by Luis B. Vega
‘For the LORD Himself will descend from Heaven with a Loud Command, with the Voice of an Archangel, and with the Trumpet of GOD, and the Dead in Christ will be the 1st to Rise. After that, we who are Alive and Remain will be Caught –Up together with them in the Clouds to meet the LORD in the Air. And so we will always be with the Lord’. -1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
The following is a Poster one made about the Rapture Event, the Harpazo that can be downloaded for Free. The Greek Word, Harpazo or the Rapture Mystery has been a Life Long Research Topic of mine, like it is with many Students of End-Time Bible Prophecy. The Harpazo or Rapture is after all, the 'Blessed Hope'. It is the longing to see and be with Jesus. And one is more convinced it is a Pre-Tribulation Time-Frame Scenario.
To Seize, Snatch, Take Away by Force
Original Word: ἁρπάζω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: Harpazó
Pronunciation: Har-Pad'-Zo
The Rapture Event is a Rescue. It is an Anticipated and Amazing Event that will close-out the Church Age. The hint of Jesus returning for His Disciples, individually and Corporate as the ‘Body of Christ’, was made at the Last Supper. Jesus stated that He had to go back to the Father’s House to prepare a ‘Room’ or Mansions in the House of the Creator for His Bride. This Prophetic Inference does follow Ancient Jewish Protocol.
And that Jesus would 1 Day return to take all those that Believe and Follow Him to that Place in Heaven, etc. That is the Rendezvous that will initially take place in the Clouds. It will be a Staging Place to meet before Jesus ushers His Bride into Heaven through the Golden Gates. What has to occur thereafter is the Bema Seat Review of the Followers of Jesus. It will be the chance to give an Account of the Talents that were dispensed to each Person at the Point of Salvation and what one did with them.
This is not pertinent to the Loss of one’s Salvation but that of Rewards and Treasures to be entered into and enjoyed for all Eternity. Now, realize that despite popular Church Teaching, one’s Home is not ‘Heaven’. Well it is but hear one out. YHVH made Mankind to live and inhabit Earth and only Earth for all Eternity. And that is where Humanity, a New Glorified one, after Jesus returns to Earth with His Bride will live. Humanity will live on Earth, forever as designed and intended by YHVH, etc.
I Go To Prepare a Place
What is amazing is that the Rapture is only taking the Bride of Christ to Heaven for a 7-Year, Earth Time Reference to get Married and have the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. It will also be the Time that the Bride to Christ is to face her Accuser, Lucifer. But she will be vindicated by the Opening of the Seal Judgments. This will be done by Jesus as he sits in Judgment against Lucifer, his Fallen Rebel Angels and all those Humans back on Earth that chose to believe Lucifer’s ‘Gospel’.
The Opening of the Seals will then reverberate throughout Earth, as the 7-Years in Heaven correspond to the 7-Year Tribulation Period. It is the Last Sabbath Week of Daniel that is yet to be started because it has been paused. It was paused to make way for the Church Age wherein the Gentiles would be given the same opportunity to be Saved as were the Jews, etc. It is the Age of Grace and one should take full Advantage of this Unmerited Favor that depends on just turning and calling on the Name of Jesus.
What is amazing is that after the Adjudication is completed, Jesus and the Bride return to rule Earth for 1000 Years. It will be Eden restored on Earth as it was also meant to be, entirely covering all of the Earth. But then after the 1000 Years are over, or the 1 Sabbath Dispensation Day is concluded, it is where Heaven will come down to fuse on Earth. What? Yes. In some mysterious way, the Dimensions of Heaven and Earth will fuse to be ‘one’, in a New Reality as Jesus will be ‘One’ with the Bride, collectively.
In Revelation, it is the Spirit and the Bride that say, ‘Come’. This will be the occasion where YHVH will make a New Heaven and a New Earth. Nonetheless, the Mansions that Jesus left to construct in that City of GOD, the New Jerusalem will be intact and that is where one will dwell with the LORD, forever as the New Jerusalem comes down. Then What?
'None of the Rulers of this Age understood it. For if they had, they would not have crucified the LORD of Glory. Rather, as it is written: No Eye has seen, no Ear has heard, no Heart has imagined, what GOD has prepared for those who love Him. But GOD has revealed it to us by the Spirit. The Spirit searches All Things, even the Deep Things of GOD’. -1 Corinthians 2:8-10
It cannot be that much longer for the Harpazo to occur. Now, how much Longer is ‘Longer’? That remains to be determined but, the Bride of Christ must take that Appearance of Jesus in the Clouds, 1 Day at a Time. What one has noted is that many End Times Channels and Brethren are starting to see a 32 AD Crucifixion Year and thus, a 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation Factor that suggests the Year 2025. That is what one has proposed for several Years now. Perhaps, as Time will only Tell.
Free Poster Download
Rapture Resource Page
The following are Items that are available for Sale, Online to the General Public regarding the Rapture Event Phenomenon. The Rapture related Merchandize are posted on one’s Zazzle Online Store if one, for example wishes to purchase a Copy of the Poster. Please consider a Purchase to support one’s Research. Such Items are perfect for making a Statement or as a Gift to others.
Zazzle Online Store
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine.
$10 USD for PDF
People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ They say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing?
$10 USD for PDF
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying that the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count is what Acts 2 was and is about.
$10 USD for PDF
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