Based on Astronomical Observations
© Persian Magi greet Jesus on Christmas Day, -2 BC. A.I Generated, Midjourney with Discord, Luis B. Vega.
by Luis B. Vega
Jesus was not likely born in December. One prefers the September 11, -3 BC Date, based on the Astronomy. And that Timeline then ties with the April 32 Crucifixion, Death, Burial, Resurrection and start of the Church Age, etc. And then also the possible 2000 Year Duration of the Church Age, along with the 7-Year Tribulation, all-inclusive. That is one's Working Theory, at least. Here is the Timeline then the following Equations. Why one is excited about the Termination of the Church Age, is that factoring-out the 7-Year Tribulation would make the Year 2025 the Rapture Year. Perhaps.
32 AD + 2000 Years = 2032 - 7 Year Tribulation Period = 2025
And then come to find out that again, solely based on Astronomy, from September 11, -3 BC, the Magi did come to Bethlehem to visit Jesus, as a Toddler approximately 15 Months later, on December 25, -2 BC. And this was when Jupiter paused for its Retrograde Motion, appearing to ‘Stop’ over Bethlehem. And Jupiter was in what Sign? Virgo. It was a Prelude to the Revelation 12 Sign. It was shortly after the Event, that an Angel, mostly likely the Arch-Angel Gabriel warned Joseph in a Dream to flee to Egypt. It was because King Herod, the supposed ‘King of the Jews’ did not want any Competition and sought to kill Jesus.
Here is the Revelation 12 ‘Red Dragon’ that sought to devour the Man-Child as soon as He was born Prophetic Motif. So, as the 3 Gifts were presented to Jesus by the Magi of Persia, as an Act of Worship, they provided the needed Economic Resources to sustain the Holy Family in Egypt. On an aside note, Jesus was also presented with the Fruit of Daniel's Labor and Prophecy. These Magi are what one calls the PhD Graduates of Daniel's ‘Astrological-Astronomical School of Prophecy’. The escape to Egypt also served, by Proxy of how Jesus took the Journey of Abraham, Joseph and Jacob to Egypt.
Those situations were all due to Sin and its Consequences that resulted in the entire Bondage of YHVH’s People. But then YHVH rose-up a Deliverer, i.e., Joseph, and then Moses and then Joshua. Those were all Prophetic Types of Jesus, etc. But eventually, the Holy Family came out of Egypt, also a Type of Exodus, to return back to Israel. All that to say, that Gift-Giving on December 25, in honor of Jesus’ Birth is ‘Appropriate’ and an Act or Tradition of the Heart to celebrate based on one's Conviction to do so or not. However, as far as one knows, it is the Death and Resurrection that GOD in the Bible explicitly commands Jesus’ Believers and Followers to commemorate, as often as one so desires.
Traditions of Men
So, the ‘Pagan’ Traditions that have been incorporated within the Feast? Trees, Yule Logs, Mistletoe, and Satan-Clause, I mean Santa-Claus? Not so much. And that, one will ‘steal’ from you. One needed to elaborate more about Joseph, who did not end-up in Egypt due to his Personal Sin. Joseph had nothing to do with the Sin of the Sons of Jacob. And that is the Point, in how it is exactly befitting Jesus' Prophetic Typology. And one later sees how at the Banquet given by Joseph of his Brothers, it shows how Israel was ‘Blind’ to see him, even though he was right there in front of him. And only at the ‘End’ did Joseph reveal himself to Israel. It was a Bitter-Sweet Moment as it will be at the Return of Jesus. Zechariah 12:10.
That is how it was and will be with Jesus and the same ‘Sons of Jacob’ that are currently Spiritually Blind to see Jesus fully in that Day. Until then, they see 'Us', every Individual that calls oneself a ‘Christian’, the Collective Body of Jesus on Earth. LORD help us. This is due to how they cling to the Law. As the Scripture states, once Jesus is lifted-up, the Law is removed and the Blindness, in Part, is lifted off like ‘Scales’ over the Eyes, etc. And as a True Type of Jesus to come, Joseph, being wrongly accused was elevated to Rule as 2nd in Command, usually a position reserved for the Heir-Apparent Son of the Pharaohs.
While in Prison, there were also those 2 Prophetic Elements that associated Joseph with Jesus and the New Covenant, with the Bread and the Wine, i.e., the Baker and the Cup-Bearer. Joseph ‘saved’ the known World at that Time and Place by providing Bread, as in the Wheat to do so. He also married a Gentile Bride. So, yes…it was the Sons of Jacob that wronged Joseph, sold and handed over like Jesus was in the Gospels to His Enemies, etc. But Jesus, like Joseph realized it was for the Greater Good and how his Obedience and Sacrifice led to not only the Salvation of Israel, but the World.
War of the Seeds
This Book seeks to unlock the Secrets of the Celestial Blueprint of the Last Days based on the ‘Image and Likeness’ of Jesus Christ; that is His Pattern of the Body Form and its Dimensions that occur on a Prophetic Scale. Such Patterns are seen in the literal Lifespan of Jesus’ Life Timeline, the Ark of the Covenant, the Solar System and the Human Form to name of few that this Book will examine and present. These Alignments and Eclipse Patterns could lend some Clues, as to the Timing of Christ’s actual Birth and Return.
Circumstantial Evidence why it was in 32 AD
When was Jesus Crucified? Was it in 30 AD? 31 AD, or 33 AD? This has been 1 of the most Profound Questions, that has been Debated since the Church Age started with Jesus' Death. Can the Year and the Week Day be Determined? Is there any Evidence to suggest a More Accurate Year and Week Day? The Research one is providing in this Book, is one's Best Attempt in Showing why one is More Convinced of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year. One is not attempting to ‘Convince’ , or to ‘Prove’ the Year, as that is beyond one’s Ability.
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Luis B. Vega is a Political Scientist, a Citizen Journalist, Independent Reporter, Graphic Artist, Amateur Astronomer and Writer who believes in the Free Expression of Ideas and Critical Thinking. He has worked in Education for over 30 Years.
As an Instructor, he taught UNIV 102 at Sonoma State and AgEd 102 at Cal Poly, SLO. Lu has Traveled to over 18 Nations on Service Projects. This Site is dedicated to the Study of End Times by way of Articles, Illustrations, Posters, Publications, and Bible Codes, from a Biblical Point of View, etc.