by Luis B. Vega
‘Evidently some People are troubling you and trying to distort the Gospel of Christ. But even if we or an Angel from Heaven should preach a Gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a Curse! As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a Gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be under a Curse!' - Galatians 1:7-9
The following study will show how Humanity has had a Running Theme of Heavenly Beings or Angels interacting with Humanity. Now, many People who do not subscribe to the Biblical Narrative will reject the supposition that Humanity has fallen just like Lucifer and is in need of Redemption. Such also reject the Notion that the Anointed Cherub, Lucifer is in actuality Malevolent, along with his Contingent of Fallen Angels. Then there are the Demons that are the Spirits of Dead Giants whom they produced by mingling their Seed with that of Mankind, since Genesis 6.
Yes, there were Angel-Human Hybrids, and this Program has been occurring since Adam, up to this Day. This is what the ‘Ancient Alien’ Abductions are all about. Such would rather accept, in part due to Cognitive Dissidence, that such Heavenly Beings Interacting with Humanity to varying Degrees of Contact are just Benevolent Beings trying to assist Humanity in its Evolution to Immortality, etc. Realize that the Account or the Bible’s Messages is technically about Divine Beings, not of this World, Earth. It was ‘Extra-Terrestrials’ technically, that made or created Humanity and put them in Eden. This is the Creation Account according to the Book of Genesis. And that these Divine Beings or ‘Gods’ came from a Place called ‘Heaven’ that exists in a different Dimension.
It is from these Realms that these ‘Gods’ of Light come from outside of Earth. The Bible gives Clues that such Creators put a Rank-and-File of Angelic Beings upon the Earth to Rule over its Affairs, including Mankind. But the Reason why there are so many Religions, and so many ‘Gods’ is that Humanity started to worship such Light Beings as the Gods. And these Angelic Overlords started accepting Human Worship. They essentially broke the ‘Prime Directive’. This is a Notion of not getting involved in the Development of Humanity aside from that the Creators had prescribed.
Of course, one is coming from a Biblical Interpretation that the ‘Creators’, in the Plural Form of the Elohim, the ‘The Elohim’ among them, that is YHVH. This is what the Psalm 82 Council of the Gods is all about. It is how these Gods assigned to Humanity on Planet Earth failed at their Post and Duties to teach Humanity the Way and Knowledge of YHVH. And for that, they got Judged to ‘Die like Men’. Such were and are the Gods or Angelic Guardians that YHVH had set upon Earth, according to the Sons of YHVH or the Bene Ha Elohim, etc. And such Offices were based on Geographic Regions of Influence, to include entire Nations and Cities, etc. This is the Stuff of Daniel 10 in the Delay of the Angelic Messenger of the ‘Gods’, Gabriel. But what some Angelic Beings started to do, is teach Humanity ‘Forbidden Knowledge’.
Council of the Gods
Such was the case with the 200 Watcher Class type of Angels that made a Pact to Hybridize Humanity and mingle their Seed in the Days of Enoch. One such example is Ahura Mazda of the Ancient Persians. He was the Creator Deity and God of the Sky in the ancient Iranian Religion of Zoroastrianism. The literal meaning of the word Ahura is ‘Lord’, and that of Mazda or ‘Wisdom’. And like Moses, the Revelation of this Wisdom occurred atop a Mountain.
Here you have the case of how before and just right after the Flood of Noah, YHVH would reveal Himself to Peoples. This could be thus a direct inference to YHVH, who is also the GOD of the Sky and of Wisdom. However, there is the Imposter, Lucifer who has usurped these Attributes from YHVH for himself. As in Eden, Lucifer now portrays himself as the Prometheus to Humanity. He is the one, the Lord of Wisdom that seeks to ‘Save’ Humanity from its Destruction at the hands of an ‘Evil’ YHVH.
This is basically modern Luciferianism. But it is the same Lie of Eden that Mankind can become like GOD, Immortal. In reality it is a Ruse to destroy Humanity with such Knowledge. Why? Lucifer’s rebellion has been Judged. And his Deceiving Humanity is what is being contested, presently in every Living Soul of every Human Being. It is because of Jesus, who being fully GOD, became fully Man to redeem Adam’s Race. This is the Gospel but Lucifer has an Antithesis or Counter Gospel. One calls it the Luciferian Gospel.
It is the same Proposition given to Eve. Sadly, most of Eve’s Descendants, like her, rather believe in Lucifer’s Lies as opposed to Jesus’. And Lucifer will not go down without a Fight. This is why there are Angelic Wars yet to be fought on Earth. But realize this. Lucifer’s Doom and eventual End will culminate on Earth. His Fate was and is determined on Earth, out of the Trillions of possible Planets or Worlds that might exist in the Universe or even in Heaven itself, Lucifer’s Demise has been accomplished at the Hans of mere Humans.
Now, in the Bible, it is full of Angelic Interactions with Humanity. Here is the Biblical Account of how Enoch and Elijah were taken up or Raptured into Heaven. In the case of Ezekiel, there is the Wheel within a Wheel Throne of YHVH that descended to Earth. This was and is called the Merkavah of YHVH. It is another Word for Chariot in the Hebrew Language. Then you have the Cosmic Connection of the Pleiades Star Cluster in many Religions.
For example, the primary one is seen in the Book of Revelation where Jesus Himself associates the 7 Churches of Asia with the 7 Stars. And that these 7 Stars are held in the Palm of Jesus’ Hand. Jesus is also self-ascribing the Planet Venus, the ‘Bright and Morning Star’. But that is where the Ancient Americans believed the Shining One or Feathered Serpent came from. Such as a Being that was Divine and taught the Ancient Americans Civilization, etc. This is, however, what still is in play to this Day. How so? Consider how the Apostle Paul warned that in the Latter Days, the Church would open itself to Teachings being taught by either Doctrines of Mean or that of Demons.
What is Truth?
Nothing has changed. It is because such Angelic Entities are still ‘Alive and Well’ on Planet Earth. They are still behind the Power and Influence, Geographically of Nations and Regions on the Planet. Next, you have the Mormon Religion that was totally founded on the Teachings and Revelation of an Angel called Moroni. It is said that this Angel came from the Pleiades to help Humanity. In this case, it was and is, according to the Mormon Religion, to be the 3rd Witness or Final Revelation of Jesus. The Religion is based on how Moroni, the Angel led Joseph Smith to some Golden Plates.
It chronicled the events of how the Americas were once inhabited by the Lamanites for example. This Theology plays into how when Jesus resurrected, He appeared in the Americas, as He or as the Mormons equate, was Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, Viracocha, etc. So, for example, one would contend that the entire Religion of Mormonism is based on the Deception of 1 of these 70 Gods that were supposed to Guide Humanity into the Knowledge of the 1 True GOD, the Creator YHVH. In essence Mormonism is thus, a Pleiadian Religion. Then there is the Buddha, known as Siddhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism.
Again, the Theme of Eden is echoed in his Name, which means, the Awakened One or Illuminated One. How so? Consider that to reach this State of Awakening, the Buddha meditated under a Tree. This is how the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is how Lucifer, the Created Angel over YHVH’s Throne that ‘Covered’, lured Eve by Temptation to be ‘Awakened’. And indeed, once Eve partook of the Forbidden Fruit, and Adam willfully partook, they became awakened. From that Point in Time, they knew what was ‘Good or Bad’, but now in their own Interpretation apart from YHVH’s.
It is understood that Buddha interacted and was given Divine Revelation by the Devas, the Shining Ones, etc. These would be or could be considered a Lower Rank of the Angelic Beings. Nonetheless, they communicated and had Communion with the Buddha. It is these Fallen Angel Types that taught the Buddha the Philosophy of the Teaching of Reincarnation and Quest for Nirvana or ‘Bliss’. In such a Religion or Practice, it is by Meditation that the Humans disengage from the Physical aspect, the Body and Psychologically of the Mind. Why? The Humans became an ‘Empty Vessel’ in which the Devas or other Demonic Disembodied Spirits of the Giants seek to possess. It is in this State of ‘Emptiness’ that the Contact and Connection is made with the Immortals.
But this is what Drugs also will achieve as for example, Psychedelics will induce an Altered State where one’s Faculties are disengaged from the Consciousness of a Person. This is where, for example Astral-Travel, outside the Body occurs or one can do Astral-Projection or have the Ability to Remote View, etc. It is this State of Nirvana that is the Goal of Meditation. But it is to be enabled to be possessed by such Devas or Divine Being, i.e., Fallen Angels in league with Lucifer that have taught Humanity, essentially how to Destroy itself. How? According to the Book of Enoch, they came down to teach man about Warfare, about Herbs and Plants to make Drugs, and how to perform Abortions, etc. Thus, the Devas are more like Angels as thought of in the West.
In Hinduism and Buddhism, they function much like Guardian Angels. In another aspect, they are who guard the 4 Directions on Earth, as they do in Heaven. Now this becomes interesting as there are 4 Directions on Earth, the Cosmos and in Heaven. The very Throne Room of YHVH is described as being guarded by the 4 Living Creatures, for example. These 4 Living Creatures are rendered slightly differently but shown in Ezekiel and then in Revelation.
However, from a purely Biblical Interpretation, they are pertaining to the Christ Perspectives or Attributes of what Jesus is and came to do as the GOD-Man. How so? You have the Man, Bull Lion, and the Eagle. These Depictions or Aspects or even Dimensions are what the 4 Gospels are delineated by. They speak of Jesus’ Ministry being shown how He, Jesus, the GOD-Man was a Man, a Human, a Servant, a King and Devine, GOD the Creator, etc. But here exists a Counterfeit to what is True Revelation and Awakening. Take for example the Cult of Apollo.
He is considered in the Greek Pantheon as the God of Prophecy. This Temple was in Delphi where the Oracle was said to channel his Voice and Visions. It appeared as a Serpent. Sounds familiar? This is the same Spirit or Demon or Fallen Angel that the Apostille Paul and Barnabus encountered in their Missions. But this Spirit is to be released from the Abyss in the End of Days. Thus, one surmises that this was 1 of the Watcher Type of Angels from Mount Hermon. In the Book of Revelation, it is called Apollyon.
Why the World will Believe the Lie
If ‘Aliens’ were to return to Earth and ‘show-up’, what would they find on Earth? What would they say about the Human Condition? The purpose of this Book is to present the Rationale as to why the Alien Disclosure has not been allowed to be made. Full Disclosure is Reserved or Withheld for when the True Biblical Rapture does occur. How come? If the Alien Disclosure would have been ‘Officially’ Released or made already, especially since World War 2, then an Explanation of ‘Who did it’ and ‘What happened’, would not be readily accepted by Billions of People that will demand an Answer.
Why the Planet is in Peril
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or your Nation.
It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against one’s Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is one’s Soul. Why?
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