by Luis B. Vega
One was prompted to study a bit more the 2024-2025-2026 Purim Triad of Blood Moons that the World is to experience. As usual, being Celestial Sign for the Jews, specifically, there are some keen Observations that one sees and will share as they could be tied to Biblical Prophecy of the End Times, etc. The Observations will be based on one’s own Interpretations. One was asked as to a Blood Moon, possibly happening on the Day of the Rapture. It could but one is not convinced the Rapture has to do with Purim. Why? Well, as one is ‘Missile-Locked’ on one’s July 23 Date for the Pentecost New Wine Rapture Timing, there will be no Blood Moon occurring at that Time.
One is also of the Interpretation that, as Blood Moons are the Celestial Signs of Bad Omens for Israel, it has to do more so with Israel than the Church, necessarily. The Festival of Purim celebrates the Salvation of the Jewish People from Haman's Plot, ‘To destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day’. Nonetheless, the 2024-2025-2026 Blood Moon Triad has a real Purim Connection, as Esther is a Euphemism for Israel, not the Church. Geo-Politically one looks for Threats to Israel by Iran, modern Persia etc. But there can be Prophetic Parallels that one will note. Consider the Torah Reading for when the Purim Blood Moons occur.
March 24, 2024 = Bookend Blood Moon
In Tzav (Command), YHVH tells Moses about the Sacrifices offered in the Mishkan (Tabernacle), including a Meal Offering brought by the High Priest, Guilt Offerings, and Offerings of Thanks. Moses initiates Aaron and Aaron’s Sons for Priestly Service in the Mishkan.
March 14, 2025
Torah Reading: 21st Week (7-7-7) Ki-Tisa (When You Elevate) opens as YHVH tells Moses to collect a half-Shekel Donation from all Israelites and to anoint the Mishkan (Tabernacle), its Vessels, and the Priests.0
March 3, 2026 = Bookend Blood Moon
Torah Reading: 21st Week (7-7-7) Ki-Tisa (When You Elevate) opens as YHVH tells Moses to collect a half-Shekel Donation from all Israelites and to anoint the Mishkan (Tabernacle), its Vessels, and the Priests.
Plots of the Enemy
So, the 2024-2025-2026 Purim Blood Moon Triad is very Pertinent to Israel and what Purim was all about and will be again for the Jews in the World. The 2024-2025-2026 Purim Blood Moons are Prophetic Warning. Consider how 2024 and 2026 occur as a ‘Bookend’. Consider how 2 Purim Blood Moon Anniversaries Torah Readings speak about preparing for the Temple. Perhaps this Double Witness is echoing the Collection that the Jews and those supporting their efforts pertain to the building of the 3rd Temple. And then notice how the emphasis is on keeping the Law as the ‘Confirming of the Covenant’ is what one is convinced will be the implementation of the Mosaic Law.
The 1st Purim Blood Moon of the Triad occurred on March 24, 2024. The 2nd Purim Blood Moon of the Triad occurred on March 14, 2025, which was also Pi Day. The End Purim Blood Moon Triad Bookend, occurs on March 3, 2026. Coincidence? No. The Day Interval of these Blood Moons are 177 Days apart. It is like ‘Clockwork’. This is at least True for the next few Years. However, theologically, one is convinced that for the Mosaic Law to be reiterated and reestablished in Israel, the Law of Grace has to be withdrawn. That is when the Church Age will have to conclude, in one’s Estimation.
This will occur with the Rapture Event that will conclude the Commission of the Church Age that has lasted for ~2000 Years, if it is corresponding to the 1-Day = 1000 Year Prophetic Template. This Equation is, in turn, based on the 7 Day Creation Pattern. This is to suggest that what is left of Time for Humanity is the 7th Day, corresponding to the Sabbath or the Millennial Kingdom to come. However, before the 7th Day commences Daniel’s 70th Week Years, or 7 Years to be exact have to be completed beforehand.
Day 1 = Sunday 1000 Years - Adam
Day 2 = Monday 1000 Years - Noah
Day 3 = Tuesday 1000 Years - Israel
Day 4 = Wednesday 1000 Years - Israel
Day 5 = Thursday 1000 Years - Church Age
Day 6 = Friday 1000 Years - Church Age
Day 7 = Sabbath 1000 Years - Millennial Kingdom
Now, where one could make a side reference to a Non-Israel correspondence dealing with these Purim Blood Moons is the following. Consider that the 2024 and 2025 Pi Day Purim Blood Moon occurred directly in line with the Heart of the USA. What will that mean for the USA? Will it be about a ‘Plot’? Or of the Pending Annihilation of Jesus’ People as it was for Esther’s People? Is there a legitimate Prophetic Parallel to occur in that some sort of Decree will be made against the People of Jesus, specific to the USA?
That will remain to be seen, but consider then how the Christians of the USA, regardless of what the ’Luciferian’ Decree might be, have to be then like an Esther. Christians in the USA, in particular, have to rise to this Threat, as this Last Generation has to step-up like Esther, ‘For such a Time as this’. Really? Well, consider, Astronomically, where the Purim Blood Moons of March 2024 and 2025 occurred. They happened in the Constellation of Virgo, a Type of Esther and the Bride of Christ, etc.
The USA Christians as an ‘Esther’?
In this consideration of the Purim Theme, the Constellation of Virgo is befitting of the Prophetic Picture of an Esther, amazingly in one’s Opinion. In 2025, the Maximum Point of the Purim Blood Moon Eclipse occurred as one looked to the South. It occurs right at Midnight, as March 13 turns into March 14 in the Gregorian Calendar. If the Night Sky was clear, it was a Spectacular Sight to behold. Regardless, it will be an Omen to Israel, but then also to the ‘Israel of GOD’, that the New Testament asserts the Gentiles are. Such have been grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel, etc.
So, as the USA is still a staunch Supporter of the ‘Greater Esther’ against the Modern Haman's of Persia, i.e., Iran, will a Plot against the USA occur in some Geo-Political way? And with that, perhaps this Triad of Purim Blood Moons is forecasting the coming Rapture Event that will most likely affect the USA. How so? Presently. It is estimated that the Concentration of Bible-Believing Christians in the World are still residing in the USA. The Rapture Event is about Jesus coming to take His Bride. When Jesus returns for His Bride, it will be a ‘Secret Rapture Rendezvous’. No one on Earth will see His coming. The Disappearance of Millions of Followers of Jesus will shock the World.
This Rapture Event will decimate the USA, Economically, Socially, Politically and Religiously. This is why the USA is not specifically mentioned in the End Times, other than how some see the Destruction of the Babylon City by the Sea, as a Prophetic Euphemism of New York, specifically, and the USA as a whole. One is convinced that it will be the Rapture Event that will trigger the Great Globalist Reset. It will then be needed to deal with Worldwide Collapse of Societies, Politics, Religion and Finances, etc. The World will refer to the Years, in reference to the Rapture Event much like it is with Jesus’ Birth; BC to an AD Year Count, perhaps.
And the excuse to surveil and track everyone with Biometrics will be to, ‘Prevent Identity Theft’ and to track Mission Persons, etc. No doubt, the Official Pundits of the New Luciferian Order will not use the Term ‘Rapture’, as it will lend credibility to the Biblical Prophecy. They will in turn, perhaps use the ‘Extraction’ or Abduction due to some Alien Campaign to purge the Earth of those Jesus-Followers and Fanatics that needed to be rid of. So, as to the Rapture occurring during the Purim Blood Moon Triad? Here is the List of Observations that one sees about the Purim Blood Moon Triad for 2025.
1. The Total Lunar Eclipse occurs at the Beginning of the Constellation of Virgo on the Ecliptic.
2. The Blood Moon occurs on Pi Day, March 14 as in 3.14, being the ‘Signature of GOD’.
3. The Purim Triad Blood Moons of 2024 and 2026 are Bookends, in Virgo and Leo.
4. September 21 Rosh HaShanah Eclipse ends on 8th Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign.
5. The 2024-2025 Purim Blood Moons have their Solar Eclipse occur on Rosh HaShanah.
6. The March 14 Purim Moon occurs right in-line, at the Heart of the American Continent.
For Such a Time as This
What is Astronomically striking is how and where the 2024 and 2026 Bookend Purim Blood Moons occur. It echoes the Revelation 12 Sign in how the 2024 Purim Blood Moon of March 14, 2025 occurred in Virgo. Then the Last Purim Blood Moon of March 3, 2026 occurs in Leo. One is more convinced that the Purim Blood Moons were, are and will be purely Jewish in their Prophetic Implications. As noted, they will not affect the Bride of Christ, necessarily. So, what does the Purim Blood Moon Triad have to do with the Rapture and the Bride of Christ? There could be a Prophetic Overlap, of the Bride of Christ being an Echo of Queen Esther needing to intercede for her People.
This was due to the Pending Quest of the Enemies of YHVH and Jesus to Genocide the People of the Promises, etc. Now, this is where one can cross-over into the Geo-Political Spectrum, with that in mind. How so? Consider that the Arch-Enemies of the Jews or the People of Esther were the Ancient Persians. This same Spirit of Haman that is energized by the Prince of Persian; a Powerful Fallen Angel is what still threatens the Modern State of Israel. The People of the Modern State of Israel, in one’s Estimation are the Descendants of Esther. Realize that Ezekiel foretold that Israel would be as though, ‘Resurrected’ from the Valley of Dry Bones.
That they Jews would be returned to the Promised Land, but in Unbelief. This is what occurred after World War 2. It has been the case that the Jews are Partially Blind, as the New Testament teachers. And it is only when Jesus is lifted-up as the Bronze Serpent in the Desert was by Moses, that the Spiritual Blindness is cured etc. So, will Iran attack Israel during this Time? Will Israel counter-Attack instead like the People of Esther did? Nonetheless, One’s Rationale is that out of all the Feasts of the Jews, to include Purim and Hanukkah, the 7 Major Feasts of YHVH, all pertain to Israel.
However, the Acts 2 Pentecost, which one attributes to being New Wine, is the only Feast that the Church Body is tied to directly and affected, in one’s Opinion and Interpretation. It commemorates the actualization or ‘Birth’ of the Church Age Dispensation. The Acts 2 Pentecost was the ‘Inception’ of the Church Age Body of Believers, corporately. It was and still is about the New Wine and the Age of Grace, not the Law, etc. This Pentecost Feast has been on-going. It is not done yet. Thus, at the Rapture, it will be about the ‘Birthing’ of the Man-Child, corporately and taken to Heaven as the Sign of Revelation 12 depicts.
And further, as noted, the accompanying Partial Solar Eclipse, just after the September 7, 2025 Blood Moon in Aquarius occurs on the Rosh HaShanah, which ends on the 8th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, on September 23, 2025. Coincidence? No. But is that not what the Rapture is all about? It is to conclude the Church Age and its Commission of grafting-in the Non-Jews into the Vine, Jesus the Messiah of Israel. It is about the corporate gathering of the Dead in Christ since the 1st Century and those remaining alive in the Last Generation that belong to Jesus, the Groom, etc. The present Pentecostal Intermission is corresponding to the 4th Stem of the 7-Branch Menorah Typology. It is the Prophetic ‘Bridge’ and Connector to the Spring and Fall Feasts of YHVH.
Evil Schemes of the ‘Persians’
The Rapture and Extraction of the Bride of Christ will complete this ‘Pentecostal Intermission’. But in keeping with the Revelation 12 Sign Parallel, it is also about an impending Danger from the Onslaught and Ploy of the Red Dragon and its People. They seek to devour the Man-Child, etc. This is why a ‘Reversal’ of the Plot will rather fall on the Heads of the Perpetrators. As the New Testament teachers, when they say, ‘Peace and Security’, then ‘Sudden Destruction’ comes on them. The Bride Escapes, etc.
And that is how one sees the Prophetic Parallel crossing over from the Purim Prophecy and Picture that specifically pertains to the Jews or the Nation of Israel. The Theme of Purim will especially be the case, as after the Rapture Event. It will be the Time-Frame that will revert back to the Jewish Prophetic Economy under the Law. One must realize that Israel is still under Divine Judgment and owes YHVH 1 Sabbath of Years. This is understood to be Daniel’s 70th Week of Years.
It will serve to procure their eventual Redemption when they will see Jesus at His 2nd Coming, along with His Gentile Bride, the Prophetic Type of Ruth though, not Esther. That is one’s Point about this Purim Blood Moon Triad for 2024-2025-2026. Esther is Purim, Ruth is Pentecost, and a Summer Pentecost one that is the New Wine, etc. Thereafter, Ruth married Boaz. That is the Difference. And it is about a July 23 Date that commemorates the End of the Wheat Harvest and the Feast of New Wine, in one’s Calculation.
This is the Theory of the Rapture’s Timing, one has presented for Years. It is that the Acts 2 Pentecost Event was really all about and is and will be, New Wine. Perhaps. But Obviously, one’s Calculation can be totally incorrect. So, as one can read, this is one’s thinking, in terms of possible Purim Blood Moon Triad Biblical Prophecy, pertaining to the Rapture Event that closes-out the Church Age. The Israel-Related and Purim Themed Blood Moons, nonetheless, could have indirect Biblical Implications on the Church, the USA but for sure Israel.
One could see a possible Prophetic Relation in that the USA could be seen as an ‘Esther’ Typology. It is in terms of how the Enemies of Israel plotted to Genocide the Jews in Persia. That Persian Plot was discovered and flipped onto Israel’s Enemies instead. Without a Question, the Enemies of the USA and the People of Jesus, likewise are in Danger. But like an Esther, the Rapture of the Bride of Jesus will be that ‘Reversal’ against the Luciferian Plot. The Rapture will foil the Plot of the ‘Greater Persians’. If Prophecy is Pattern, Jesus will see to it that such Evil Plots of the ‘Persians’ will be flipped and cast upon them instead.
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