The Bible declares that YHVH is the Great Mathematician and Builder. It is not Lucifer whom the 'Builders' or the Kabbalists and Freemasons believe it is Lucifer, their GOD. It is YHVH, the Creator who is the Great Architect of the Universe. The Bible further reveals that Jesus Christ, GOD the SON is the Creator. In Colossians it is said of Him, Jesus that all that is seen and not has been created by Him and for Him. He is the Master Builder, the 'Stone' whom the 'Builders' have rejected, Jesus Christ is that Stone who is currently building His Bride as Eve was constructed from the Material of Adam.
With 2 instruments, the Square and the Compass, perhaps Jesus fashioned the Universe, the Earth and Adam. It is all based on the Phi Ratio. It is called 'GOD's Signature'. Most Graphic Artists, Designers, and/or Painters of the like have a 'Signature' Mark on their work, so too is the case for one's Eschatological Website.
The Monogram is basically my 'Signature' on my Work. The Square is used by Builders to construct and fashion structures that are level and squared. The Compass is used to determine Radius and Arcs of Degrees. The Logo has the Compass erected at a 90 Degree Angle with the center Compass spanning 32 Degrees. It is believed, based on Astronomical Patterns, that Jesus Christ was 33 Years of Age at the Time of the Crucifixion and Resurrection in the Year 32 AD, if in fact His Birth was on September 11, -3 BC. The Square is a 90 Degree angle also.
The 1st Meaning is that it is an upside-down Masonic Compass and Square. As the Luciferians, Kabbalists and Masons mimic YHVH, the GOD of the Bible’s Symbols, Letters and Numbers for their evil purposes and so-called 'Hidden' Knowledge, the same Principle is initiated to reverse their Curses that their Symbols and Number are designed to perform. The 2nd Meaning is that the Motif is actually a Monogram of one's Last Name, 'VEGA'. Notice carefully the following Letter Correspondences.
V - The Compass.
e - A Number 6 as an 'Eye'.
g - Another '6' as 'Eye'.
A - The Square.