by Luis B. Vega
‘For the LORD Himself will descend from Heaven with a Loud Command, with the Voice of an Archangel, and with the Trumpet of GOD, and the Dead in Christ will be the 1st to Rise. After that, we who are Alive and Remain will be Caught –Up together with them in the Clouds to meet the LORD in the Air. And so we will always be with the LORD’. -1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
As one who has been in the Military and specifically was in the Israeli Defense Force IDF for a Support Program back in 2019, one can appreciate what occurred during the Funeral Celebration of the dead Shi’a Cleric, Hassan Nasrallah. The Israeli Air Force IAF turned the Spectacle into a National Embarrassment for them. Israeli Fighter Jets, to include the F-35’s and F-15’s, roared over Beirut and the Stadium during the Funeral. Now one, in principle, would argue that a Funeral of any Dead Person deserves their Full Measure of Respect. But there are Exceptions in one’s Constitution.
The Death of such a Man would be one such Exception. He was the Proxy of Iran in Lebanon and the Founding Militant Leader of Hezbollah, the ‘Party of God’. He was an Arch-Enemy of Israel and Christians who coordinated Attacks from Lebanon’s Southern Border. It took 4 Months to have his Funeral, after he was killed by Israeli Air Strike back on September 27, 2024. The Funeral also honored his Cousin and Successor, Hashem Safieddine who was appointed Hezbollah’s Leader after the Death of Nasrallah.
Safieddine was killed in a subsequent Israeli Airstrike on a Beirut Suburb a few Days later. Both had been temporarily buried in Secret Locations to avoid the Israelis targeting them because they are now seen as Glorified Muslim Martyrs, etc. So, they had their ‘Official Funerals’ with much Islamic Anti-Israel Fanfare. On February 23, 2025, the Burial Ceremony of the Shi’a Clergy of Lebanon was held in Beirut. The Event and Ceremony of the Funeral was celebrated in a Sports Stadium that was reported to seat anywhere from 50 to 80,000 People.
It was full and many more Supporters of Hezbollah were packed outside in the Streets during the Funeral.
Hezbollah Leaders from Iran, Iraq, and Yemen came and gathered to mourn their Proxy Clergy that caused Death and Terror to Israel and the Christian Minority now of what is left in Lebanon. As usual, the Chants were ‘Death to Israel!’ ‘Death to Israel!’ It was at that Time and Place that the Israeli Jets flew overhead, several Times. They also circumvented the entire City of Beirut to the Crowd’s dismay. It was a Humiliating Endeavor as it caused a degree of Panic within the Stadium. Imagine how the Israelis could have taken-out the entire Hezbollah Masterminds, once and for, gathered all at 1 Place and Time.
Winner Take All
However, the World Press made sure not to air the Israeli Flyby or ‘Salute’ to the Islamic Shi’a Clergy’s supposed ascent to Paradise where their 70 Virgins await them. The Imagery of the Israeli IAF Flyby surely upset the Tone and Confidence of the Hezbollah Leadership and their Supporters. The sight of the F-35 roaring across the Sky, over the Stadium was spectacular to see.
What was also impressive, is the Speed in which the F-35 Jets can fly at. This was demonstrated during the Iranian Strike by Israel back in April of 2024. There were several Online Video Clips that captured the Speed of these Super Jets. They came in, undetected and they were in-and-out so fast, that the Russian Air Defense Systems were rendered incapable of intercepting them.
Hananya Naftali
The Scene of the Israeli Jets flying overhead, as the Islamists chanted ‘Death to Israel’ reminded one of how the Spiritual Warfare is real and what Israel vs. the Islamist on Earth is but the Physical Manifestation of the Spiritual one that the Body of Christ has also in Tandem with the Principalities, in the Clouds, on Earth and Under the Earth, etc. There is a War going on, on Planet Earth. And the Prize is Humanity’s Souls.
One must never lose the Understanding that a Believer and Follower of Jesus, is considered as a ‘Soldier’. Often, in the Scriptures, the Depiction of Jesus Followers are that of a Rank-and-File. For example, during the Exodus, the 12 Tribes of Israel were partitioned by Rank and File, with Battle Standards, etc. Jesus is spoken as the ‘Captain of our Salvation’. And during Times of Battle, the Tribe of Judah was to always lead.
‘And the Things that you have heard me say among many Witnesses, entrust these to Faithful Men who will be qualified to teach others as well. Join me in Suffering, like a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus. A Soldier refrains from entangling himself in Civilian Affairs, in order to please the one who enlisted him’. -2 Timothy 2:2-4
And what is more profound is that this War, and its many Battles also occur in one’s Being, in one’s Mind and Members. As it has been stated, a Believer and Follower of Jesus has a 3-Front War to Fight and always be On-Guard against. It has to do with the Temptations out there in the World, from Lucifer and then from one’s own Mind and Desires.
1. Satan
2. Sin
3. Self
‘For though we live in the Flesh, we do not wage War according to the Flesh. The Weapons of our Warfare are not the Weapons of the Flesh. Instead, they have Divine Power to demolish Strongholds. We demolish Arguments and every presumption set-up against the Knowledge of GOD; and we take Captive every Thought to make it obedient to Christ’. -2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Spiritual Warfare
Those 3 Temptations are what ‘Got’ Eve into Trouble and the ‘Rest is History’ as they say. As with any Enlistment in the Military, there is a Basic Training Phase. Then there is the need to know and handle one’s Equipment and Weapons, etc. Of course, the Context is that of a Spiritual Fight and Contention, but it is very real as the one seen amongst Israel and its Muslim Enemies. Regarding this Spiritual Warfare, the Passage in Ephesians 6 describes the Full Armor of GOD and how to utilize it against such Spiritual Contention.
It does require ‘Practice’ and Patience. But this is what the Church Age has been all about. It is, after all, a ‘Commission’. And a Commission has a Beginning and End Date. And each Generation is like a War Campaign. One can see how the 7-Fold Church Age, as typified by the 7 Churches of Asia have been the Phases of this War. What is sobering to consider is that the Last Generation is the one that will experience the ‘Rapture Retreat’. This Last Generation will be those that will have the Last Post.
And like a Relay Race that has Segments where Athletes pass on the Baton, the Last Church Phase, that of Laodicea is tasked to cross over the ‘Finish Line’. And that last Church Generation Commission will be ended by the sound of the ‘Last Trumpet’, as the Apostle Paul described in the Passage from 1 Corinthians 15:52. But here is one’s Point, as pertaining to the Military and being in the Army of Jesus. And as with a Military, the End of a Day is concluded with the Call to Retreat or Retire for the Night, a Battle, a Campaign or War, etc.
It is like a Commission in the Military. And as to the Last Post or Generation? The Commission of the Rahab’s, the Ruth’s, will conclude at the End of the Church Age Commission. One is convinced that the Rapture Retreat will be, as a Military Trumpet Call. And there is one’s Prophetic Interpretation as to it being the ‘Rapture Retreat’. That is what the Context of the 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Verse is all about, the ‘Rapture Retreat’. It is a Military Call to Gather-in, or ‘Fall-in’, Retreat, Fall Back.
That is the ‘Apostasia’. As one is aware, the Verse in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is highly contested to either mean a Doctrinal or Theological Departure from Scriptural Orthodoxy or a Physical Departure from one’s Place or Station. It has been shown that the same Word in the Greek, in all other instances of its usage has been that of an Apostasy pertaining to Teaching and Doctrine. Fair enough. However, there are Exceptions. And one is just arguing that this is the 1 and only 1 that is the case, for the case.
Note that in the Context of the Subject Matter, there is no assurance of departing from Doctrinal Orthodoxy to comfort those that had Questions about the Believing Dead having Passed-On. As one has compared, Apostasy in terms of the Faith, happened from the very beginning of the Church Age, even in the 1st Established Church of the Ephesians that Paul founded. See Revelation 2:4. One’s Point is that the Apostasy is pertaining to a Call to Retreat, as in, to ‘Fall Back’. It is in Military Terms, as the Bugle sounds the Retreat at the End of the Day, the Battle or the War, or an Action, etc.
Last Trumpet Call
And that is what one surmises and is more convinced it is going to happen at the Rapture Event. That ‘Last Trumpet’, and/or with the ‘Trump of GOD' will be sounding the Retreat, to ‘Fall Back’ into the Arms of Jesus’. It is when His Soldiers or Workers gather, Apostatizing to a Rendezvous Place, having been called to ‘Regroup’. It will be Jesus calling His Ruth’s that have been out in the Wheat Field laboring , one the Summer Wheat Harvest has concluded. Yes, it is tiring and weary Work. Can you imagine Ruth gleaning in the Fields all Day?
As a Migrant Farm Worker growing up working in the Almond Orchards, one can empathize since one was 12 Years Old. But it is about the Timing. Once the Summer Wheat Harvest is over, the Ruth’s of Jesus will be called to wed her Greater Boaz. To be clear, in Military Terms, one agrees that the ‘Church Triumphant’ is never to ‘Retreat’ as in to Surrender. It is because the dominant Thought when 1st registering the Word, ‘Retreat’ is to associate it with a Surrender. That is not the case, nor should it be. One used the Word ‘Retreat’ only more so, for its Alliteration Flare. Here is the Definition.
1. The Act or Process of moving back or away, especially from something Hazardous, Formidable, or Unpleasant.
2. Withdrawal of a Military Force from a Dangerous Position or from an Enemy Attack.
3. The Process of Receding from a Position or of becoming smaller.
And one did qualify it, the ‘Rapture Retreat’, emphasizing more of a Call to Gather from the Day, or a Harvest or as in an ‘Action’ Completed, etc. Nonetheless, technically and based on its Definition, when the Rapture Call does occur, it will be a Military ‘Retreat’, a ‘Departure’ from one’s Place and Time, etc. Does the Trumpet Call follow the Heavenly Military Types though? Obviously, one only has a Man's Rendition but a Military one of how it could sound on this Side of the Rapture. Nonetheless, what does a Military Retreat Call sound like? Behold. Listen.
RETREAT (BUGLE CALL) Retreat from Action
Anthems & Marches
Royal Australian Air Force
News Article
of Hezbollah’s slain leader Nasrallah fly into Beirut for his funeral
The Great Escape
The Hour of Testing
In the Shadow of the Tribulation
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