'And there appeared a Great Wonder in Heaven: A Woman clothed with the Sun, and the Moon was under her Feet, and upon her Head a Crown of 12 Stars. And she was with Child, and cried travailing in Birth, and was pained ready to be delivered'. -Revelation 12:1-2
The following are Items that are available for downloads to the General Public regarding various Research Resources related to the Revelation 12 Sign Phenomenon. My nearly 17 Years of Research into the Revelation 12 Mystery has produced numerous Charts, Articles and 2 Books. The Books encapsulate my findings of the Red Dragon Google Cover-Up, the Conjunction of Comet 67p and the 3 Planet Alignment pegged to the Great Pyramids. The various Studies over the Years have attempted to decipher such an Encrypted Enigma and who really started this Research. See Attribution Link for the Evidence. Was the Sign a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture?
Contrary to popular Teaching, the Revelation 12 Sign is not 'Done' Just Yet. The Sign will approximate again in 2029, which could mark the Middle of the Tribulation Period, based on one's present Calculations and Theory. Jesus did say that there would be 'Signs' in the Sun, Moon and the Stars leading-up to His 2nd Coming. The following are Resources made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such a Topic.