'In the same way, you Wives must accept the Authority of your Husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your Godly Lives will speak to them without any Words. They will be won over'. -1 Peter 3:1
I have had the privilege of perform during Farmers Markets, on Beach Boardwalks, Town Squares, Festivals and Oversea Missions; a Fool for Christ. The purpose of Mimes within a Context of Ministry is to glorify and uplift Jesus Christ by ‘Preached without Words’. It is the Gospel alone that through the Preaching of the WORD, the life changing Power of Jesus Christ is transmitted.
Such Mime Skits complement and prepare the Crowds and/or Audiences by demonstrating Stories related to the Themes of the Gospel without the use of Words in preparation for the Preaching of the Word that should follow.
Todd Farley wrote a Book entitled, The Silent Prophet (1991) that shows how in the Bible, GOD used Mimestry to teach Israel object lessons. Mimestry is considered the 'Standard' for Mimes within Christian Outreach Ministries. One recommends this Book to anyone who wants to expand their Biblical Understanding of Performing Arts in Worship using the Power and of Mime.