I am a Political Scientist, a Citizen Journalist, Independent Reporter, Graphic Artist, Amateur Astronomer and Writer who believes in the Free Expression of Ideas and Critical Thinking. This Site is dedicated to the Study of End Times by way of Articles, Chart Illustrations, Posters, Publications, Bible Codes, etc. My Research is from a Biblical World View and Interpretation, presented, as a Public Service for Humanity.
The Website was compromised; in the process of Reconstructing it.
Updated on Weekends when Possible.
Last Updated: February 8, 2025
The Wedding Wine 4th Cup in the Kingdom
Pattern for the Timing of the Rapture
The Rapture Event
‘For the LORD Himself will descend from Heaven with a Loud Command, with the Voice of an Archangel, and with the Trumpet of GOD, and the Dead in Christ will be the 1st to Rise. After that, we who are Alive and Remain will be Caught –Up together with them in the Clouds to meet the LORD in the Air. And so we will always be with the Lord’.
-1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
The following are Items that are available for Purchasing, regarding the Rapture Event Phenomenon featured on one’s Zazzle Online Store. One will find Merchandise, such as t-Shirts, Posters with one's Rapture Branding. To this end, the following are made available as such an Anticipated and Amazing Event, the 'Harpazo' will close-out the Church Age.
To Seize, Snatch, Take Away by Force
Original Word: ἁρπάζω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: Harpazó
Pronunciation: Har-Pad'-Zo
Please consider a Purchase to support one’s Research. Such Items are perfect for making a Statement or as a Gift to others.
The purpose of this Book is to continue to present Evidence, how on Earth, geographically most if not all of the major Sacred Sites are patterned after the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation. What consists of this ‘Martian Motif’, as one calls it involves the Face on Mars, the 7 Pyramid City configured to the Pleiades Stars and the Giant D&M Pentagon. The Theory is that Mars had once a thriving Civilization that built these massive Structures.
One has been asked, ‘Where do you get this Theory that there was a World before Adam?’ Does the Bible have anything to say about it? Well, yes. Consider the Backstory of Creation. However it depends on one’s Interpretation. Purchase a Copy for Study or to give to others as a Gift. Please leave a Review, it will be much appreciated.
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Will the Land of Israel be divided as the Bible insinuates? Will the 2-State Solution be realized by a United World against Israel? Why? Who will do it? How and When? Will it be based on the Abrahamic Accords? Will Peace finally be achieved in the Middle East? What have been the Astronomical Occurrences that appeared to have signaled this coming Division?
The following is a Compilation of Research showing how Biblical Prophecy, Above in the Cosmos and Below in terms of Geo-Politics have indeed signaled the Beginning of the Last Biblical Week of Israel. Consider the Evidence and Research one has assembled to highlight the Prophecy, based on one’s Interpretation. Purchase a Copy for Study or to give to others as a Gift. Please leave a Review, it will be much appreciated.
Purchase a Hard Copy at Lulu Publications here.
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The Coming Caesar Loyalty Test
Visit my Lulu Publication Online Store that features over 50+ Books. Consider a purchase for one's Personal study or for others.
Visit my Zazzle Online Store that features various Merchandize. Consider a purchase for others.
Visit my Zazzle Online Store that features various Posters that span Geo-Politics, Theology, Prophecy and Astro-Archaeology.
Visit my Zazzle Online Store that features various Charts that span Geo-Politics, Theology, Prophecy and Astro-Archaeology.
Visit the Archives of the Bible Codes that features various Charts that span Geo-Politics, Theology, and Prophecy.
Consider the Martian Star Gates found on Earth based on the Cydonia Triangulation Patterns. Over 500+ Sites mapped.