by Luis B. Vega
Here is a Rapture Clue, perhaps. Consider the Connections one will make in this study. In one’s Meditation, one was reminded of a Verse that will be noted below. It is in Romans 8 about a First Fruits, the Holy Spirit, and the Future Glorification of the Body. One’s Rationale is that it is a Clue, a ‘Triangulation’ of when the Rapture is to occur. The Rapture is that ‘Future Glory’ as the Body, left to be Redeemed. It is about the Redemption of what is the last of the 3 Restorations: one’s Spirit, Soul and then Body.
Jesus has paid for it all. ‘It is Finished’. Jesus saved and lit one’s Extinguished Spirit. He is saving one’s Soul. Lastly, Jesus will save one’s Mortal Bodies. This will occur at the Resurrection-Rapture Event. Again, that is what the Rapture-Resurrection is all about. As mentioned in prior studies, these Facets of Jesus’ Work mirrors His Offices also.
Time - Element - Office
1. Past: - Spirit - Prophet
2. Present: - Soul - Priest
3. Future: - Body - King
It is just that as one lives in the Dimension of Space, Time and Matter, it all has to pan-out. But it is a ‘Done Deal’ as they say. Of course, the following Rapture Clue Triangulation is based on one’s own Interpretation. But for Context, one will reiterate the Notion that the Rapture’s Timing is contingent upon a First Fruit Anniversary, the Holy Spirit, and that they are tied to when the Body is to be the Glorified. One is convinced that the First Fruits Feast pertains to the New Wine. And that is seen in Acts 2.
This is the Clue of the Rapture’s Timing. If that is the case, then the Body’s Glorification, i.e., the Rapture’s Timing is commensurate with a July Wheat Harvest Season. As one may know, one presumes that the Leviticus 23:15-16 Interpretation of the Day Count is to be a ‘Double’ Count of 49 Days or 7 Sabbaths and then an additional 50 Days, not the 50th Day. This has now been corroborated with the Temple Scrolls. There were 3 ‘Shavuots’ or 50 Day Counts, based on the First Fruits of the following Commodities.
1. = First Fruits of the Wheat (Shavuot of Jews, called Pentecost by the Church.) + 50 Days.
2. = First Fruits of the Wine + 50 Days (This was the Acts 2 Pentecost Event – Holy Spirit.).
3. = First Fruits of the Oil.
Order of the Resurrections
One bases the Day Count from Nisan 15 as it occurred back in Exodus. One is aware that other Brethren start the Day Count from Sunday, following the Resurrection of Jesus, which was on Saturday. This is based on one’s Calculation of a Wednesday Passover, based on the Julian Calendar. One is not totally convinced about a Passover Resurrection being the Rapture Timing. Consider that Jesus was a First Fruit, the First Fruit from among the Dead. This is clearly taught in the Order of the Resurrections.
‘If our Hope in Christ is for this Life alone, we are to be pitied more than all Men. But Christ has indeed been raised from the Dead, the First Fruits of [The Barley] those who have Fallen Asleep. For since Death came through a Man, the Resurrection of the Dead comes also through a Man’. -1 Corinthians 15:19-21
What one is proposing, as discussed in prior studies, is that Jesus, as the First Fruit, being Barley, was unique and singular of Himself. Then later, some People came out of their Tombs. One can see why it could be taken that in the same Time-Frame as the Barley First Fruits, the Rapture of the Body of Christ could occur. It can. However, based on the Order of the Resurrections, the Wheat is next in succession. Wheat typifies the ‘Harvest of Souls’. It involves the Present-Tense separation of the Wheat with a Tribulum. It separated the Chaff from the Wheat Kernel. During the Rapture, the Bride of Christ will be 'thrown' up into the Clouds and the Winds will separate the 'Chaff'.
The Tribulum is emblematic of the Troubles and Tribulations Jesus warned the Church Body would have to go through. It has been allowed for one to be ‘Refined’, Tried and Tested, etc. What comes next is the Pressing of the Olive Oil that deals with Judgment. This ‘Pressing’ occurs during the 7-Year Tribulation with the Judgment of Lucifer, the World, the AntiChrist and False Prophet and then Israel. It is an intense Time of Trials as it was for Jesus at Gethsemane, which means a ‘Pressing-Out’. In His case, the Pressure of bearing the Sins of Humanity upon His Body caused Sweat Drops of Blood.
So, this is how one has based the Day Count, from the Exodus of Nisan 15, noting that there is a 2nd 50 Day count, or the 99th Day corresponds to the Feast of New Wine. This was the occasion for the Golden Calf incident. Then one surmises that the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine corresponds to the Acts 2 Pentecost descent of the Holy Spirit. It was about a Transformation, as in the ‘Water to Wine’ Miracle of the Wedding of Cana. Then, based on one’s Crucifixion Year Calculation of 32 AD, and applying the 1 Day = 1000 Year Prophetic Template, it would mean that 2032 is when Jesus is to return. And if one then factors-out the Last Sabbath Week, all-inclusive of Daniel’s 70th Week, that brings one to the Year 2025. So, here is the Verse with the Rapture Clue.
‘The Creation itself will be set Free from its Bondage to Decay and brought into the Glorious Freedom of the Children of GOD. We know that the whole Creation has been groaning together in the Pains of Childbirth until the Present Time. Not only that, but we ourselves, >>>>>who have the First Fruits of the Spirit, <<<<< groan inwardly as we wait >>>>> eagerly for our Adoption as Sons, the Redemption of our Bodies’. <<<<< -Romans 8:21-22
Connecting the Rapture Dots
Here are one’s Questions for Perspective regarding this Verse about the Rapture Clue. The Theme is about the Future Glorification of the Body of the Redeemed. It is about an Event that will be as a Liberation, an ‘Exodus’ from this World. It is like a Human Gestation that eventually, a Child, a ‘Man-Child’ will be born, etc. But here is the Clincher. It is tied to a First Fruit Time-Frame. And that of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. When did the Holy Spirit come down and indwell Believers Individually and Corporately? The Verse suggests that the Spirit is tied to a First Fruits. Which one?
And then the Spirit is also tied to the Glorification of the Body. When? At a First Fruits Feast. This is one’s Logic. This occurred in that Acts 2 Pentecost Event. It was when the Spirit came down to the Body, individually and corporately, etc. One just contends that it was at the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine Time-Frame. And thus this First Fruits Time-Frame is when the Glorification of the Body is to take place, i.e., the Rapture Event. It strongly suggests that this Point in Time is connected to when the Redemption or the Glorification of one’s Body will thus be Transformed. So, using Deductive Logic, one can reasonably assert the following Argument for the Rapture’s Timing.
A) That the Acts 2 Pentecost was the First Fruit of the New Wine.
B) That it was the Occasion when the Holy Spirit came down.
C) Thus, the Timing of when to expect the Glorification of the Body, i.e., the Rapture?
This Rapture Clue Triangulation reminds one of how at the Rapture-Resurrection Event, will likewise transform one’s Mortal Body, much like the Water to Wine at the Wedding of Cana. It will be as those Stone Vessels filled with Water that are ‘Changed’. The Church Age has been the Time wherein Jesus transformed the Water into Wine. That is what happened in Acts 2. But the Rapture Event is the Promise of changing the Vessel itself.
It will be about the Glorification of the Body. When? At a Timing when the Holy Spirit was tied to a First Fruits Feast. Thus, ‘Connecting the Dots’, here are the Prophetic Correlations reiterated: at a First Fruits Feast, when the Holy Spirit descended, tied to the Timing of the Glorification of the Body. This is the Rapture Clue, deduced in that the First Fruits Feast was, is and will be at the Feast of New Wine. Perhaps.
A) When? At a First Fruits Feast.
B) Where? Tied to the Spirit.
C) What? Tied to the Glorification of the Body.
The Rapture Timing will be as when the Holy Spirit, that has been ‘transforming’ one’s ‘Water’ in these present Weak Earthen Vessels will complete the Transformation of the ‘Water’ to the ‘New Wine’. What remains to be ‘Changed’ or Transformed is one’s Body. Why? It is because the ’New Wine’ needs to be put into New Wineskins, i.e., New Bodies, Glorified Bodies that can enter and exist in Heaven, forever. The Rapture Event is about the ‘Water’ in the Stone Vessels being transformed into the New Wine.
'In an Instant, in the Twinkling of an Eye, at the Last Trumpet. For the Trumpet will sound, the Dead will be raised Imperishable, and we will be Changed. For the Perishable must be clothed with the Imperishable, and the Mortal with Immortality. When the Perishable has been clothed with the Imperishable and the Mortal with Immortality, then the Saying that is written will come to pass: Death has been swallowed up in Victory’. -1 Corinthians 15:52-54
And what better Time than the Anniversary of when the Holy Spirit came down to indwell Believers and Followers of Jesus. And it will be the 'Good Wine' at the End, like in the Wedding of Cana. So, that is one’s Rapture Clue Triangulation Argument, as to its possible Timing. Will it occur based on when the Holy Spirit is tied to a First Fruits Feast that awaits the Glorification of the Body?
It is because the Holy Spirit did not come down at the First Fruits of the Barley, nor on the First Fruits of the New Wheat, nor on the First Fruits of the New Oil, but on the Feast of the New Wine. But nonetheless, one strongly suggests then, that the Rapture Clue from Romans 8 has to do with the Acts 2 Summer ‘White Wheat Wedding’. And that First Fruit of the Spirit, occurred at the Feast of the New Wine.
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine.
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People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ They say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing?
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The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying that the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count is what Acts 2 was and is about.
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