd Trump Presidency. Trump has become a Viable Threat and they are trying to ‘Take him Out’, JFK Style. This is why the Border has been allowed to be flooded by Migrants. It serves to turn Red States Blue. And to drain and collapse the Economy.

The Migrants also are to be Exploited in their Labor and Bodies as many Underaged Children are being Sex-Trafficked, for example. The Rise in Crime is to Demoralize the Citizenry in an attempt to foster Racial Hatred and potentially a Civil War. This is also occurring at the World Level as the Luciferians and Synagogue of Satan are poking the Russian Bear into a Nuclear Corner. Russia and Putin are being pushed to retaliate with Nuclear Strikes. Putin has already warned the USA and NATO about it.

It is just a matter of Time. But this next UN Prerogative, the ‘Pact for the Future’ will effectively create the Structure for the coming Biblical AntiChrist Beast World Government. The following is a very Good Article that analyzes this UN Pact from a Geo-Political Perspective. So, what about it Prophetically? What does it mean? It does seem that as the World is ‘Falling Apart’, it is because it is ‘Falling Into Place’.

Gold Report by Yudi Sherman

Consider then the 3 Main Time Markers of the Revelation 12 Sign. The ‘Introduction’ Year was back in 2017 as noted. Then the 1260th Day or Mid-Point of the 7 Year Revelation 12 Sign was on March 6. 2021. That is when the Pope went to Ur of the Chaldees, at the House of Abraham and made that House of Abram Faiths Accord.  No Coincidence. That Temple, or Ziggurat is dedicated to the Red Dragon and Moon God.

                                            REVELATION 12 SIGN
SEP 23, 2017 ----------------------- MAR 6, 2021 --------------------------- SEP 23, 2024
                            1260 Days                                 1260 Days
Astronomical                              Pope at Ur                                UN Pact for Future
                                  ( 7 Year Shelf Life and Countdown )

Prophetic Reset
As one is proposing, the Revelation 12 Sign was a ‘Wake-Up Call’ to the Sleeping End-Times Church, especially in the USA and the West. One is still convinced it was about the Pending Rapture Event as that is the Main Theme of the Sign, on this Side of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. But now, in Retrospect, the Sign has been a 7-Year Countdown and Warning.

Its 1260th Day Mid-Point Time-Frame of March 6, 2021 marked the Beast System’s Ecumenical Pact with the 3 False Abrahamic Faiths, False Christianity, False Islam and False Rabbinical Judaism, etc. One contends that the literal fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign will occur at the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. This is when the 12-Year Jupiter Cycle is next in Retrograde within the ‘Womb’ area of the Constellation Motif. That Year will correspond to 2029.
                                                        REVELATION 12 SIGN

SEP 23, 2017 ----------------------------------------------- SEP 23, 2029 -------------------SEP 2032?
                                 12 Year Cycle of Jupiter                                     3.5 Years
                                                                                Mid-Tribulation                  Return of Jesus?

That was the Religious Ecumenical Reset that is coming under the Auspices of the coming False Prophet and AntiChrist. Then this 2520th Day or the 7th Year Revelation 12 Sign Anniversary falls under the Geo-Political Auspices of the coming New World Order. This Geo-Political Component of the Sign, has now become apparent in how the UN Pact for the Future will ensure the coming 1 World Government after the Rapture Event. Perhaps after the Psalm 83 War in the Middle East and the Rapture occurring, the U.N. will restructure itself by those 10 Regions.

This possible Scenario could occur in the Month of the Sign, from Mid-September to Mid-October. It would be a perfect Excuse to curtail or derail the U.S. Presidential Elections in November. It is because if Trump is reelected, it will stall the Plans and Protocols of how the Agenda of the Luciferians and Synagogue of Satan needs to go forward. As the Bible states, Lucifer knows that he has but a Short Time left in his attempt to reverse the Genesis 3:15 War outcome and his ultimate Doom, due to the Finished Work of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary. Following are related Articles regarding the Revelation 12 Sign Study.



Encoded Year of the Rapture?

Timing Considerations

Nonetheless, a World Governance is coming. A restructuring will be part of the Luciferian and Globalist ‘Great Reset’ that has been broadcasted a lot over the Years. Thus, these 10 Regions or Toes will most likely be the ones corresponding to Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue of Beast-Empires. As the Revelation 12 Sign is also Broadcasting a Rapture Event, for sure one is to be on High Alert as it could, perhaps coincide with the actual Event or soon thereafter. Would that not be Amazing?

                                            Advents of Jesus Christ to Earth
         1st Coming?                                                                                 2nd Coming?
  September 11, -3 BC?                                                                  September 11, 2032?

As to the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, something Astronomically ‘Strange’ occurred. This is when taking into account the Phenomena of Pareidolia. It is when Objects are perceived to take on ‘Shapes’, for example. It was reported initially by MrMBB33 YouTube Channel and then by Corey from End Times Darkness Descending. Here is an Excerpt from a portion of his Article, with Emphasis.

‘Tellingly, Video Footage of a Massive CME Release from the Sun from the SOHO LASKO C3 took on the distinct Appearance of an Unborn Child in the Womb of a Woman (Screenshot pictured below, see Video in the Recommended Reading and Viewing section further below)'.


‘On September 10, 2024, a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) occurred. A CME is a massive release of Plasma and Magnetic Energy from the Sun’s Corona. The powerful Ejection from the Sun came hurtling toward the Earth in what appeared to be a Sign of Monumental Proportions. Of course, one really has to be aware of the Revelation 12 Prophecy of the Woman giving Birth to the Man-Child in order to properly discern what was seen in this CME Release-.


Signs Of The Transition

‘In Revelation 12:4-5, we see a Picture of the Man-Child (the Church) being called-up into Heaven (Raptured) before the Birth Pangs of the Tribulation begin. It points us straight to Language used in Israel's rebirth in 1948 as seen in verse 7 of the 66th Chapter of Isaiah’. 

Assuming the Date, September 10, 2024, was Universal Time when that Corona Ejection depicted the 'Fetus' , that means that in Israel it was already September 11, 2024 (9-11). And? This Celestial Sign could thus be adding some Prophetic ‘Weight’ to how one subscribes to a 9-11 Birth-Day of Jesus, back in September 11, -3 BC, etc. And that perhaps, that is when Jesus is to Return, if one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline is to pan-out. It would be on the Sabbath of Return, September 11, 2032.

Chart 1 PDF
Chart 2 PDF

Free Resources to Download

Free Revelation 12 Online Resource Page


Maiden, the Manchild and Monster
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Notion of the Great Signs in the Heavens pertaining to the Book of Revelation Chapter 12. The Main Argument will be that such a Sign to occur prophetically will match the Astronomical Configuration on September 23, 2017 which was 1 Day after Rosh HaShanah and the Fall Equinox. The Focal Point of the Sign or motif is the Constellation Virgo which plays the Central Role is an apparent Cosmic and Prophetic ‘Enmity’ of sorts that goes back to the Garden of Eden with Eve and Lucifer. This Book will attempt to introduce the various other Characters to include the Identity of the 7-Headed Red Dragon and Man-Child.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.


In the Midst of the Tribulation
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.


Return of the Red Dragon
The purpose of this Book is to present various Insights, for-and-against the Planet X Phenomena. The study will try to ascertain a comprehensive array of Subject Matter surrounding this Notion of an allusive Extra Solar System 2nd Sun. The Book will introduce such a Topic to the Novice and gather the Main Tenets of the Phenomena of Planet X in a single reading. The aim is to better inform and educate the reader as to the various Arguments for-and-against the Hypothesis. This Book is not a Scientific Based Exposé of Nemesis and/or Nibiru.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.

Journey in 'Discovering' the Revelation 12 Sign
Evidence of Authorship


© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1069.
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