I will display Wonders in the Sky and on the Earth, Blood, Fire and Columns of Smoke. The Sun will be turned into Darkness And the Moon into Blood before the Great and Awesome Day of the LORD comes'. -Joel 2:30-31
The following are Items that are available for downloads to the General Public regarding various Research related to the Tetrad and Blood Moon Phenomenon. My Research into the Blood Moons has produced many Charts, Essays and a Book. The Book encapsulate my Findings of the Astronomical Correlation of the Tetrad Template with respect to the Prophetic 'Effects' on the Nation of Israel and the World.
One major Theory is present that associates the Tetrad Blood Moons with the coming rebuilding of the 3rd Temple. In the case of Israel, the Tetrad Template suggests a 'Before-During-After' sequence. The Tetrad Pattern was based on the following 3 Tetrads: 1949-50, 1967-68, and 2014-15. This pattern did occur in 2018 when the Altar of Sacrifice was built. The Altar is an extension of the Temple. Many believe that the Blood Moons are a Harbinger and Bad Omen for Israel. The following are Resources made available for one's Examination.