'By the Word of the LORD, we declare to you that we who are Alive and Remain until the coming of the LORD will by no means precede those who have Fallen Asleep. For the LORD Himself will descend from Heaven with a Loud Command, with the Voice of an Archangel, and with the Trumpet of GOD, and the Dead in Christ will be the 1st to rise. After that, we who are Alive and Remain will be Caught-Up together with them in the Clouds to meet the LORD in the Air. And so we will always be with the LORD'. -1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
The following are Items that are available for downloads to the General Public regarding various Research Resources related to the Rapture Event Phenomenon. My Life Long Research into the Rapture Mystery has produced numerous Charts, Articles and Books. The Books encapsulate my findings of the New Wine Pentecost being the probable or possible Timing of the Rapture Event. To this end, the following are Resources made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such a Topic.