And the Angelic Invasion of Earth
© Conjecture of possible Worlds on Mars before Adam. A.I. Generated with Discord, Luis B. Vega.
by Luis B. Vega
…Though I [Apostle Paul] am less than the least of all the Saints, this Grace was given me: to Preach to the Gentiles the Unsearchable Riches of Christ, and to illuminate for everyone the Stewardship of this Mystery, which for Ages Past was kept hidden in God, who created all Things. His Purpose was that now, through the Church, the Manifold Wisdom of GOD should be made known to the Rulers and Authorities in the Heavenly Realms. -Ephesians 3:8-10
The purpose of this Book is to continue to present the Evidence on Earth, geographically of how most if not all of the major Sacred Sites are patterned after the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation. What consists of this ‘Martian Motif’, as one calls it, involves the Face on Mars, the 7 Pyramids configured to the Pleiades and the Giant D&M Pentagon. The Theory is that Mars had once a thriving Civilization that built these massive Structures.
Moreover, whoever these ‘Martians’ were, were advanced Beings who had contact and direct connection to Earth. Now, this Martian Motif is interwoven with the Stuff of Legends, Sacred Religions and Ancient Human History. How so? One takes the Biblical Narrative that it is YHVH of the Bible that is the Supreme Creator and Maker of all that is. From the Account of Genesis, He made Heaven, the Heavens, as in the Cosmos and Earth with its Atmosphere, etc.
One has been asked, ‘Where do you get this Theory that there was a World before Adam?’ Does the Bible have anything to say about it? Well, yes. However it depends on one’s Interpretation. Realize that the Genesis Account has 2 Renditions of Creation. And in one’s Interpretation, the 2nd one is really a Re-Creation. This is based on what is deemed the Gap Theory. If one has Eyes to See and a Mind to Perceive, the ‘Gap’ occurs between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
This is where the World before Adam and Eve existed. This is why the Earth is both ‘Old’ or Ancient and ‘New’. To this end, one will present the Evidence and Rationale of how there was a World before Adam and what that means in terms of what is about to manifest in the World. It is about an Angelic Invasion of Earth. These ‘Ancient Aliens’ will be promising ‘Peace and Security’ to a World full of Chaos. It will be however, a False Luciferian Lie that will doom the Last Generation of Humans before the Return of Jesus Christ. Support one’s Research by purchasing a Copy and pleas leave a Review, it is much appreciated.
© 2025 PostScripts Publications
The Backstory of Creation
And the Angelic Invasion of Earth
PO BOX 2635
Rohnert Park, CA 94927 USA
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Copyright: All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
Publisher: Lulu
Binding: Paperback
Interior: Color
Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
Publication Date: January 13, 2025
Language: English
ISBN: ISBN 978-1-300-68292-9
Prologue………………………………………………… 11
Earth before Humans…………………………………. 29
Religion of Angels……………………………………… 37
Enūma Eliš……………………….…………………….. 45
Solfeggio Frequencies………………………………… 55
Project Magnet………………………………………… 73
Alien FBI Reports……………………………………… 79
Mars Massive Obelisk………………………………… 85
Earth Star Gates………………………………………. 93
Star Gates of the Giants……………………………… 99
Axum Star Gate……………………………………….. 107
Cairo Star Map………………………………………… 119
Chichen Itza Star Map………………………………... 125
Ek Balam Mars Star Map ……………………………. 137
Gyeongju-Si Star Gate……………………………….. 147
Monument to Battle…………………………………… 155
New York Star Gate…………………………………… 165
Stenness Standing Stones Star Map……………….. 171
St. Augustine Star Map……………………………….. 179
Tikal Star Map…………………………………………. 191
Cydonia Mars Triangulations………...….………...…. 202
Brasilia Cydonia Star Map……………………………. 221
Halicarnassus Cydonia Star Map……………………. 229
Kailasa Cydonia Star Man……………………………. 237
Kazan Cydonia Star Map…………………………….. 247
Khor Virap Cydonia Star Map………………………... 257
Nantes Star Map………………………………………. 271
Rhodes Cydonia Star Map…………………………… 281
Rouen Cydonia Star Map…………………………….. 291
Sigiriya Cydonia Star Map……………………………. 299
Testimony of Former Men in Black………………….. 311
Drone Alien Incursions……………………………….. 319
Drone Invasion of The Usa…………………………... 327
Drone Alien Paranormal Activity…………………….. 331
Drone Invasion………………………………………… 337
Cydonia Mars Files…………………………...….……. 347
ABC’s of Salvation…………...……………………….. 349
Book Resources…………………………………..…… 357
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Luis B. Vega is a Political Scientist, a Citizen Journalist, Independent Reporter, Graphic Artist, Amateur Astronomer and Writer who believes in the Free Expression of Ideas and Critical Thinking. He has worked in Education for over 30 Years.
As an Instructor, he taught UNIV 102 at Sonoma State and AgEd 102 at Cal Poly, SLO. Lu has Traveled to over 18 Nations on Service Projects. This Site is dedicated to the Study of End Times by way of Articles, Illustrations, Posters, Publications, and Bible Codes, from a Biblical Point of View, etc.