'But afterwards there occurred violent Earthquakes and Floods; and in a single Say and Night of Misfortune all your Warlike Men in a Body sank into the Earth, and the Island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the Depths of the Sea'.' -Timaeus/Critias by Plato
The work is regarding various Resources related to the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex Patterns, deemed the 'Martian Motif'. My Research into the Cydonia Phenomenon has produced over 400 Charts of Sites on Earth, as it is in Mars, 20 Essays and a 4+ Books. The Books encapsulate my findings of the Astronomical Correlation of the Cydonia Pyramid Complex Alignments found not only in the Ancient Temple Complexes on Earth but most modern World Capitols as well.
Many believe that there existed a Pre-Adamic World that was in contact and had communication with the Martian Civilization before its demise -and some believe such Entities still do on Earth albeit, 'Behind the Scenes', etc. For example, some Ancient Records attest to the fact that long-gone civilizations like the Sumerians had documented the 'Face on Mars' for example. (The Lost Book of Enki) The following are made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such a topic. All of the following are Free Items to view.
See how one has mapped many of the Sacred Sites all over Earth, both Ancient and Modern Triangulations mirrored after the Cydonia, Mars Motif
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