by Luis B. Vega
‘But the Dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any Place found in Heaven for him and his Angels. And the Great Dragon was hurled down— that Ancient Serpent called the Devil and Satan, the Deceiver of the whole World. He was hurled to the Earth, and his Angels with him’. -Revelation 12:8-9
Consider that the Year 2024 was the Year of the Dragon. Now, the Year 2025 is the Year of the Snake. What caught one’s Eye again, was how the Google Doodle captured this Event in their Search Engine Graphics. The Artistic Rendition had a Snake intertwined within the Word, ‘Google’. Nothing out of the ordinary, but then consider what was set atop the Head of the Snake? It appears to be a Fruit or an ‘Apple’ Motif.
Surely that is no ‘Accident’ as one would not have associated the Chinese Lunar New Year with the Motif and Judeo-Christian Genesis Account. That has to do with Adam, Eve, the ‘Forbidden Fruit’ and the Shining One, i.e. Lucifer, the ‘Snake’, etc. Or as Scripture disclosed him as being the ‘Ancient Serpent of Old’. What one saw or perceived was how the Snake, encompassed the Word, ‘Google’ in the Doodle, appearing to highlight the depiction of 3 Numbers, 6-6-6. Perhaps?
Such a 6-6-6 Depiction could just be a Figment of one’s Imagination or Bible Prophecy Bias. However, one does not put it past Google and their CIA, Luciferian Elite controlled Spy Network that Google is, to Predictively Program such a Motif, ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’. Google often does this. Based on some Research about what could the 2025 Year of the Snake mean, what one is excited to consider that if the Rapture Event is indeed on this 2000th Year Anniversary from the Crucifixion Year of 32 AD, based on 2032, then taking into account the 7-Year Tribulation would make 2025 the Year of the Rapture. And? In turn, that Event would then expose, only after that, who the Son of Perdition, the coming AntiChrist will be; the Son of the Ancient Serpent himself.
According to 2 Thessalonians 2, this Revelation can only come after the ‘Departure’, as one interprets the Context of what the ‘Apostasia’ is referring to. This would mean then, the Chinese New Year Motif, that is the Snake, would then happen to synchronize with the actual Advent of the Biblical Serpent, i.e., the Antichrist that is directly associated with the Mark of the Beast 666 System. And that is what one saw and perceived in the Google Doodle. It came with a throwback to the Snake and the Forbidden Fruit in Eden and a 6-6-6 Encrypted Artwork. One found 2 Articles that were written about this 2025 Snake New Year. It is about the Dual Meaning of the Snake Motif. It is expected to bring about Transformation and New Beginnings.
Political Snakes
Surely, if the Rapture Event occurs in 2025, based on one’s New Wine Summer Wheat Season in the Month of July, then the Tribulation is slated to begin in the Fall. It will be just in Time as the 3rd Temple is built and ready for the Daily Sacrifice Dedication. Now, in the East, the Snake is revered as a Symbol of Wisdom and Shedding of the Old. How appropriate for the Biblical Depiction of how at the Rapture Event, the Bodies of the Believers and Followers of Jesus will be ‘Shedding’ their Old Bodies, like a ‘Snake’.
According to the Promise of the Bible, that Last Terminal Generation will not see Death and will be given their New Body, just like a Snake etc. According to the Chinese, the Snake Motif also represents an ‘Inner Working’. And is that not what GOD the Holy Spirit has been doing since 32 AD, both collectively and individually? What is rather telling is that in 1 Article, a Chinese Calendar Expert stated how in their Ancient Creation Folklore, the Snake had 4 Legs originally, just like the Bible describes in Genesis. Coincidence?
The Snake is also directly associated with the Number 6, as in ‘6-6-6’? It is how the Snake lost 2 of its Legs and in a Competition to get them back, the Snake placed 6th in a Competition. Coincidence? Perhaps. There is yet another Genesis Inference based on the Legend of the White Snake. It tells of how there was a Relationship between a Snake and a Human. And the Snake attempts to steal the ‘Tree of Immortality’. Very interesting, no? In another Article appearing in the Milwaukee Independent, the Inference was not so promising, but very Political and politically Left-Leaning.
In fact, the Writer associated the Year of the Snake with ‘America’s Political Chaos and Biblical Warning’ in light of Trump’s Election Win. What? Well, on the flip-side of interpreting the Motif of the Snake, it is one of being Cunning and Treacherous. But is that not what Jesus expects of His Disciples to be too? It is how they are to be ‘Gentle as Doves, but Cunning as Serpents’, etc. In that Biblical Context, it is about being astute and shrewd with what Time, Finances, Resources and Talents the Holy Spirit has bestowed to advance and grow the Kingdom of Christ on Earth, while on Earth.
The Article goes on to state how the Biblical Genesis account does have the Serpent embody all that is of Temptation, Deception and Forbidden Knowledge. Now the Milwaukee Independent, being a Leftist Anti-Trump Trope, equates him to the Snake and the USA, essentially. But as usual, it is those on the Left that are Gaslighting with their Hate in how they label and blame Trump and his Followers for ‘Making America Hate Again’, as the Article’s Writer asserts. Nothing could be further from the Truth.
It is that the Left Hates, wand with a Burning Passion that is Satanic, in one’s Opinion. And did not their Ugly Fangs come out with Trump winning the Presidency? Yet the Left fails to Remember that no such ‘Jim Crow’ Laws, Racism, Division occurred during Trump’s 1st Administration. Yet the Writer and many like-minded, mentally ill People, equate the ‘Snake’ Motif with the Subtle Persuasion that Trump is known and famous for doing and being. But consider that Trump is not a Politician. He is foremost a Leader, a Director, Organizer and Builder, etc. And one is not even a Trump Fan.
Luciferian Venom
However, one is cautious of how Trump was used and still is being used by the Luciferians that do indeed work their Venom on the World and especially the USA. They are Ministers of the False Light and of a False Gospel, on behalf of the Ancient Serpent. This ‘Shining One’ is the Fallen Cherub, Lucifer who is the ‘God of this World’, etc. As a Political Scientist, reading this biased Leftist Article, it amazed one of how the Left is blaming Trump and the ‘Right’ for the very Sins the Left implemented during Biden’s Term and yet accuse Trump of doing. It is rather Pathetic and Mental.
Now as the State of America’s Morality and the Social, Political and Religious Pulse? It is concerning despite Trump. End Times Students of Prophecy realize that America needs to be ‘Taken-Out’. It has to implode to give rise to the Last Luciferian Beast System. The ‘Reset’ is coming. That will be the ultimate fulfilment of the 6-6-6 Serpent System imposed by such People that subscribe to the Writer’s Views. It is not Trump who is creating ‘Chaos’. Trump is ‘Cleaning House’ and making Corrections that is attempting to avert the Chaos.
Perhaps it will be Too Little-Too Late. But contrary to the Left’s Delusion, ‘Making America Great Again’ is a Unifying Force. The Year of the Snake, 2025 might very well be the ‘Final Warning’ to America, but not because of Trump, rather despite Trump. It is the Left, with is Immorality, Depravity and Deception that are the ‘Snakes’ and full of Luciferian Venom of Hate, Division and Moral Relativism. It is they that have mismanaged the Country into Bankruptcy, in all cases, morally, spiritually, political, socially, with their Incompetency and contempt for what the USA strives to be, etc.
If America turns into Darkness, it is because the Lights of the World, the Followers and Believers of Jesus will have been Extracted from off the Planet, i.e., the Rapture Event. And when the Light are turned off, how Great the Darkness will be the USA, in the World. And when the Salt is taken away, the Commodities will all ‘Spoil’. That is what is coming, for sure, Biblically. And it will not be because of those that agree with Trump on his Populist, American 1st Platform. In contrast the Left champions a ‘American Last’ Platform. It is one that advocates the Death of the Unborn, the most defenseless.
They are against Women in protecting them for ‘Pretend Women’ Males who seek access to their Gym, Sports and Locker-Rooms, etc. It is giving your Son’s and Daughter’s Puberty Blockers and Body Mutilation without Parental Consent. They advocate for Pornography in the Schools and Public Libraries. The Government lends against the Financial Future Generations as they are relegated into Perpetual Debt. They favor rather sending Billions to other Nations to conduct War.
A Biblical Reckoning of America is Coming. And perhaps that will begin in 2025, the Year of the Snake. But to reiterate, that is to be revealed to the whole world. It will be because of the Rapture Event, based on one’s Interpretation. And at that Time and Place, the Left will reap what they have sown. The Venom of the Ancient Serpent’s Bite will have worked its way through their ‘Body’, to the Point of No Return. Death, Mass Death will be inevitable. But remember what Jesus told Nicodemus about the Snake.
Why the Planet is in Peril
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation. It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against one’s Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is one’s Soul. Why?
Zero Hour U.S.A.
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the USA. The various chapters will be based on one’s Political Science background but incorporated and interpreted through a Biblical Lense and Prophetic Filter. What does '72 To Monkey' mean? It is hat in a period of 72 Hours, ‘All Hell will Break Lose’. It is that after a Period of 72 Hours from a given Time Marker, an unavoidable and certain aftermath is to occur. And that is why one chose that Title for the Information one is providing pertaining to the coming ‘Zero Hour’ USA.
Celestial Omens of Judgment
The purpose of this Book is to present over a Decade-Worth of Research since 2015, into the 3 Great American Eclipses that Crisscrossed the United States of America. They started in 2017 and culminated in 2024. One will present a Compilation of Articles suggesting that these Eclipses were Celestial Omens of Pending Judgment upon a Nation, that much like Nineveh of the Old Testament was given an allotted Time to Repent of her Sins, etc.
Transitions of the Last Generation
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Baphomet has risen in the World and in the USA in particular. Of what it looks like and what that means Prophetically. It is a Spirit of Perversion that has reversed and undermined all Human Moral Institutions, Ethics and Values. It has been a ‘Spell’ to introduce a ‘New Morality’ based on redefinitions in preparation for the New Order. This Spirit of Transformation or ‘Reset’ is one of an Orchestrated Upheaval and 'Controlled Demolition'.
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