'The Counsel of the YHVH stands forever, the Purposes of His Heart to all Generations. Blessed is the Nation whose GOD is YHVH, the People He has chosen as His inheritance! YHVH looks down from Heaven; He sees all the Sons of Men'. -Psalm 33:11-13
The following are items that are available for downloads regarding various Resources related to Biblical Prophecy, as one interprets it. My Research has produced over various Charts, Articles and Books. The Books encapsulate my findings of the Deo-Political and Esoteric Correlations of the founding of the Republic. One has also attempted to ascertain possible Astronomical Alignments, and Signs that could appear to be connected to America's coming Fall and Collective Judgment., perhaps. As one lives in the USA, this Research will be Americentric.
The various studies over the Years have attempted to decipher such an Enigma that appears to match how many End Times Students of the Bible see the USA as a Modern Iteration of the Babylon System. Consider how the USA is deemed the 'New Atlantis', by the Luciferians. They see it as their Mythical Phoenix that will birth the New world Order. The Pattern of Columbia is set to 'Rome' and Luciferian Ley-Lines, dedicated to the Gods of Babylon, etc. The following are Resources made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such a Topic.
The purpose of the Charts is to give people a pictorial format that summarizes certain Biblical concepts, theories and/or ideas related to the Fall of the USA. The Charts are meant for an in-depth study.
The purpose of the Codes is to give people an alternative format that summarizes certain Biblical concepts and/or ideas related to the Collapse of the USA. The Codes are meant for an in-depth study.
Make a Statement, a Prophetic Statement in how the USA will play a Key Tole in ushering the last Beast and Metal Kingdom of the AntiChrist. Get a copy in any Color, Type and Size at my Zazzle Store.
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