'Then another Sign appeared in Heaven: a Giant Red Dragon with 7 Heads, 10 Horns, and 7 Royal Crowns on his Heads. His tail swept a .33 of the Stars from the Sky, tossing them to the Earth. And the Dragon stood before the Woman as she was about to give birth, ready to devour her Child as soon as He was born'. -Revelation 12:3
The following are free items that are available for downloads to the General Public regarding various Resources related to the coming Planet X. My Research into the 2nd Sun Phenomenon has produced over 10 Charts, many Essays and a Book. The Book Encapsulate my findings of the Astronomical Correlation of the 2nd Sun to the Star alignments of the Constellation Virgo. I was one of the 1st to document the Red Dragon Google cover-up Anomaly. Many believe this 2nd Sun will be the cause of the Seal Judgment of the Book of Revelation. The Ancient Records attest to the fact that long-gone Civilizations like the Sumerians had documented this Celestial Body's Orbit. The following are Free Resources made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such a topic.
The purpose of the Charts is to give People a Pictorial Format that summarizes certain Biblical Concepts, Theories and/or ideas related to the Planet X Theory.
The purpose of the Codes is to give People a Pictorial Format that summarizes certain Biblical Concepts, Theories related to the Planet X Theory.
Make a Statement by wearing the Planet X t-Shirt that depicts the Ancient Sumerian Motif of the Red Dragon or Nemesis that is coming to Destroy Earth again.
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Visit my Zazzle Online Store to purchase Merchandize related to the Topic of the Planet X Phenomena, to include Charts and Posters