'Therefore go and make Disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the End of the Age'. -Matthew 28:19-20
The following are just a few of the Video Journals from Mission Trips around the World. Most of which have been at one's own Expense. Other Nations are not shown for Security Reasons. All but the Continent of Antarctica have been traveled to.
The following are Percentages of Nations visited.
Aeuropa: 11 | 22.92%
Africa: 1 | 01.78%
America N: 2 | 50.00%
America S: 1 | 07.69%
Asia: 4 | 07.45%
Over 300.000 Miles logged, equaling more than the Distance from Earth to the Moon.
18. ISRAEL - 2019
לָכֵן אָמַרְתִּי לָכֶם שֶׁתָּמוּתוּ בַּחֲטָאֵיכֶם; שֶׁכֵּן אִם אֵינְכֶם מַאֲמִינִים כִּי אֲנִי הוּא, מוֹת תָּמוּתוּ בַּחֲטָאֵיכֶם.
Participated in a Military Volunteer capacity with the IDF, Israel Defense Force with Weekend Furloughs to visit the Old City of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. One walked the entire length of the Old City Wall, starting from the Mount of Olives. It was an Amazing Experience and a once-in-a-lifetime Opportunity.
فقال لهم انتم من اسفل. اما انا فمن فوق. انتم من هذا العالم. اما انا فلست من هذا العالم. 24فقلت لكم انكم تموتون في خطاياكم. لانكم ان لم تؤمنوا اني انا هو تموتون في خطاياكم.
Participated in an Academic International Conference with opportunity to attend a Worship Conference and witness individually on a daily basis. The Trip had Excursions from Dubai to the Capital City of Abu Dhabi. One can only show some Cultural Highlights during the Trip.
16. CHINA - 2008
问候中国人民!耶稣说:所 以 我 對 你 們 說 ,你 們 要 死 在 罪 中. 你 們 若 不 信 我 是 基 督 ,必 要 死 在 罪 中.
Participated in Good-Will Ambassador tour of the People’s Republic of China in Beijing prior to the Olympics. The Team had opportunities to meet Locals in different Venues from Business, University to Social, all the while enjoying the Sights and Sounds of an emerging Military and Economic Super Power.
15. ROMANIA - 2006
Salutări de la Oamenii din România! Isus a spus: De aceea v'am spus că veţi muri în Păcatele voastre; căci, dacă nu credeţi că Eu sînt, veţi muri în Păcatele voastre.
Participated in an Outreach Team to Arad and Bucharest to help work with Children Orphanages and put on a Children’s Bible Camp in participation with Children to Love Ministries. The Theme was 'The Amazing Race' that also reached out to the Gypsys.
14. CESKA – 2006
Zdravím lidi Česka! Ježíš řekl: Protož jsem řekl vám: Že zemřete v hříších svých. Nebo jestliže nebudete věřiti, že já jsem, zemřete v hříších vašich.
Participated in a literal Prague Spring experiencing the Events of Passion Week at various Events and Productions within a Traditional Bohemian Church who in some instances were part of the Underground Church during the Repressive Soviet Communist Era.
13. THAILAND – 2005
ทักทายคนไทย! พระเยซูกล่าวว่า: เราจึงบอกท่านทั้งหลายว่า ท่านจะตายในการบาปของท่าน เพราะว่าถ้าท่านมิได้เชื่อว่าเราเป็นผู้นั้น ท่านจะต้องตายในการบาปของตัว"
Partnership with the Mennonite Disaster Tsunami Relief (MBMS) Agency - Operation Reconstruction. The Construction Outreach provided inroads to work while also building Personal Relationships in Khu Khou Island.
12. HUNGARY - 2005
Üdvözlet a Magyar népnek! Jézus azt mondta: Azért mondám néktek, hogy a ti Bûneitekben haltok meg: mert ha nem hiszitek, hogy én vagyok, meghaltok a ti Bûneitekben.
Participated in an Outreach Team to Tihany and Budapest to help work with Children's Evangelist Conference and put on a Children’s Bible camp with Campus Crusade for Christ.
11. KENYA – 2004
Salamu kwa Watu wa Kenya! Yesu alisema: Ndiyo maana niliwaambieni mtakufa katika dhambi zenu. Kama msipoamini kwamba Mimi ndimi, mtakufa katika dhambi zenu.
Participated in a Construction Team of 10 Volunteers helping build a Bible Training Center for Local Pastors. The Team helped put on a Women’s Conference and delivered Sheep, Nets and Bibles to Widows. The Team worked at Mount Elgon.
10. BRAZIL - 2002
Saudações para o Povo do Brasil! Jesus disse: Por isso, vos disse que morrereis em vossos Pecados, porque, se não crerdes que eu sou, morrereis em vossos Pecados.
Participated with the College & Career Ministry to outreach to the People of Brazil during an English Camp in participation with Palavra da Vida outside Sao Paulo. The Team ministered to School Youth and Underprivileged Locals of Atibaia.
9. ITALIA – 1998
Saluto ai Peopel d'Italia! Gesù ha detto: Perciò v’ho detto che morrete ne’ vostri Peccati; perché se non credete che sono io (il Cristo), morrete nei vostri Peccati.
Participated in a Travel Excursion with a former Church Member to the Island of Sardegna. The Time was spent the Trip sightseeing the Island, and then to the Peninsula starting from Pisa and working the way down to Roma, evangelizing.
8. SPAIN – 1993
Saludos a la gente de España! Jesus dijo: Por eso os dije que moriréis en vuestros Pecados; porque si no creéis que yo soy, moriréis en sus Pecados.
Participated in some Graduate Level Courses in International Commerce Madrid as Spain was entering into the European Union. The University was called Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid a Jesuit College. ICAI-ICADE.
7. ESTONIA – 1990
Tervitused Eesti rahvas! Jeesus ütles: Sellepärast Ma ütlesin teile, et te surete oma Pattudesse; sest kui te ei usu, et Mina see olen, siis te surete oma Pattudesse!
Participated in Volunteers for Peace that was designed to be involved in helping with an Outreach was to the Local Orphanages where and promoted where Interaction and Witnessing occurred through sports activities in Tallinn and Narva.
6. RUSSIA 1990
Привет ЛЮДЯМ РОССИИ! Иисус сказал: Потомъ Богъ сказалъ: да произведетъ земля животныя живыя по роду ихъ, скотъ и гадовъ, и звјрей земпыхъ по роду ихъ: и стало такъ.
Sputnik Youth Exchange program in Moscow with other students from around the World as it was the year that Communism fell in the former Soviet Union. The Team was partnered-up with a Sports Youth Camp.
4. SWEDEN – 1990
Hälsningar Peopel Sveriges! Jesus sade: Och Gud sade: Frambringe jorden levande varelser, efter deras arter, boskapsdjur och kräldjur och vilda djur, efter deras arter. Och det skedde så.
Participated in a Graduate School Program at Uppsala studying Social Science, with an emphases on the Unification of the European Union and an attempt to learn some Swedish.
3. FRANCE – 1989
Salutations Peuple de France! Jésus a dit: C'est pourquoi je vous ai dit que vous mourrez dans vos Péchés; car si vous ne croyez pas ce que je suis, vous mourrez dans vos Péchés.
Participated in an International Work Camp based in Paris. The Exchange Program partnered with Jeunesse y Reconstruction to help refurbish a Huguenot Church in St. Pierreville, Ardeche.
1. ENGLAND – 1988
Greetings People of England! Jesus said: I said therefore to you, that ye will die in your Sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye will die in your Sins.
Participated in the London Study group from Cal Poly, SLO. The Team lived in the Kensington area to the Westside of London. We took the Metro or 'Underground' to various Spots and got a chance to witness at Speaker’s Corner.