‘When the Waters become hard as Stone and the Surface of the Deep is frozen? Can you bind the Chains of the Pleiades or loosen the Belt of Orion? Can you bring forth the Constellations in their Seasons or lead out the Bear and her Cubs?’ -Job 38:30-32
The following are items that are available for Purchase and Download regarding various Resources related to the Celestial Patterns found replicated all over the Earth. My Research into Astro-Archaeology has produced numerous Charts and Books on the Topic. The Books encapsulate my Research Findings of the Astronomical Correlation of the Dimensions of Eden to the Constellation of Orion and others to Ancient Temple Complexes found all over the World, for example.
Many believe that the Orion Region is where the Creator of the Universe resides. The Ancient Records attest to the fact that long-gone Civilizations like the Sumerians had documented the visitations of certain 'Illuminated Being' or Fallen Angels from such Regions and still to this Day. The Resources are made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such Topics.