by Luis B. Vega
One 1st proposed how the Feast of New Wine occurred on Pentecost. But it was at the 2nd 50 Day Count that corresponded to the Acts 2 Descent of the Holy Spirit. And that in turn, one’s Theory is that the Rapture Event will be pegged to this Timing or Anniversary, perhaps. One further elaborated how the corresponding Time of the Acts 2 Pentecost Event correlates to a Mid-Summer July 23 (723) Prophetic Correspondence. It is a commemoration of the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest, i.e., Boaz and Ruth, etc. It was also when the Jews had their Weddings, in Cana for example.
The July 23 Date also has to do with some astonishing Astronomical Correspondences, such as the Lions Gate and the Leo New Year. That is one’s Working Theory. One has, as of this Writing, published 4 Books expanding this New Wine Rapture Theory, occurring on the ‘True’ Pentecost Harvest. And that it occurred on the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Wine. For Reference, the Books are as follows: 1) End of the Church Age, 2) Pentecost New Wine, 3) Leo New Year and 4) New Wine Rapture, etc.
One will now expand on the Wine, as one does see a Connection to the possible Rapture Timing, possibly being timed and based on the Wedding of Cana. Granted, it is all Circumstantial Evidence and Interpretation. However, there are some very Striking Prophetic Types that do occur. One had inferenced this Cana Wedding Wine Event in one’s Research into the New Wine Rapture Theory, but only in brief. One will now attempt to do a Scriptural Study about it to possibly extrapolate further Evidence.
It will be why the Rapture Timing is tied to the Wedding of Cana and all that its Typology infers, based on one’s Interpretation. In the 4th Gospel of John 2, it is the Gospel of how Jesus is GOD and thus manifested His Power and Glory. And what better way than to start at a Wedding with wine. It is a Marriage that Jesus came to Redeem, and have His Earthly People Repent of, for so much Spiritual and Geo-Political Adultery. Notice that the Event of the Wedding of Cana, in Galilee took place the 3rd Day. This begins to Prophetically Echo how a Transformation occurred on the ‘3rd Day’, i.e., His Resurrection, etc. A couple of Notations about the Ancient Jewish Wedding Protocols.
New Covenant
A Jewish Wedding lasted for Days. In Ancient Jewish Times, they were for 7 Days. This is 1 Piece of Evidence of how some End Time Students of Biblical Prophecy use this Time-Frame to correspond it to the 7-Year Tribulation; 1 Day for 1 Year. This will be the occasion in which the Wedding Supper of the Lamb is presided over as Jesus ‘Marries’ His Bride in Heaven and takes the Bride to the Father’s House, i.e., the Rapture Event. This is also Evidence, based on Typology, that the Rapture Event is indeed Pre-Tribulation, as it would have to be. It is at this Time that the 4th Cup is drunk.
The purpose of the New Wine or New Covenant is solely based on the Church Age, the Age of Grace. This is to insinuate that one is thus more convinced that the Rapture Event will close-out the Church Age. And that will precisely be on the occasion of a New Wine Event, i.e., an Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Time-Frame. So the Wine Allotment for the Wedding had been overlooked as in the case of Cana, the Wine ran-out. Now, this will set the Prophetic Stage as how one will compare, as a Biblical Typology, how the Jews at the Wedding symbolized the limitation of Israel and its Mosaic Covenant.
And that a New Covenant, a New Medium, as in the ‘New Wine’ is necessary for ‘Saving the Day’, or in this case the Wedding and Humanity. But more Prophetically Profoundly, it is about the Wedding of Humanity, that has been estranged and whose ‘Wine’ has run-out, etc. It is the Story of Hosea, commanded to seek and redeem his Way-Ward Wife. It is really also the Thread or Theme of National Israel that ‘Played the Harlot’ in compromising its Covenant with YHVH, and thus a need for a New Covenant.
Note that at the Wedding of Cana, why one is allegorizing the Jews with the Old Covenant is that the Gospel explicitly notes how there were 6 Stone Water ‘vessels’. Each could contain about 20 Gallons of Water or Wine. The amount of 20 Gallons is about 75 Liters. Note also that they were used for ‘Jewish Purification Rituals’ in becoming cleansed before coming into the Presence of YHVH. This is very telling in that the Old Covenant was and is all about Ritual, a Ritual that only cleanses the outside.
The Ritual was and is a ‘Beginning’ from YHVH, but it pointed to Jesus. The Jews made a Religion out of it, as most Humans end-up doing. Note also that the Number 6 is the Number of Man and how it falls short of the Biblical ‘7’, which is Perfection, etc. When the Wine ran-out at the Wedding of Cana, Jesus told the Attendants to fill the 6 Stone Vessels with Water. This is what the Old Covenant could only do. And it is thus, Prophetically Emblematic of how the Old Covenant ‘Runs-Out’ or is inadequate. And?
There is a need for a New Covenant, for a Transforming Agent and Jesus, the Transformer. It is about a Better One that is all about cleansing the Inside. You see, the Old Covenant could only change the ‘Outside’, not the Heart, the Soul, the Spirit, etc. This is what Jesus came to do. The Old Covenant was a Filler. It takes Jesus to turn or ‘Transform’ that Old Covenant into the New Wine or the New Covenant. And continuing with the Allegory of Red Wine, that was emblematic also of how the Redness of Jesus’ Blood was and is as that New Wine that is the Agent of Transformation. It is what washes and renews one’s Spirit, Soul and eventually one’s Body, at the Rapture.
Time of Transformation
This is why Paul speaks of the Rapture Event as a Transportation. And as far as the New Covenant is concerned, it is about being Prepared, Transformed as a Bride is being made ‘Ready’ for her Groom and Wedding Day. Note how the 6 Stone Vessels were ‘Empty’. As noted, that can be seen as another Prophetic Allegory of how Man is ‘Empty’. Mankind, because of the Fall of Adam and Eve just became empty Earthen Vessels, devoid of the ‘Wine’ that Transforms and how, before Sin entered their very DNA and Being, were Eternal. The Soul still is. The Question is, where will it go?
Further, Jesus allegorically is the Master of the Feast. And it is Jesus who is the sole Agent that can transform the Empty Humanity from Dead Stones to Living Bricks. And those Living Bricks are being fashioned into a Spiritual House, i.e., the Body of Christ, etc. This is what is occurring during the Church Age and not during Daniel’s 70th Week or the 7-Year Tribulation Period, etc. Note also that the People did not know where or how the Water was transformed into Wine, but the Disciples of Jesus knew.
This is again how the Jews missed the Understanding and the Comprehension of how there needed to be a New Covenant and who did it and can. If at all, all the Jews were given was the Water, the Old Covenant. But as inferred, there needs to be a Transformative Agent to turn that Water into Wine. That is where and why Jesus had to come. He is the New Covenant, the ‘New Wine’ is in His Blood, etc. It is now the Church that has this New Wine Transformative Power. Its Commission is to transmit this ‘New Wine’ into as many Humans or Dead Stones Vessels walking around as it can to transform them into Living Stones.
This is done through the Gospel and it is the Indwelling of GOD the Holy Spirit that does the Inner Work and Transformation. This is what the Acts 2 Pentecost Event was and is all about. It is not completed yet, as the Last Supper is not Either. And it is Jesus that has been waiting also to finish the Wedding; His Wedding with the 4th Cup yet to be celebrated. It will be once the Church Commission will be Completed and Memorialized in Glory after the Rapture Event. It is the Rapture Event that concludes the Church Age and cannot be Post-Tribulation or Pre-Wrath, in one’s Estimation for that Reason.
And that is why the Rapture Event corresponded to the Feast of New Wine. Jesus will not be made to wait any longer for His Bride. Then note that the Wine at Cana was not Ordinator Wine, but it was ‘Good’ Wine. When Jesus does a Work, it is always ‘Good’. The Best Wine was brought-out at the End. This again is how one can suggest that the New Covenant in Jesus’ Blood or ‘New Wine’ is Good and the Best that had to come after the mere Water was poured, if at all. This is what was fulfilled in Acts 2.
It was how Jesus promised to give the New Wine Agent to the Church as a Commission to take to the World. It was due to the Failure of the Jews to do so and the limitations of the Old Covenant that could not Transform the Inner-Person, etc. And here are some more possible Prophetic Correlations as to why the Miracle at the Wedding of Cana can be correlated to the Timing of when the Rapture Event is to occur. It was Jesus’ 1st Miracle performed, done in Secret as that is how the Rapture Event will take place.
Once and For All
The Empty Water Vessels were a Typology of how Israel had been given ‘Water’ but ran-out and were thus, not Ceremonially Clean. And further in the Typology, it is how Jesus then taught that New Wine has to go into New Wine-Skins. It is befitting of the Prophetic Type of how there had to be a whole New Covenant as the New Covenant could not be intermingled with the Old Covenant. The Law and the Prophets cannot Redeems one’s Soul. If so, then there would not have been the need for Jesus to come to Earth and die on the Roman Cross, for ‘Nothing’ that the Old Covenant could do. No, Jesus had to come and pay for Sin.
The Law and the Prophets did not, and does not do that. The Old Covenant was only to show the need for an Inner Transformation. If at best, it only provided Water to temporarily be Cleansed on the ‘Outside’. And one had to constantly do that, on a Daily Basis. Yet the Core Essence and Being of Humanity was still that of Dead Stones. The major difference in the New Covenant is that in Jesus, His Blood, once and for all, has cleansed and transformed a Redeemed Human Spirit, Soul and eventually the Body. It is the Body that is yet to be Transformed. That will occur at the Rapture Event. And that Timing might very well coincide with the Feast of New Wine.
This is one’s Working Theory. Note that in keeping with the Ancient Jewish Wedding Typology, Jesus is to return to take His Bride to the Father’s House. This is the 1st Rapture Inference, really. And that is to take place in a Prophetic Time-Frame of ‘7 Days’. Note also how Jesus disclosed now when the Groom and Bride are shut-up in the Bridal Chamber, for those 7 Days, it is the Best Man that is stationed at the Door to keep Watch. And is it not interesting that another John, John the Revelation, the Motif of the Bride is called to: ‘Come up Here' in Chapter 4 of Revelation?
All that to say, that the Rapture has to be Pre-Tribulation Period because it will be at that Point in Time that the New Wine Age will have been concluded. And thereafter, the Age of the Jewish ‘Water’ will return for that Last Sabbath Week of Daniel. It will be all about the Ceremonial Cleansing and ‘Dead Religion’ again. This is why the Orthodox Jews are frantically preparing for the Ashes of the Red Heifer, the rebuilding of the Temple and the start of the Daily Sacrifices. But that ‘Water’ Covenant could only provide temporary Daily Cleansing. As noted, it was and is a Cleansing Agent that can only affect the ‘Outside’ and not the Inner Vessel where the Transformation needs to be made.
So, one’s Point is that this is what occurred, precisely on that Acts 2 Pentecost Event, that corresponded to the Feast of New Wine. And that in turn, as the Church Empowering began there, to initiate the Church Age, perhaps that is to end or have its Commission conclude on its Anniversary. Now as to the Year? That remains to be determined, but one has a Working Theory about that too. It is based on one’s Calculation of how the Crucifixion Year was indeed in 32 AD. But in the Jewish Messiah, Jesus is found a Better Covenant, as in the New Covenant like the New Wine. Jesus is the ‘New Wine’. The Old Covenant has to be replaced entirely. It is about going from Law to Grace. And unfortunately for the Jews and the World, the World after the Rapture will go from Grace to ‘Law’ once again.
New Wine Rapture Timing
Until the Stewardship returns to Israel under Jesus, Israel is ‘Water’ that has run-out and the ‘Wine’ is the True Church on Earth. But that ‘Wine’ in all those Stone Vessels of Humanity that have put their Faith and Trust in Jesus will soon have those Earthen Vassals also transformed. That is the 3rd and Last Component of the Redemption Package that has to be fulfilled in Real Time. That is the Rapture Event, the Harpazo that is also a Rescue Mission. Why? It is because Jesus comes for His Bride. It is because Jesus has finished building the ‘Room’ in His Father’s House.
If it were not so, the Post-Tribulation Rapture would mean that Jesus is having ‘Trouble’ finishing His Wedding Chamber. It is tantamount to Jesus ‘Running-out’ of Material. Imagine the Creator of the Universe doing that? No Chance. Once the Wedding Chamber is done, the Wedding will be concluded, as it was in Cana. And thus, there will be the Conclusion and the Celebrating in Heaven for those 7 Years. But on Earth, it will be the 7-Year Tribulation Period, corresponding to the 7 Days of Jesus’ Wedding.
This is one’s Rationale of a Rapture New wine Timing is how it has to do with the Last Sabbath Week of Daniel. Now to how one connects the Wedding of Cana and the New Wine with the Timing of the Rapture? Granted, one is extrapolating and using Conjecture with minimal Information but it is packed with such profound Prophetic Patterns. Most Students of the Bible would agree with the Typologies inferred in what the Transformation of the Water turning into Wine implies.
So, one’s Rationale is very simple as to why the Wedding of Cana on the 3rd Day, is when the Rapture Event will perhaps occur, if Pattern is Prophecy. Note that the Israelites arrived at the Foot of Mount Sinai and were told to present themselves to meet YHVH, on the 3rd Day. That was when YHVH proposed Marriage to them. Then 40 Days later, after a 7-Day interlude, Moses came down with the Stone ‘Contract’ of that Marriage Vow and Commitment made. That was on the 99th Day since Nisan 15 when the Israelites exited Egypt. This Timeline is 1 of the Pieces of Evidence one has used to connect the Timing of the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine to the Rapture.
This is predicated on one’s interpretation of how the Leviticus Count of the Penta or 50 Day Intervals has been misinterpreted. And now there is the Revelation and Confirmation from the Temple Scrolls. It shows how indeed there were 3 Penta-Feasts of the First Fruits: Wheat, Wine and Oil, etc. That 99th Day was the Anniversary of Acts 2 and the commemoration of the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest, etc. Thus, this appears to corroborate the other Wedding Prophetic Typology of Boaz and Ruth, who married after the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest.
This is what one conjectures also, in that the Jews, for the most part waited until the Wheat Harvest to marry and have their 7-Day Wedding Celebration. And that started with using the New Wine. Thus, the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory, as one interprets it, was emblematic and prophetic of the Wedding of Cana. It was the occasion where the ‘Water’ that Jesus filled the empty Stone Vessels with what was turned to Wine. This is Pentecost and what will occur at the Rapture Event.
This is now possible because of what happened at the Cross of Calvary. It is where the Water and the Blood came out of Jesus’ Side. That is what is required for an Inner Transformation to occur in a Redeemed Humanity. Thus, all this has been one’s leap into how the Cana Wedding where Jesus turned the Water into New Wine. One conjectures that it occurred at the End of a Summer Wheat Harvest. And that it corresponds, in terms of Timing, with the Acts 2 Pentecost Event. In turn, one then asserts that the Rapture Timing is based on how the Anniversary of this Inner Change or Transformation of Being, and its corresponding Dispensation from ‘Water’ to ‘Wine’ was the occasion for the Empowering of the Church Body on Earth.
It was and is how Jesus commissioned His Body while on Earth still to take this Transformative Power to every Human that would and will accept it. The Church Age Stewardship has been one of ‘Celebrating’ what the New Wine Implies, the Body and Blood of Jesus. They are the Elements that are celebrated, the New Covenant that it represents as so often as the Gathering of Believers of Jesus get together to Remember. That Ceremony, commensurate of the New Wine that Jesus has provide through His Body and Blood, will 1 Day be fully drunk in Heaven, New after the Rapture.
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the New Wine.
People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ They say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing?
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying that the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count is what Acts 2 was and is about.
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