by Luis B. Vega
One was asked about the Topic of the Essenes and their Calendar, how 2025 appears to be when the 7-Year Tribulation could occur, based on this Calendar. If that be the case, one surmises that it would be towards the End of the Year, just after the Shemini Atzert-Simchat Torah Minor Feasts. The only real connection or ‘Validation’ one could provide or did, was how in one’s Research, the 32 AD Year appears to be the Crucifixion Year, in one’s Estimation. And thus, the start of the Church Age, i.e., the Age of Grace, etc. It was later that one also contacted Ken Johnson to share one’s Research on the 32 AD Calculation, to show that others had this Year in their Research.
The other Major Piece of one’s Research was also ‘Validated’ in how the Feast of the New Wine was recognized, kept and celebrated by the Essenes. They had the Temple Scroll that brought to light the 3 Penta-Feasts of First Fruits; that of the Wheat, Whine and the Oil, etc. However, one has a slight variation in the Feasts are predicated on the Spring Equinox, a Parallel Exodus Timeline and how one interprets Leviticus 23:16. That is to say, that one is presently holding to a July 23 Date. It also happens to coincide with the End of the Wheat Harvest in Ancient Times and how it is the Start of the Leo New Year. Now, as to ‘What Year?’ That Year is still yet to be determined.
One subsequently wrote 2 Books about all this mentioned and how it is linked to the Essenes. The Research included their Timeline of Human History, as outlined in the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline. But with that, one’s only discrepancy is when the Essenes calculated the New Religious Near, celebrated the First Fruit of the New Wine and when the Church Age began and is to end. One is not saying one is ‘Right’ as there are some Questions about the Essene Timeline. Here is the Issue with their Timeline, apparently. 2075 is the End of the Church Age to them. It started in 75 AD.
What about the actual Year that the Church Age was Paid For, i.e., the Bride? And how Pentecost, in that same Year inaugurated the Church Age Commission with that Power and Authority? This was already given by Jesus in His Subsequent Appearances by the Sea of Galilee. To the Essenes, the Church Age started 5 Years after the Temple was Destroyed by Rome. Perhaps, that is how they calculated when the Church Age was to have begun and will end. However, the Year Discrepancy from 32 AD to 70 AD is 43 Years of a Difference. That is a significant ‘Gap of Time’ to account for and reconcile, which not too many or no End Times Student of Prophecy have done, not even Ken Johnson.
2025 Start of last Jubilee + 50 Years = 2075 End of Age of Grace
(Return of Jesus?)
The Church Age
If the Year 2025-26 starts the Last Jubilee (2025 + 50 = 2075), the Essene Timeline then still has 43 Years to go, accounting for the 7-Year Tribulation Period for the Church Age to End. However, one is convinced that the Church Age, ‘Officially’ ends once the Rapture-Resurrection Event occurs. And soon thereafter, the Judgment of the World, Israel and Lucifer begins. That cannot be within the Time-Frame of the Continuation of the Church Age of Grace. There will be no Grace during the Tribulation Period. This is the Issue. Israel will be operating under the reinstitution of the Mosaic Law.
This is what one is more convinced of is the ‘Making a Covenant with the Many’, as in with the 70 Elders of Israel and returning to the Law of Moses, Etc. Then the World will be under their Noahide Laws. This will stipulate that if any Non-Jew breaks Law #1, ‘Not to have any other Gods but GOD’, then they will be put to Death. The Penalty is Capital Punishment, and that by Guillotine. Coincidence? No. Then the entire World will be under some sort of U.N. Sovereignty Type of Law that will be International in scope. So, one is yet to Reconcile and Account for the 42 Year Discrepancy from 2025.
It will remain to be seen or ascertained with more Study and/or Direct Revelation from the Holy Spirit about it. However, as mentioned prior Research, it would appear that the Year 2025 is a Pivotal Year of sorts. As noted by some, you have the U.N. Lucis Trust Blavatsky insinuating how 2025 is when their Luciferian World Order and ‘Master’ is to arrive On-the-Scene. According to the Deagel Report, there will be at least a 1/3 Reduction in Populations in the USA, England and Germany.
This could be attributed to Abortion, Chemicals in the Air, Food and Water, the Usual Suspects. But also, the COVID Kill-Shots that has silently fizzled-out of the Media Talking Points, as Millions have died of its Adverse Effects continue to die from it. But what if the Rapture could also help explain such a drastic reduction of the Populations? Below is the Discrepancy in the Essene Timeline that has been noted.
From 32 AD Crucifixion of Jesus to 75 AD after Temple Destroyed = 43 Years
75 AD Essence start of Church Age to 2025 = 2000 Year Age
From 2025 start of Last Jubilee to 2075 End of Essene Church Age = 50 Years
From 2025 start of Last Jubilee to 2075 – 7 Year Tribulation Period = 43 Years
Thus, based on the Essene Church Age and factoring-out the 7-Year Tribulation Period, it would mean that if the Rapture-Resurrection Event is to precede Jacob’s Trouble, then the latest the Rapture Event would or could occur is the Year 2068. Will the Church Age actually stretch-out that long? With the Threat of Imminent World War 3, Israel being attacked on 7 Fronts, the World going Mad with Perversion, Violence and Thievery, one honestly does not see Humanity making it another 40+ Years. The other Prophetic Piece of the Puzzle has to do with the Fig Tree Generation. This is of course if one believes Jesus was inferring Israel as the Fig Tree. If not, then who is the Fig Tree?
Fig Tree Generation
Nonetheless, if one applies the 80 Year Generation, ‘If by Strength’ to when Geo-Political Israel was declared on May 14, 1948, then one has until the Year 2028 to ‘Figure this all out’. Coincidentally, a Fellow Brother in Christ, Stephan, that is excellent with Numbers and Mathematics posted the following, with Edits for emphasis made. One is not so sure about the entire Church Age being ‘hinged’ upon who and what the Essenes did. This is where one would ‘Agree to Disagree’, but it is always Good to hear other’s Perspectives.
‘It cannot be Coincidence that the Revelation 12 Sign was 7 Years, 7 Months and 7+7+7 Days before May 14, 2025, the 77th Birthday of Israel’.
One can perhaps see how the Church Age would have started after the Temple was destroyed, that would spell the ‘End of the Age of Torah’. But that means that the 75 AD Year would not have been or could not have been since 75 AD was 5 Years after 70 AD. Any Reason for that? There was that 38 Year overlap of Salvation now only attained in Jesus, i.e., Grace, but the Torah Sacrificial Ordinances were still being performed daily at the Temple, from 32 AD until the 70 AD destruction of the Temple.
And according to prevailing Historical Accounts, the Sacrificial Ordinances or the Daily Sacrifices had ceased in 70 AD not 75 AD. In this case, one can see, in terms of ‘Ages’ how the Church Age would have started there and then after the Temple was torn down. That was sometime in August of 70 AD., etc. So, if the Church Age then started in 70 AD and one applies the same Prophetic Template of the Essenes, then the following is based on the Essene Definition of an Age, being 2000 Years.
70 AD End of Temple Sacrifices + Start and End of Church Age 2000 Years = 2070
If one then factors-out the 7-Year Tribulation, then that would leave 2063 Years. So, from the Year 2025 that the Essenes calculate will be the start of the Last 50 Year Jubilee, would mean that there are still 38 Years to go before the ‘Church Age’, based on a 70 AD Destruction of the Temple is to occur. One is not entirely convinced of it. Interestingly, the difference of 38 Years is the same as from 32 AD to 70 AD. It is also the same amount of Years that the Invalid was in his Condition, due to Sin at the Pool of Siloam, as a Metaphor for Israel, etc.
One is aware that not all believe that the Church Age started at the Acts 2 Pentecost nor the Day Jesus Died and was Resurrected with His New Body, etc. If the Church Age did not start then, then who were the People or Body that met in the 1st Council of Jerusalem to take-up matters about the Salvation of the Gentiles? Was that not the Home Church? Yet following such a Historical Account given in Acts, it is precisely what Grace is all about and how the Apostles taught that the Old Temple Sacrificial Ordinances were ‘Null and Void’. It was and is about replacing all those Mosaic Ordinances that were but Object Lesions. It reminds one of what the following Verse.
‘But when that which is Perfect [Jesus] is come, then that which is in Part [Law] shall be done away’. -1 Corinthians 13:10
So, one’s Question was and is, when did the ‘New’ come and when did the ‘Old’ go away? One is just defending that the Scripture was fulfilled, to the Day at the Point and Time of Jesus’ Death-Burial-Resurrection. From that very Second that Jesus rose from the Grave, the Mosaic Sacrificial Animal Blood Ordinances ceased to be efficacious for their Atonement that was only Temporary, at best. What the Jews continued to sacrifice thereafter, all the way to 70 AD was ‘Empty Religious Observations’. It was as the New Testament teaches about having a Form but without the Power. That is the Definition of Religion.
Perhaps one can accept that there was a Transition occurring from 32 AD to 70 AD, but one does not use or comprehend a 75 AD that the Essenes based their whole ‘Age’ Delineations by. So, the Argument for a 75 AD start of the Church Age is because of the Essenes or the Jews no longer had the Torah Sacrificial Ordinances being able to be performed because they no longer have the Temple. Well, one is not there just yet. Here is one’s Point. The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus started the Age of Grace or it did not.
This is regardless of the Transition or Definition of when the ‘Ages’ stopped or began, according to the Essenes or any other Interpretation. If it is about Semantics in that the Age of Torah had to end with the Destruction of the Temple in order for the ‘Age of Grace’ Roll-Out? Sure. Again, there was an ‘Overlap’, a Transition as it is now occurring also, in Reverse Order. It is because the same Church Age that occurred since 32 AD is coming to a Close, in one’s Estimation. And that will be a Specific Day and Time as it was with the Crucifixion and the Acts 2 Pentecost. One is convinced that it will be the Resurrection-Rapture Event that will conclusively end the Church Age.
This is why one is more convinced, at least at this Point in one’s Learning Curve, that the Bride of Christ is what will be extracted or ‘Harvested’ from the entire Body of Christ. Not all who say ‘I am a Christian’ will go in the Rapture. Why not? It goes back to the Parable of the 10 Virgins. It goes back to how the 7 Churches of Asia were full of Jezebels and Nicolaitans. Only Sardis and the Philadelphian Types get to Escape in that Door that is opened for them because of their Commitment and Conviction to be faithful to Jesus. The Church Age Believers in Jesus are under the Age of Grace. These will not go into the Tribulation. But all those in Willful and Unrepentant Sin will.
The Confirming of the Mosaic Covenant and reinstitution of Animal Blood Sacrifices will function during the Tribulation Period. It will replace the Age of Grace. It will be as it was with that 38 Year Overlap from Jesus’ Death, Burial and Resurrection and the Empowering and Indwelling of the Holy Spirit at the Acts 2 Pentecost to the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, etc. The Difference? It will be localized as the Body of Christ, corporately will no longer be present on Earth as it is now. So, to reiterate, here is where the Confusion may be identified with. One has to delineate the Church Age with Reconstituted Israel. The Church Age will not coincide with the Body or House of Israel. Grace will still be in operation during the Tribulation Period. But Salvation will only occur individually. This is what is occurring presently, but such will not be part of the Bride.
Age of Moses
This is despite the Jews reconstituting the Daily Sacrifices to procure the Blood of Animals to cover their Sins, etc. But that is what was the case during the Transitional Period from 32 AD to 70 AD. The Day after the Rapture, that Evacuates the Church Body from Earth, i.e., the Bride of Christ, will be removed from Earth. People can and will still come to Jesus, by Faith, not Animal Sacrifices, etc. But one’s Point is that after the Rapture, there will be no ‘Transition’ as there is no more Age of Grace. It is the Jews that will, nonetheless, reestablish their Daily Sacrifices on the rebuilt 3rd Temple.
Realize that the only ‘Transition’ or Gap from the Rapture to the 1st Daily Sacrifice will be once that 1st Daily Sacrifice is offered in the 3rd Temple. The Rapture Event will close-out the Church Age, to the Day, as it will be as a Wheat Harvest, in one’s Interpretation. Then the Prophetic Focus will shift back to Israel, it will be under the Age of Torah, as before. That has been done away with in Jesus, but the Jews will continue to perform Empty Religious Requitals from where they left off in 70 AD. They think and believe it is what will Atone or cover their Sins with the Blood of Animals.
So, these useless Observations will commence with the Temple with the start of the Daily Sacrifices which will initiate the Countdown to Jesus’ Return, 2520 Days. That is to insinuate that the Covenant with the Many will be the reestablishment of the Mosaic Covenant. That is the Covenant the Jews are Missile-Locked on and are anticipating. The start of the Daily Sacrifice will only serve, in one’s Interpretation of when the ‘Stop-Watch’ for the exact Day Count of the 2 Sections of 1260 Days are to be determined, i.e., the 7-Year Tribulation Period, etc. But once the Rapture Event occurs, the Day After will no longer be the Age of the Church.
Technically there will be Grace, as those People that come to Jesus will still be based on Grace. But here is the Issue with the Essene ‘Ages’, According to one’s Logic, the 7-Year Tribulation Period dictates when Jesus is to return as that is how the Timeline concludes with. And thereafter, there will be the 7th Day or the concluding 7000th Year Millennial Kingdom on Earth, etc. And even this 7th Day will have, perhaps, a Transitional Interface. How Long? Months, Years, Decades? If one presumes the Essene Calendar and Age Calculations, it will be Decades, up to the Year 2075. It could be the case. But then, why in Daniel does it state that here is a 75 Day Marker noted after the Tribulation Period of 2520 Days all-inclusive?
Is this not the Transition from the Tribulation Period to the Kingdom Age? Or perhaps the Church Age or rather, the Age of Grace still does extend to that Time and Place that includes the 7-Year Tribulation Period, all the same. If the Rapture Event could happen ‘Sooner rather than Later’, in the whole scope of the Essene Age Timelines, the Factors of the Transitions that seem to be a Running Theme in-between the Ages or Dispensations could then find their fulfillment in some sure way. Perhaps. But it is a Historical fact that the Age of Torah was still in effect until 70 AD, despite the Age of Grace, being initiated with Jesus’ Death, Burial and Resurrection, and then the Empowering and Indwelling occurring on that Acts 2 Pentecost.
The Last Jubilee
If the Age of Torah did not ‘Officially’ end until then, then the Time after the Rapture, when the Temple and Daily Sacrifices will be reestablished, means that the Age of Torah is not over or was not ‘Done’ and has to come back as Israel did. This has to be the case if one follows the Logic of the Transitions implied. So, when did the Age of Grace ‘End’ or will End then, despite the Resurrection-Rapture Event occurring that will then facilitate the Transition to the Tribulation Temple and start of the Daily Sacrifices?
If 2025, being the Last Jubilee according to the Essenes, is when the Tribulation is to occur, presuming the Rapture Event also occurs concurrently, then 7 Years later is when Jesus is to Return, i.e., 2032, etc. And if one then holds to the Essene Timeline and Definition of an Age, then if 2075 means that there are 43 Years that the Transition to the Start of the Millennial Kingdom is to possibly then occur.
This is if one presumes that 75 AD is when the Age of Torah Ended and the Age of Grace began, which one does not agree with. However, if one factors the Interpretation that technically, the Age of Torah ended with the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD rather, that no longer enabled the Daily Sacrifices to be performed, then the Timeline Equation would be the following.
2070 AD -2025 = 45 Years – 7 Year Tribulation = 38 Year Factor of a Difference
To be continued…
Philadelphian Door of Escape
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine. It is not on the Traditional Church and Jewish Teaching that it was on the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain.
Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate
People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ Thay say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing? The purpose of this Book is to delve deep into this Question that has been Contemplated, Contested and Consternated for nearly 2000 Years, since the Church Age began or was Initiated with ‘Power from on High’ in Acts 2.
Summer White Wheat Wedding
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why?
Circumstantial Evidence why it was in 32 AD
When was Jesus Crucified? Was it in 30 AD? 31 AD, or 33 AD? This has been 1 of the most Profound Questions, that has been Debated since the Church Age started with Jesus' Death. Can the Year and the Week Day be Determined? Is there any Evidence to suggest a More Accurate Year and Week Day?
The Great Escape
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the last days leading up to the Rapture event and what that will look like. There will be a variety of topics discussed and presented from political, social, religious and esoteric sources in the context of how they contribute prophetically to the timing of the Rapture.
Conclusion of the Commission
A study of the Astronomical and Mathematical Patterns heralding the End of the Church Age and the coming Transference of Testimony and the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of time suggests that the Church Age is about to conclude and transfer the Gospel Witness back to the Dispensation of Israel to finish the 70th Week of Years.
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