'Go and measure the Temple of YHVH and the Altar, and Count the number of Worshipers there. But exclude the Courtyard outside the Temple. Do not measure it, because it has been given over to the Nations, and they will trample the Holy City for 1260 Days'. -Revelation 11:1
The following are items that are available for downloads regarding various Resources related to the coming 3rd Temple. My Research has produced numerous Charts, Articles and Books. The Books encapsulate my findings of the Astronomical Correlation of the Old City, the Temple Mount to the Star alignments of the Constellation Orion and the Rededication of the Temple Altar of Sacrifice in 2018.
The various studies over the Years have attempted to decipher such an Enigma that appears to match the full Israel restoration timing of the Nation, City and then the coming Temple. Jesus did allude to a Prophetic Pattern of Restoration per the Olivet Discourse in the Reverse Order of their Destruction; Temple-City-Nation to then be restored Nation-City-Temple. The following are Resources made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such a Topic.
The purpose of the Charts is to give people a pictorial format that summarizes certain Biblical concepts, theories and/or ideas related to the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple. The Charts are meant for an in-depth study.
The purpose of the Codes is to give people an alternative format that summarizes certain Biblical concepts and/or ideas related to the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple. The Codes are meant for an in-depth study.
The purpose of this PowerPoint Slide Presentation is to give People a Pictorial Format that summarizes the 3rd Temple's Astronomical Evidence for its True Location, one believes is over Dome of Spirt.
Make a Statement, a Prophetic Statement in how the 3rd Temple is coming and will be the cause to Unite the World in the New Hybridized Abrahamic Religion. Get a copy in any Color, Type and Size at my Zazzle Store.
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Purchase a Copy at my Zazzle Online Store.
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Purchase a Copy at my Zazzle Online Store.
See a 3-Dimensional Model, animated that will show how the House of Prayer for all the Nations will look like. The Endeavor to make this happen is being proposed by the Temple Institute of Jerusalem. This Temple or 'Tower' will be the Rallying Cry for the New World Religion once the Rapture Event occurs.