by Luis B. Vega
The purpose of this study is to bring to one’s Attention a very unique Martian ‘Structure’ that is appearing to look like an Obelisk. One will present this Anomaly as possible Evidence of how the Planet Mars had Ancient Structures on its Surface. This is to strongly suggest that the Planet, at some Point in Time, had a vibrant Atmosphere, Life and Civilization. Now what and who remains to be discerned. But one is coming from a Biblical Frame of Mind and Interpretation. It is to say that such a World most likely existed before Genesis with Adam and Eve on Earth.
This Ancient Mars Civilization Narrative and Theory would corroborate with the Ancient Sumerian Creation Mythos in that they record Structures on Mars of this very Kind. This particular case is in reference to the now Famous ‘Face’ on Mars, etc. With the advent of Google Map Technology and Satellite Imagery, the entire Surfaces of the Earth, Moon and Mars have been mapped. This is thanks to the U.S. Taxpaying Dollars that the CIA, NSA and other Intelligence Agencies had funded Google with to achieve this amazing Technological feat.
However, a lot of the Surface areas, in all 3 Worlds have been intentionally redacted, covered-over and/or blurred. But as far as the Topographical ‘Anomalies’ are concerned on Mars, for example, this Massive Martian Obelisk is 1 such example of how not all items can be address or either erased or covered-up. It has been incumbent upon the Average Citizen and Mars Enthusiast to ‘Discover’ these said Anomalies, etc. Now, if the Structure is just a fiction of one’s Imagination based on the Optical Illusion, or Pareidolia, sure. But one will address the oddities of this particular Site.
This Massive Martian Obelisk can be found by using Google Earth and switching over to the Mars Feature, using the Menu Options. Then the following is the exact Coordinates where one can replicated to find and locate the Obelisk. Based on the Google Measurement Tool, the Height of the Martian Obelisk is approximately 6.66 Miles high or about 10.7 KM. It is about 3,300 Miles to the Cydonia Mars Triangulation of another Pyramid Complex.
31 05’58.89’’S 74 27’31.71’’E
To give a perspective of just how massive this Obelisk is, consider how long and how much Time it would take to drive across the 7-Mile Bride on the Florida Keys in the USA. Consider that on Earth, the Height of the Atmosphere ranges from about 7 Miles at the Poles to about 12 Miles at the Equator.
Tower of Power
Thus, this Martian Massive Obelisk is about half the Height, piercing through Earth’s Atmosphere. Truly a Massive Structure that has no surrounding attributes whatsoever. It rises out of ‘Obscurity’ as a Lone Tower. What Type of Tower was it? As far as Towers go, at least on Earth, they were and are used for Communication, a Power Station and or Surveillance. What if that could have been its purpose also on Mars? If one studies the Google Mars Topography of this Massive Obelisk, one will see how symmetrical it is.
One is reminded of another Massive Obelisk on Earth. This is of the Washington Monument. Interestingly, it is 666 Inches Tall in Height. It is called the Shaft of Ba’al and in Ancient Egypt, it is believed they served as a sort of Power Point. It concentrated Earth’s Magnetic Energies and helped charge the areas where they were situated with. Perhaps such a construct was what the Massive Martian Obelisk also was function as, a ‘Tower of Power’.
If such a Topographical Structure was and is indeed a Remnant of a former Advanced Martian Technology, then it is Evidence, although circumstantial of a former Civilization that perhaps still is surviving underground. Perhaps it still has a functionality that could be affecting Earth in some manner as it could have been also in its Ancient Past. No doubt, the Millenia of Time has had Erosion attributed to it as the Base is more profound. But it could be part of the Structural Design to reinforce such a Massive Monument based on the Height.
Also consider that such Designs are found on Earth. Where? Consider that Shard Building in London. It has a striking similarity in form of what the Mars Obelisk appears like. This Pyramidal Shape is consistent with those other Towers also found on Mars, the Moon and on the Mars Moon of Phobos. As it is on Mars due to the many Mars Rovers and Explorers, there has been Water found. One would hope that if any Site on Mars could be or should be explored, are Sites like this one.
This Mars Massive Obelisk Structure is about 315 Miles from the Navua Valles Crater. Perhaps in future Mars Missions, such an Exploration could be made to confirm if this Obelisk is indeed of an Intelligent Design or just a mere Topographical Anomaly. In December of 2016, a YouTuber posted a discovery of 2 Sets of neighboring Towers on Mars. The Location was in the Area of Terra Meridiani, on Mars. According to, from Spain, ‘A whole Planet is full of Buildings and Artifacts to be discovered on Mars. See Video:
The 2 Sets of 3 Towers are identical despite their slight tilt in angle when compared to each other and superposed as MundoEsconocido demonstrated in his Video. Based on the Evidence and Imagery analyzed from the NASA Satellite Scans, they do not appear to be ‘Natural’ but Artificially Designed.
Then in March of 2017, a group of 6 'Towers' were discovered on the Moon. The Images were taken from Google Moon. As with Mars, the Topographical Terrain was constituted by the collection of Scans made by NASA Satellites that orbited the Moon. As with Mars, the Scans of the Lunar Surface, show several ‘Rocks’ of abnormal size.
Coordinates: 22°21’50.69″N, 81°59’12.92″E and 16°17’20.57″N, 87°36’23.56″E
They stand high above the normal Ground Level. The Height are approximated to be some 3-4 Miles High. Some Skeptics presume it is only a Natural Anomaly or perhaps a ‘Glitch’ in the Scanning Software of Google. It could be as it does occur even on Google Earth. But to have a repeated number of similar Structures, all about the same Height is suspect at best.
Discovered on the Moon in NASA Satellite Images
Consider the following Research by the CIA. In the late 1970’s, a Central Intelligence Agency Team, formed by Experts in Remote Viewing, was told to travel to Planet Mars with their peculiar powers. It was Joe McMoneagle, working for the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) in Arlington, who performed the Experiment as he was an Expert in Astral Projections. What Joe McMoneagle related was astonishing.
But the most amazing thing is that his Viewing coincided with accurate Observations taken on Mars. He corroborated that there are Structures on Mars that are designed in Pyramidal Shapes and are Massive in size. Sure, the Skeptics still doubt that such Structures exist on Mars, the Moon or on Phobos and that it is all an Illusion based on Pareidolia. Perhaps, but one is not entirely convinced these Towers are mere effects of Pareidolia.
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.
Martian Star Portals
This book will show how such Martian Motif triangulations served and serve as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on one level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ in another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This book suggests that the triangulations were points of contention as a euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the world in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Return of Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical point of view. The book will incorporate a comprehensive array of Astro-Archeological studies compiled using motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s sacred sites, past, present and future. This study will hopefully help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks about will be in part, the ‘return of the Martian Saviors’.
Cydonia Star Gate Patterns
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the cosmic motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the pyramid designs of the ancient sacred sites on Earth, past, present and future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going cosmic conspiracy regarding what is the true narrative of the interpretation of such sacred designs that are aligned to the stars. The study will involve a large degree of Astro-Archeology pertaining to the coming of the celestial Gate Keepers and Guardians of the Galaxy.
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