by Luis B. Vega
This is a Critique of a fellow Brother in Christ, Christian Widener’s Notion that the Tribulation Period has already started. His Time-Frame of the Tribulation Period is from 2020-2027. One was asked if one knew of the Person’s Work and to assess if this is ‘True’, and that according to his Interpretation of Daniel’s 70th Week, Jesus will return in 2027. It is at this Point in Time that the Rapture occurs, according to Widener, etc. So, in essence this Brother is a Post-Tribulation Rapture Believer. No Problem.
One can see how the Verses in the Book of Revelation state clearly that, ‘After the Tribulation of those Days’, Matthew 24:29-31, the Elect or Jewish Remnant will be gathered from the 4 Winds. Its fulfillment occurs in Revelation 14:15. It is about the End of the Tribulation Period’s Harvest of Souls, etc. It is correct that there is to be a Harvest of Souls and that Event will be a Translation, as in a ‘Rapture’, but it is not the same Word as Harpazo in the Greek to infer a ‘Snatching Away’ from imminent Danger.
So, here is one’s Response to Widener’s Notion that the Tribulation Period has already started. Yes, one is aware of Widener’s Work. He is the one that also has written a Book about the True Location of the Temple of YHVH, on the Temple Mount. However, one has not read that Book. Like him, one is convinced that the Holy of Holies is over and will be again, over the Dome of the Spirits. It is also called the Dome of the Tablets. It is rather interesting. One has a Triangulation of Evidence based on the following.
1. There are the Ancient Ley Lines one deduced from Google Maps, when superimposed over the entire Temple Mount, from at Top View.
2. The Phi Ratio Spiral centered on the Holy of Holies, when superimposed over the entire Temple Mount Platform also from at Top View.
3. The Astronomical Alignments of Orion, especially the Belt Star when superimposed over the entire Temple Mount, from at Top View match the 3 Domes presently erected there.
4. There is also the Sabbath Waking Distance from the Mount of Olives to the Threshold of the Temple Entrance that runs in a Direct Line through the Golden Gate, etc.
See PDF PowerPoint based on one’s Research into the 3rd Temple’s True Location.
Tribulation Troubles?
Now, that is as far as one would agree with Widener’s Research. So now he has written his subsequent Book on the Prophecy of Daniel’s 70th Week. And in his Interpretation, Daniel’s 70th Week is from 2020 to 2027. One does, however, accept that the Seal Judgments are casting their Prophetic Shadow upon the Present Times. This is to suggest that their Preludes are lining-up, and ‘Fast’ with World Events.
One is of the Interpretation that only after the Rapture Event and the Bride of Christ takes her Thrones, will Jesus then start reading His ‘Last Will and Testament’. This Event will constitute the Breaking of the Seals, and only then. So, the Question is then, that the 7-Year Tribulation has already started, as noted. As one will read below, one is not convinced at all that the Tribulation Period has already started, back in 2020. Well, if so, here would be one’s Questions to him to challenge that Assertion.
1. Who is the AntiChrist? It is clear that only once the Restrainer is set-aside will the Identity of the AntiChrist be revealed. Who is the AntiChrist? Clearly 5 Years, as of 2025 into the Tribulation Period, the World would have already known who that is.
2. Who is the False Prophet? And where are the Signs and Wonder that even Fire from Heaven is made to come down? One surmises that this is how the Daily Sacrifices will be initiated.
3. If the 2020-2027 Time-Frame is in-play, this is now the 5th Year into the Tribulation as of 2025, as noted. One’s Point is that by now, the Mid-Point Abomination of Desolations Event would have occurred. Where is the Golden Idol that comes to ‘Life’?
4. Where and what is the Mark of the Beast required of every Human on Earth to Buy or Sell? And if not accepting of it, where are all the Millions that are to be Decapitated for refusing it?
5. Where are the Wars, the World Wars like the Gog-Magog War that amount to Billions being Slaughtered in Israel? Is Israel ‘Safe and Secure’ to the point that it no longer has any Walls?
6. Where are the Natural Catastrophes, at a Planetary Level that will see 1/3 of the Trees, Grass and Water either being burned-up or contaminated?
7. Where is the Worldwide Famine and Hyper Inflation, that will be so severe, that it will take 1 Days Wage just to feed 1 Person. And that is, if one has a Job and is plugged into the Beast System of Commerce, etc.
8. As the Mid-Point of the 2020-27 Tribulation Period is past by 2 Years in 2025, who are or where are the 2 Witnesses? Even if one argues that they show-up either at the 1st Half or 2nd Half of the Tribulation, they would have been On-the-Scene now, regardless. Where are they?
9. This same Question goes for the 144,000 Jewish Evangelists. Where are they also? One has not seen nor read about Messianic Jews, to such a degree evangelizing that have turned Heads around the World with their Testimony about Jesus being the True Messiah.
10. Who are the 10 Toe Kings that have given their Dominion to the Beast or AntiChrist? And who were the 3 Kings that resisted? Also, what was the ‘Covenant with the Many’ after all?
What is the Difference?
It would be very interesting if Widener could address the Questions to see and follow his Logic and Interpretation of Daniel. The Questions need to be addressed because as it is said, ‘Extraordinary Claims demand Extraordinary Proof’, etc. But ultimately, if the Tribulation Period has commenced, then what is the Blessed Hope about and what Difference does it make? How then is the Church Age a ‘Blessing’? What Hope is there to be spared from the Tribulation? Where is that Escape Door of the Philadelphians?
What is the Church Age all about then, if there is no difference in what Israel and the World will endure, no longer having Grace and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit? No. One is convinced that the Church Age, the Mystery Age of Pentecost is where Grace is the Operating Protocol. It is a Time where Jesus is grafting-in the Gentiles into the Commonwealth of Israel. And only then, after the ‘Last Gentile’ or that 153 ‘Fish’ is caught, will the Net be brought in, and the Wheat will be brought into the Barn, etc.
Note that the Church Age is compared to a Wheat Harvest and is an Age that eventually will come to an End. And to take the Opportunity to reiterate that, as asked, it is only one’s Point of View. One is not saying one is ‘Right’ or has it all figured-out. Or that one has to believe how one sees it or interprets Scripture or Prophecy. But with each passing Year, it does seem that the Foggy Mirror or the Prophecy Window is getting closer and cleaner, no? So, as to the Brother’s Engineering Background in helping determine the True Location of the House of YHVH? Superb.
However, his Theology about correctly or rather incorrectly interpreting Daniel’s 70th Week, in one’s Opinion is left to be desired. One can be very critical of others Research, but one accepts no less of oneself to be held to that same Standard of Scrutiny. There is also Research and Teaching of some other Brethren that is trending. They assert that Nisan 10 is when the start of Daniel’s 70th Week is to commence, on that Day. And the Year? 2025. In Gregorian Time, the Date Conversion is April 8, 2025.
This Nisan 10 Date is predicated on the Prophetic Pattern of when the Israelites entered the Promised Land, etc. However, some Nisan 10 Proponents entirely dismiss how Astronomy could have a bearing on the Date as well. Such Brethren are basically dismissing 1/3 of the Disposition why YHVH created the Sun, Moon and the Stars to be for. In Genesis 1:14, YHVH prescribed the Celestial Bodies to be for the following.
1. Signs
2. Seasons
3. Times
Notice the Priority or Preeminence? What many Students of the End Times stress are the Patterns in Prophecy, and rightly. They are then based on determining the Seasons and the Times. But many dismiss the Sun, Moon and the Stars for primarily being for exactly that, Signs. So, one has a Critique of some of the Brethren who adamantly assert that Nisan 10 is the Start of Daniel’s 70th Week. They adamantly deny sourcing any Type of Astronomical Factors that can be Correlated to Prophecy. Well, if one holds to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario, it has to occur by or on April 8, 2025.
The Response or Lack Thereof…
One suspects that the Reason why many have distanced themselves from the Astrological Signs, has to do with what happened with the Revelation 12 Sign in 2017. One would agree that, at the Time, one went against the Sensationalizing of the Revelation 12 Sign, as being the Rapture Event itself. One was and still is convinced that it was the Rapture Sign, to the Church; to awaken the Sleeping Church.
That perhaps it was going to be a 7-Year Countdown to the actual Rapture Event. The Church was put on Notice, etc. That was more plausible in one’s Mind. It could have been, but that is where one formulated that Eschatological Axiom of mine, that the ‘Sign is not the Event’, etc. So, now that the Sign has fulfilled its Astronomical Shelf Life, will the Rapture Event occur soon after the 7th Year to fulfill the Astronomical Sign?
That would mean that the Rapture Event will have to occur in the 8th Year, if one’s Assertion is to be correct. And one knows the Biblical Significance of the Number 8. But as to the Tribulation Period already having started and perhaps what Christian Widener’s response was to one’s Questions? A Sister in Christ took the initiative to reach-out to Widener with the Questions. Here is what his Response was.
That's a little long for the comments section, but if you download the free copy of my book, Witnessing the End, you will find answers for the things that we can know now. Some of the things you have asked are still being revealed, like who is the antichrist. I have a video explaining that the antichrist and the beast that rises from the sea are not really the same thing. One is a person but the other is a kingdom, a system, with many horns (leaders).
Well, many Brethren do believe that the Tribulation Period has already started, back in 2020 as well. But as they say, ‘To each their Own’. However, one is suspect even more now, after what little he replied to. If he cannot answer conclusively the simple Evidence that should be ‘Fact’ and ‘Proof’ by now, then one is not ‘buying it’. That is all. One’s Critique is that by now, there should be no Guessing nor Doubt about what one had asked. And those are sincere Questions.
But based on Widener’s Daniel’s 70th Week Timeline, the Tribulation is already 3/4th of the way done. And if he cannot identify who the AntiChrist by now? That the Beast and the AntiChrist are not the same? Sure, there is the Beast, 2 of them in fact. So, which one? The one from the Sea, the AntiChrist or the one from the Land, the False Prophet? And then there is the Beast System of Babylon, which one?
One cannot really follow his Interpretation of what Daniel’s 70th is really all about. Not that one’s is any better or more correct, but he is introducing Interpretations that one has not even heard of until now, 45 Years worth of End Times Studies later. This is why Paul admonished the Churches not to have Teachers that are either newly Converts, Young or have not studied the Scriptures to ‘Rightly Divide’ them. Widener is conflating a lot or is not really skilled at Rightly Dividing the Word, in one’s Humble Opinion.
Here is one’s Calculations, to suggest that the 70th Week of Daniel is on the threshold of beginning, perhaps in 2025. How so? The Year 2025 is the Year of 7’s. It is the 77th Year for Israel since 1948. How from 1948 + 70 Years was 2018 + 7 Years = 2025 and then + 7 Years could be Daniel’s 70th Week of Years, that ends in 2032. Then as a Brother in Christ, Stephan pointed-out the following Day Count.
From May 14, 2018 ( Israel 's 70th Birthday) + 7 Prophetic Years (2520 Days) = April 7, 2025 (The start of Nisan 10 in Jerusalem). Cool.
Or if one factors a 7 Year Land Fallowing since 1948, as Israel had to wait once having crossed into the Promised Land led by Joshua = 1955. Then adding the 70 Year Factor from 1955 = 2025. Then the 70th Week of the 7 Years of Daniel from there = 2032. It corresponds with the same Years as the prior Timeline. Here is a Chart one made that attempts to capture these Timelines. It seems all these Number 7 Correspondences do not concur with any of the up-coming Years.
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