by Luis B. Vega
The Bible teaches that Jesus will return when the World will be ruled by 10 Nations or Rulers. One is more inclined to see the Typology already set in the Bible, as being the 10 Toes of a certain Statue. It is how one sees it and interprets it from Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream. That is what one knows to be the 4-Fold Metal and Beast Type of Statue. This pertains to the 4 World Empires that have ruled over Israel due to its Sin of Disobedience and Unbelief and will rule until Jesus returns.
For example, the 3rd and Last Diaspora being the Roman one is what is presently the Status-Quo. Starting with Babylon, the Metals start from being precious, i.e., Gold and then diminish in Value, ending-up with Iron mixed with Clay, etc. Then as to the Beasts, they start with the Lion but end-up with a Ferocious Beast, a blending or composite of them all. In terms of Historical Time Frames? Consider how the Statue is that of a Human Form. And? In that case, it is divinely proportioned to the Golden Ratio.
This is to insinuate that YHVH even encoded the very lengths and Dimensions of the 4 Empires corresponding to the Proportion of the Body Sections that related and relates to their individual Time-Frames. This is utterly Amazing and Astonishing. This means that one can then approximate how long this Metal and Beast System or Statue will last and when Jesus is to return. See Chart Link for an illustration of these 4 Empire Time-Frames and how the last Iteration will be that of the continuation of the present one, the Roman one that will devolve into the 10 Toe Confederation, in one’s Estimation.
Now, the 10 Toes will then be Nations with a King over each. It is these 10 Kings that will hand over the entire World to the ‘Little Horn’ that rises from the Great Sea. Here is another Clue. Remember that in Biblical Topography and Frame of Reference, the Associations or Motif alluded to are drawn from Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple of YHVH. That is all to say that the Great ‘Sea’ is the only Body of Water, the Mediterranean.
Thus, this is where the AntiChrist will arise from, from 1 of these 10 Toe Confederated Nations, either originating from the West or the East, that was and one argues, still is the Roman Empire that rules the World. Consider this Phenomena in how the USA is the ‘Inheritor’ and even mirrors that Layout of the Vatican. Before there was a District of Columbia, the area was called ‘New Rome’. The Congress Building is built atop Capitol Hill, as in Capitoline Hill in Rome. The Mall ends at the Washington Monument, the Obelisk and it mirrors how the Obelisk crowns the Mall of the Vatican Plaza.
Mark of Loyalty
Now once the worldwide Economic Reset is made, there very well could be a division of the Earth into 10 Divisions. It already is based on the U.N. Delineations. And no doubt, a new form of a U.N. governing World Government will be rolled-out. But one is more convinced that the Center of Power will revert back to Europe as that is where the 10 Toes are more consistent to be corresponding to, based on Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Metal and Beast Statue, the Rome 2.0 or 10 Toes.
It is from there that the AntiChrist, once given World Power will then shift the Center of ‘All Things’, Religious, Financial, Social and Political to Jerusalem. It is also how he will then destroy the Vatican as it will have served its purpose and not have it be a ‘Competitor’, Religiously, Financially and in terms of surveilling and gathering Intelligence, etc. One is more convinced that the 10 Toes will thus be the Geo-Political Domain of what many have called the ‘Revived Roman Empire’. Realize that the Roman Empire is what the current ‘Dispensation’ of the Statue Prophecy the World is still under.
Imperial Rome has not gone away. Where is it? Who is it? It is the Vatican and the Pope. He is the continuation of Caesar and the 2 Capitals are but reduced to the Vatican in the West and Istanbul in the East. One has commented on this before in that, Caesar had a Dual Office or Position. He was Dictator and High Priest of the Roman Religion. He was the Defender of the Faith, and thus, the Supreme Father of the Land, ‘El Papa’. It is like the King being the Head of State and the Head of Government, etc.
Once the Imperial Rome side collapsed from within, the Imperial Crowns and Office just shifted to the Religious Component of it. This became the Papacy. So, essentially the Pope is the living Legacy of the Caesarship and High Priest of the Roman Religion. However, as one knows, the Roman Catholic Religion usurped the Church’s Name and Position as ‘Victor of Christ’ and ‘Mother Church’, etc. Also realize that the Vatican is a Bank and has the greatest Intelligence Network on Earth. Consider the Billions of Confessions that are made and how that Information is funneled to the Vatican.
This is why the 2nd Beast, the one that will come out of the Earth will be as a Lamb but will speak as a Dragon. And it is the False Prophet that will compel all the World to take the Mark of the Beast. It is a Financial and Banking Network, all tied to the Block-Chain Technology. The coming Mark of Loyalty will be infused with one’s Biometrics, inside one’s Body thanks to mRNA Technology and Nano-Tech Bots that reassemble in one’s Blood and Cells. They will be ‘Activated’ by either Light, Sound or Heat, etc.
Consider that the Metropolitan ‘Pope’ or the Orthodox Leg of the Greek-Speaking Roman Empire is still headquartered in Istanbul or Constantinople. However, it is being ‘occupied’ by the Modern ‘Ottoman’ Turks, i.e., Erdogan. So, the BRICS will have and be adding more Member States. This is one’s Point. It is outside of the Sphere of this Prophetic Dream Construct that defines the Ages and Empires down to the Return of Jesus. Perhaps the BRICS is wanting to give the U.S. Dollar a run for its Money, as they say, and once the Worldwide Financial Collapse occurs, it could serve a purpose.
Confederation Configuration
However, based solely on the Typology of the Metals and Beast Types, the 10 Toe Confederation will have to emerge out of what the Western and Eastern Roman Empire was constituted with. And that consisted of most of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. This is to say, that 5 Nations will make-up the Western Leg, still as its complimentary Leg of the Eastern 5 Nations will make up the other 5 ‘Toes’. Now as to which ones specifically will they be? That is the challenge to figure out. A possible 10 Toe Confederation Configuration could look like this.
1 Italy
2 Spain
3 France
4 Germany
5 England
1 Greece
2 Turkey
3 Syria
4 Israel
5 Egypt
Here below is one’s Chart of this Beast and Metal Man of World Empires that ruled over Israel and the Nations, is still ruling and will in its Last Iteration. It will exist, has existed and currently does exist. Nonetheless, if the Model of the World Ruling Empires is an Indication given by YHVH as a Time-Frame, then the Countdown can have its full measure of Divine Integrity of when Jesus will come back, as scheduled.
Consider further how one is more convinced why the Rome 2.0 is what will be the 10 Toe Confederation. What was will be again. See the following Historical Account of how the Roman Caesar gave a ‘Test of Loyalty’. It was all based on one’s Ability to ‘Buy and Sell’. Historically, the worst Period of Christian Persecution occurred under the Roman Caesar called Diocletian.
As the spread of Christianity persisted, especially among the Slaves and Lower Classes, it eventually made it up to the Upper Classes. So the Emperor made a Loyalty Test. He set-up Public Stations of Registration for the People to make Public Testimony demonstrating their Loyalty and Worship to Caesar. Romans had to go there and only take a Pinch of Incense to offer it on the Altar of Caesar. As one offered the Incense, one had to say, ‘Ceasar Dominus Noster Est’. This means ‘Caesar is Lord’.
Jesus is LORD
This is how the Government routed-out the Christians because the True Christians would not do that, as they Saluted each other instead with, ‘Quod Dominus Noster Iesus’. Jesus is LORD, etc. Here is the ‘Clincher’. Those that renounced or denied ‘Jesus as LORD’ for Caesar is Lord, instead would then be given a Piece of Paper to validate their Allegiance to Caesar as being the ‘True God’. This Paper was called a Libellus. See Wikipedia Source. The Word comes from the Latin, ‘Little Book’. Essentially, it was your ‘Passport’ or Certificate of Loyalty to the Caesar.
A Libellus allowed a Roman to ‘Buy and Sell’ or engage in Society and be able to participate in the Banking Financial Grid. If not, if you said and kept to ‘Jesus is LORD’, then you as a Christian were not allowed to ‘Buy and Sell’. Most likely, one was Arrested on the Spot with one’s entire Family and thrown to the Lions in the Colosseum Arena where they were mocked and made Spectacles of.
This has both the Historical and Prophetic Echo of how the coming ‘Libellus’ will be used again by the same People and Empire, i.e., the Mark of the Beast. The Loyalty will be afforded to the World, once again. And those not Saying, ‘Caesar is Lord’, but rather Jesus is LORD will not be able to Buy and Sell. Such Christians will not be able to participate in Society. It will be a Death Sentence. Likewise, a World Persecution of the Age and the Likes of the Satanically-Inspired Emperor Diocletian will be on Earth again.
After the Rapture Event, the coming Biblical AntiChrist and his Papa or Holy Father that will issue the decree on behalf of the Dragon, Lucifer will seek Worship and Veneration from the People. And like the Last Beast that will be a Hybrid of all the prior ones, the coming AntiChrist will literally embody this Spirit of Persecution and Death for those that will not pledge their Loyalty to Caesar but will rather suffer the Consequences for believing that Jesus is LORD.
Jesus is LORD
The Hour of Testing
The purpose of this Book will Chronicle various Events that are preparing Humanity to be Transitioned into the Tribulations Period. It is a Timeframe of 7-Years where the Luciferian Globalists, Israel and the World will be Tested for 1 Prophetic Hour. Jesus warned that this Last Sabbath Cycle to conclude Man’s Rule on Earth will be the worst and most Horrific Time that Mankind has experienced. See and Read how Jesus will Rescue His Bride as the Signs approach the End of the Church Age that is concluded by the Rapture Rescue.
Order out of Chaos
The purpose of this Book is to present an array of Comprehensive Studies suggesting that 2025 is the probable Year of the Start to the Tribulation Period. The Series of Studies strongly suggest that the Shemitah that started in 2022, with its subsequent 7 Years will Mark the Mid-Point at the Passover in 2029. Thus 3.5 Years prior is Fall 2025 when the Whore of Babylon System will Rise to Rule the World, Religiously, Economically and Politically. Then 7 Year later will be Fall 2032 and the Return of Jesus.
Doomsday Signs of the End Times
What is the 'Beast'? Who is or will be the 'Beast'? Why does the Bible call this coming Man, the 'Beast'? The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Lucifer's AntiChrist has risen in the World and about to make his Great Debut. The Book will present Evidence on how Prophetic Variable such as Astronomical Time Markers, End of the Church Age with the Rapture, and the Orchestrated COVID Tyranny will result in the eventual Mark of the Beast.
Last Luciferian Beast Empire
This Book examines the case for the Countdown to the coming Apocalyptic New World Order that will be tied to Daniel’s 7-Year Sabbatical Cycle of the Terminal Generation based on Sacred Knowledge, Past, Present and Future. Evidence presented will examine Astronomical Heavenly Signs, Biblical Types and Parallels to suggest when the advent of the coming Luciferian AntiChrist and his Empire are soon to be Debuted. The 'Image of the Beast' as foretold that will cause the coming 3rd Temple to have an Abomination that causes Desolation.
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