'So he [Paul] was reasoning in the Synagogue with the Jews and the God-fearing Gentiles, and in the Market Place every day with those who happened to be present'. -Acts 17:17
Since the early 1990s I have been involved in Farmer Market Outreaches utilizing Mimes, Open Air Reading and the Sketch Board Gospel presentations. It is a dynamic way to share one's Faith and be Obedient to the Master's Call to take the Gospel Message to the Ends of the World. Like the Apostle Paul, in his Journeys, he 1st went to the Synagogues of the Jews and then to the Public Market Places like a Farmer's Market of SLO. During my San Luis Obispo Years, we had an opportunity to reach-out and perform regularly for nearly a whole Decade in downtown San Luis Obispo and the surrounding Cities for various Outreach Projects and Events.
I have had the privilege of perform during Farmers Markets, on Beach, Piers, Boardwalks, Town Squares, Festivals and Oversea Missions; a Fool for Christ. One was involved in a Mime Troupe. The purpose of Mimes within a Context of Ministry is to Glorify and Uplift Jesus Christ by ‘Preached without Words’. It is the Gospel alone that through the Preaching of the WORD, the Life Changing Power of Jesus Christ is transmitted. Such Mime Skits complemented and prepared the Crowds and/or Audiences by demonstrating Stories related to the Themes of the Gospel. It was done without the use of Words in preparation for the Preaching of the Word that followed.
I later returned to my 'Home Base' Church in Bakersfield, Laurelglen Bible Church, a U.S. Mennonite Denomination. It was there that the LORD involved me in the College & Career Ministry called Crossroads that had various Outreaches to the Community like to Ducor, for example. I also got an opportunity to be a Church Usher and also one for the Billy Graham Crusade.