by Luis B. Vega
Even since Genesis 6, the Luciferian Directive has been to Hybridize Humanity. It was and is to defile the original Genome of Humanity that sets it apart from other Creations in the Known Universe. Primarily, it was also an attempt to thwart the Incarnation and Birth of Jesus, the GOD the Son in becoming a Human. Why? Jesus was to die for Humanity due to its Fall. However, the Human Hybridization Program has continued in an attempt to present Humanity with a False Immortality. This is what the coming Mark of the Beast will be sold as, the ‘New Tree of Life’ essentially. And in an iteration of this Luciferian Endeavor, the Agenda has been cloaked as being done by ‘Ancient Aliens’ just attempting to ‘Upgrade’ Humanity’s Genome. How?
In 1 Supposition, it is done by mixing the DNA of Fallen Angels with that of Humanity. There are those that have suggested that such Experimentations going on with Human Abductees are to produce a 3rd DNA Strand. What Lucifer is seeking to deliver, as promised to Eve in the Garden of Eden, is that Humanity will not ‘Die’, once having disobeyed the Commands of YHVH. The Mark of the Beast Technology will surely involve some sort of mRNA Type of Delivery System that will change the DNA of Humans so much so, that they will cease to be Human. This is why, those that will take the Mark, the Name or the Number in or onto their Bodies will cease to be able to be Redeemed by Jesus’ Blood.
But the Lie that will be believed will certainly be how the Aliens that arrive, along with Lucifer’s Son, the AntiChrist will promise ‘Immortality’ to Humanity. It will be sold as the next Evolutionary Stage in Humanity’s Quest to become like GOD. This Evil Endeavor will fail as the Genetic Breakthrough that Lucifer will deliver will actually overcome Death. But it will be only to the point that the Adverse Effects to the Body will be so horrific and painful that all the People will seek Death but will not be able to Die. In tampering with the Immortality Gene in Humanity, Lucifer will have finally achieved that.
But because he is not YHVH GOD, the Creator, Lucifer does not know all the Genetic Protocols to make it work completely. But it will be enough to condemn all those Humans to the Lake of Fire where Lucifer meets his Doom. In the meanwhile this Human Hybridization has gone ‘Black’ in the sense that it has been accomplished and is being accomplished in the Deep Underground Military Bases of many World Governments. And this is especially the case with the USA. As with most of the Forbidden Alien or Fallen Angel Technology, it is only divulged to the Luciferian Secret Societies and certain Blood Families of the World that rule the World under this Auspices of Secrecy. These are the Secret Military Super-Soldier Projects.
A New Humanity
This is a Reality in many World Militaries, mainly the USA, China and Russia that have Super Soldier Programs. And that is how there is a Tie-in to how they work with the ‘Aliens’ to allow them to abduct People to Hybridize the ‘Perfect Genetic Super Soldier’. According to L.A. Marzulli, his Sources attest that such Hybrids are already living among Societies on Earth. Realize that this is what has also been inculcated, by stealth into the Psyche of the Populace through Predicted Programming in Movies. Humanity also wants to become more than mere Human. The Movie about Captain America is precisely about Super-Sizing an ordinary Human Body to become a Super Soldier.
Who would not want to have Sight like a Hawk? Have Night Vision like an Owl? Run as fast as a Cheetah? Have Sonar like a Bat? Have the Strength of a Mule? Are there any Super Soldiers in the Bible? Yes. See Nimrod and Samson. Also consider that this Super Soldier Program started from the Beginning of Human’s History. Consider how after the Flood of Noah, there was Nimrod, the 1st Mason, considered by the Masons, who somehow possessed the Knowledge to genetically manipulate his Genome. Enough so, that the Bible states that he ‘Became a Gibborim’, a Giant. Imagine that. As others were Hybridized before Noah and after, Nimrod became one.
And this is what the Mark of the Beast will be all about. It is based on the Lie of the Seraphim, the Shining One, AKA Lucifer who beguiled Eve with a PROMISE to be ‘Transformed’. It is about Transhumanism and achieving Immortality to become ‘Gods’ that will never Die. Technically, by that Definition, Adam and Eve were ‘Gods’ in comparison to what Humans possess now, or the lack thereof. That is what is being pushed now in all these Preliminary Promises and Psyop Events, i.e., Neuro-Link. Musk has promised that they can do what Jesus did…give Sight to the Blind, make the Lame to Walk and ‘Raise the Dead’, in that a Human will live forever, etc.
This is how the Mark of the Beast will be sold to the World and tied to one’s Biometrics, in the Body. In essence, as one has described before with what the COVID Plandemic was and is all about. It is to make a Person a ‘Node’, a Walking Battery that generates Energy, feeding into their Grid to sustain the Grid. Think of the Matrix Movie. It will be through Block-Chain Technology that the Body will fuse at the Nano-Tech level and at the very DNA in every Living Cell of Humans. This is why they, the Luciferians want to mandate their Shots into as many People’s Body as they can. It is through the Nano-Bots that reassemble and are programmable through Sound, Frequency and Light.
And if in the Process of being ‘Immunized’ from their latest Plandemic, 1000s die due to Adverse Effects, great. It is about Contaminating, Culling to then Controlling the ‘Cattle’. It is estimated now that about every Human on the Planet has a Smart-Phone. So, when these ‘Aliens’ show-up after the Rapture, they will direct all the Mass Psychosis, channeled to 1 Person they will Identify with, a Savior that promises them the Key to overcoming all these Plandemics and through World ‘Peace and Security’, etc. That will be the Biblical AntiChrist that will then be revealed to the World. Perhaps this will be when the 10 Kings will be set-up as the Old Order collapses along with the Financial and Religious Institutions.
The Day the Earth will Stood Still
It is because the Aliens will insist on dealing with just ‘1 Man’. And all the World will gladly go along with it to just be assured of ‘Peace and Safety’. Thus, the advent of the ‘Ancient Aliens’ will facilitate and accelerate the need to have all of Humanity demand a One World Government. One would recommend seeing the original 1950s Movie, ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’.
The Narrative is exactly how it will probably turn out, to a large degree, pertaining to the ‘Arrival’ of the Alien Saviors. Remember that these Aliens are going to be the ‘Ancient Aliens’, the Anunnaki, the Shining Serpent Beings that supposedly came to Seed Humanity and have come back to ‘Save’ Humanity from itself, etc. So, what is really going on with the Drone ‘Invasion’ of the Winter of 2024? Aside from all the Speculation and Conjecture, based on prior Events, 1 Thing is for sure.
With every Day, every passing Week, Month and Year, such Events have been orchestrated, at certain Key Dates and Times to further erode the Rights of the People. The aim of every False Flag and Plandemic is to consolidate all Power and Wealth into the hands of the very Few. It will be just in Time for the AntiChrist Savior to show-up and be given all Power and Authority to. It will be to Control the Masses. And realize that with COVID 1.0, they have formulated the Protocols of what is to occur now and enforced once a COVID 2.0 is released. Surely a Plandemic for 2025 will certainly occur.
And speaking of Super Soldiers, also consider that COVID 1.0 was Program Predicted in the Movie that came out in 2011, ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’. If one remembers the Final Scene where Captain America wakes-up 70 Years later and is in New York City? After waking-up, he runs out of the Facility that made him pretend it was still in 1949. And he runs out and ends-up in Times Square. And? Did one see or note all the Corona Virus Advertisements? See Chart for an illustration. If one adds the 70 Years to when Captain America was hibernated, through Cryogenics, consider the following ‘Coincidence’.
1949 + 70 years = 2019
This is when COVID hit, actually in the Fall of 2019, but Officially in the USA on March 11, 2020. In the Movie, the Year that he wakes-up corresponds to the Year of the Movie’s Release, 2011 as the Year is calibrated from 1941, thus a 70 Year Difference.
But again, if one proportions the Years as a Ratio, the 70 Year Factor approximates the Year COVID was released in China, 2019. Coincidence? Perhaps. Not. And now the New COVID Plandemic is in the works. See the SPARS Pandemic of 2025-28. It is a Scenario done by the Johns Hopkins University. It is just like Event 201 that just preceded the COVID-19 Outbreak.
Spars Pandemic 2025-2028
A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communications
SPARS 2025-2028, a Johns Hopkins 2017 detailed outline scripting a worldwide pandemic scenario, how governments can better impose control over their citizens and merge cooperative efforts into a permanent global body into technocracy
By: Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Publication Date: 2017-10-31
SPARS, Covid19, Plandemic, Scenario, JohnsHopkins, mRNA, WEF, Coronavirus, Vaccine, VAERS, Fauci, Gates, CDC, HHS, FDA, Propaganda, NGO, PREP Act, NPI
Collection: Open Source
Item Size: 55.8M
PDF Document:
Here is another good Video about People discussing the Drone ‘Invasion’
'It's Really Unnerving' | Reality Check
So, the SPARS or Avian, Bird-Flu Plandemic of 2025 will incur Lockdowns, Mask Mandates and Injections of their Shots that they already have set to go. Damn the Clinical Trials. It is the next ‘Step’ in the Genetic Scaffolding needed to prepare as many Human Bodies for the eventual Mark of the Beast Technology.
And the Culling of Millions in the Process will result in the Predictions of the Daegal Report. It is that in 2025, the Populations of Key Western Nations, mainly the USA will have a catastrophic Population Reduction. Or course, a contributing Factor will be the Rapture Event, in one’s Estimation. But the Adverse Effects of the Mandated Shots will be horrific. And this Time Around, as Bill Gates warned, ‘It will get their Attention’.
Why the World will Believe the Lie
If ‘Aliens’ were to return to Earth and ‘show-up’, what would they find on Earth? What would they say about the Human Condition? The purpose of this Book is to present the Rationale as to why the Alien Disclosure has not been allowed to be made. Full Disclosure is Reserved or Withheld for when the True Biblical Rapture does occur. How come? If the Alien Disclosure would have been ‘Officially’ Released or made already, especially since World War 2, then an Explanation of ‘Who did it’ and ‘What happened’, would not be readily accepted by Billions of People that will demand an Answer.
Why the Planet is in Peril
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation. It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against one’s Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is one’s Soul. Why?
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