The Coming Caesar Loyalty Test
© Conceptual Rendition of the 'Little Horn'. A.I. Generated with Discord, Luis B. Vega.
by Luis B. Vega
Since the start of the Church age, Believers and Followers of Jesus have been asking who this ‘Little Horn’ is? Aside from clearly being the Biblical AntiChrist, are you asking who one thinks that will be? In that case, one does not know. Based on the Bible, he will not be Revealed until after the Rapture Event. There are the ‘Usual Suspects’, like King Charles, Obama, Trump, etc. Netanyahu is another one, but too old as well, in one’s Opinion. One is to say that this coming Little Horn will have ‘No Gray Hair’.
For sure, the AntiChrist Usual Suspects are being used and have a Measure of the Spirit of AntiChrist operating about them. But one also does not subscribe to the AntiChrist Little Horn being ‘Islamic’, as many End Times Students surmise Erdogan of Turkey could be him. Although one can see why they would presume an Islamic Messiah, it is that most likely, the AntiChrist will come from the Eastern Roman Empire ‘Toes’. The Clues have it that this Little Horn will not keep to the Ways of his Fathers, as in the Jewish Patriarchs, one is presuming.
‘Then the King [Little Horn] will do as he pleases and will exalt and magnify himself above every God, and he will speak Monstrous Things against the God of Gods. He will be successful until the TIME of WRATH is completed, for what has been decreed must be accomplished. He will show no regard for the GODS of his FATHERS, [Jews?] nor for the one desired by Women, nor for any other God, because he will magnify himself above them all. And in their place, he will honor a God of Fortresses—a God his Fathers did not know—with Gold, Silver, Precious Stones, and Riches’. -Daniel 11:36-38
This is to say that no Jew would ever allow or accept a Muslim to rule over them. The Jews loathed Obama, for example. Realize also that according to the Orthodox Jews, the Messiah is the Son of David, from the Tribe of Judah. That, they do have right. No Muslim can say that. This is why the 2 Gospels of Matthew and Luke both give the Legal and Royal Lineage of Jesus to prove His Davidic Credentials as that is who the Messiahship is to fulfill. It is built upon the Covenant of YHVH who promised to King David that his Descendant would forever rule the 12 Tribes of Israel, etc.
And it is this Messiah, the Jewish Messiah that will sanction the 3rd Temple and the Daily Sacrifices. No Muslim would allow that to occur. However, whomever the Jewish Messiah will be, he will skillfully be able to bring into the Fold, the Abrahamic Accords type of Deal. The Muslims and the Apostate Christians that are left behind after the Rapture Event will blend to make a Worldwide Hybridized Luciferian Religion. And that will be? There is 1 God and you can come only worship him through 1 of the 3 Paths of Abraham.
Royal Blood
This is when the Noahide Laws will be in place and enforced. Realize that the coming AntiChrist will be a Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Cyrus, Alexander and Julius Caesar, all rolled-up into 1 Personage. He will be ‘Young’, in his 30s as that is the Age Jesus was when began His Ministry. This is one’s Working Theory. So, perhaps at the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation is when , thus the AntiChrist will turn 33 Years Old. This is based off of one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline, if accurate. That will be the Time and Place where the False Prophet will mandate the Worship of this Man of Perdition, etc.
So, one would suspect that the AntiChrist is currently ‘Alive and Well’ and in his 30th Year in 2025. This is of course pure Conjecture. Another Angle to consider is how also in Daniel, the Clue of what Nationality the AntiChrist will certainly be is implied. This has been discussed before. It is pertaining to the People of the Prince that came to destroy the Temple, i.e., Prince Titus. He was a Roman, etc. However, the AntiChrist could be of Italian Nationality but could be of a different Faith, as in Jewish. Or how technically, the Eastern Flank of the Roman Empire still would qualify any Person coming-up from the Middle East to be ‘Roman’.
‘I also wanted to know about the 10 Horns on its Head and the OTHER HORN that came up, before which 3 of them fell—the Horn whose appearance was more imposing than the others, with Eyes and with a Mouth that spoke Words of Arrogance’. -Daniel 7:20
The Little Horn is a human, a King and that of Royal Blood as the Messiah has to be. He will rise to Power during the Time of Judgment for 3.5 Years. This Time-Frame corresponds with the duration of the Antichrist’s rule in Revelation 11:2; 12:14; and 13:5. It is only after the 10 Horn World Leaders are set-up, that he will somehow depose 3 that will most likely not be in agreement about him.
‘And out of 1 of them [10] came forth a Little Horn, …Yea, he magnified himself even to the Prince of the Host, and by him the Daily Sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his Sanctuary was cast down. And a Host was given him against the Daily Sacrifice by Reason of transgression, and it cast down the Truth to the ground; and it practiced and prospered’. -Daniel 8:11-12
So, who will this Davidic Prince be? One is convinced that it will be the Genetic Manifestation of Genesis 3:15, now Lucifer’s Turn to present his Seed to Israel. It is much like YHVH presented the True Prince to Israel some 2029 Years ago in Bethlehem. Remember, Jesus also gives another Clue in that it will be the Reconstituted Sanhedrin, the Council of the Elders that will accept another in, ‘His Own Name’.
Erdogan, or any other Muslim would not, cannot do that, as it would go contrary to their Islamic Tenets. And lastly, consider that for Rome 2.0 to Rise, it has to do so at the expense of the current Iteration of Rome, i.e., the USA. This is to say that the USA must ‘implode’, as it is doing. By design, it is being relegated into a 3rd World Nation. It has been ‘Sold Down River’ as they say.
Why Clues only?
It is the Old Phoenix that must burn so that out of the Ashes, the New Order one can rise. This is what 2025 could very well bring to Birth and Death. So, one may ask why YHVH gives the Church only ‘Clues?’ This is specifically addressing the Revelation of who is the AntiChrist ‘Little Horn’. But there are other Theological Constructs like the Rapture’s Timing: Pre, Mid or Post, etc.
Clue /kloo͞/
1. Something that serves to guide or direct in the Solution of a Problem or Mystery.
2. A Ball of Thread; a Thread or other means of Guidance. Same as Clew.
3. A Strand of Yarn etc., as used to guide one through a Labyrinth; something which points the Way, a Guide.
It is understood that Jesus spoke in Parables to astonishingly ‘Hide the Truth’ from those that refused His Grace and Salvation. But to the Meek and Weak and Humble of Heart and Mind, Jesus revealed the Secrets of the Kingdom.
‘At that time Jesus declared, I praise You, Father, LORD of Heaven and Earth, because You have hidden these Things from the Wise and Learned and revealed them to Little Children. Yes, Father, for this was well-pleasing in Your Sight’. -Matthew 11:25-26
Jesus does not want the World to understand certain Things. Why would Jesus do that? Jesus gives the answer Himself.
‘And when He was alone, they that were about Him with the 12 asked of Him the Parable. And He said unto them. Because it is given unto YOU to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but unto them it is not given all These Things are done in Parables. That seeing they may see, and not perceived: and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any Time they should be converted and their Sins should be forgiven them. And He said unto them, Know ye not this Parable? And how then will you know all Parables?’ -Mark 4:10-13
Now, as Clues go, they are but ‘Guides’ to help direct one along. They are thus, only ‘Sign Posts’ like a Road as one takes a Trip. The Signs will never be in themselves the Event. Where has one heard that before, ‘The Sign is not the Event?’ So, some Topics of Theology and Doctrine are not meant to be fully Understood, at least on this Side of the Rapture. For example, after the Rapture, one will know, 100% who the Little Horn will be. But it will be from the Perspective of the ‘Balcony’ in Glory.
That is why, one is not that hung-up on knowing who that will be. This is not to diminish one’s Attempt at Guessing or wanting to know as it does keep one’s Discerning and Study from going dull. So, during what remains of the Church Age, the Body of Christ has only been given enough ‘Intel’ as needed to reach the End of its Commission.
Every Generation has had that Charge and will be held accountable to what has been entrusted to take the Gospel Message to the World. If such Clues about who the Little Horn will be and when will the Rapture Timing take place adds to that? It is then only ‘Icing on the Cake’, as they say. If not, No Foul No Harm.
Or in another way of saying it, is to remember the Purpose of the Church. It is to be a School, a Hospital and an Embassy to the World. Anything one does aside from these Endeavors is Secondary in terms of Discernment needing to be given. But one can ask of Christ.
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Luis B. Vega is a Political Scientist, a Citizen Journalist, Independent Reporter, Graphic Artist, Amateur Astronomer and Writer who believes in the Free Expression of Ideas and Critical Thinking. He has worked in Education for over 30 Years.
As an Instructor, he taught UNIV 102 at Sonoma State and AgEd 102 at Cal Poly, SLO. Lu has Traveled to over 18 Nations on Service Projects. This Site is dedicated to the Study of End Times by way of Articles, Illustrations, Posters, Publications, and Bible Codes, from a Biblical Point of View, etc.