Monument to the Greek Sun God Helios
by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
The Ancient Greek Site of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea is another example of how one can find the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation Pattern there. From a Top View, using modern-day Satellite Imagery and Mapping, one presents the Evidence that such a Sacred Site of the Ancients constructed a Triangulation of Structures that mirror that of what is found on Cydonia, Mars and what Heaven is laid-out as. One’s Working Theory is that this Triangulation is the Original Source that emanates from the True Creator, YHVH in Heaven, wherever that is and dimension. One surmises that the Triangulation also serves as a defining feature of a Sacred Space using Sacred Gematria.
In turn, this Sacred Gematria produces the ability to pierce Dimensions when certain Frequency or Vibrations are attained. It is like the Triangulation is the Door or Gate, and in this case, pertaining to its Mars Connection a Star-Gate. And in turn, the Key to open such Sacred Portals is what Frequency is attained at that Site. This is contingent on the Latitude and Longitude of where the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation is situated. In essence, such a Sacred Site on Earth only sought and still seeks to replicate ‘Heaven on Earth’. This is also part of one’s Working Theory.
One is more convinced that the Triangulation Pattern was given to certain Human Families or Blood Lines and is the Stuff of Ancient ‘Conspiracy Theories’ that have Humanity connecting with Divine Light Beings from other Worlds, Planets or in this case Heaven itself. To the Ancient Greeks among most other Ancient Civilizations, the Notion of Human Mortals interacting with Divine Beings, Angels or God was Common Knowledge, and as many Researchers into the Ancients would surmise, was Common Practice. One is of the Interpretation that is based on the Biblical View in that such Common Knowledge and Practice still exists on Earth, to this Day. The Bible explains this Relationship, to a degree, of how ‘Gods created Humanity on Earth. And how there are many other Types of Beings, in this case, Celestial or Divine that have interacted with Humanity since Eden.
This is pertaining to the Shining Serpent or Being called Lucifer that is in Total Rebellion and Warfare against the True Creator YHVH and His Christ, Jesus. But Humanity is ‘Guilty by Association’ as YHVH created Adam with Free Will and Autonomy. It is that Adam, through Deception, influenced by his Wife Eve, was then captured by Lucifer. And since then, the Storyline of the Bible has been one of a Redemption to reestablish the Sacred Space that was Paradise or the Garden of Eden, on Earth as it is in Heaven and other places in the Creation as Evidence suggests Cydonia, Mars was such a place. The following is some of the Historical Facts about Rhodes for Context.
Rhodes Greek: Ρόδος, is referring to the Pomegranate. It is the largest of the Dodecanese Islands of Greece. In Pindar's Ode, the Island was said to be born of the union of Helios the Sun God and the Nymph Rhodos, and the cities were named for their 3 Sons. The Island's Name might also be derived from Erod, Phoenician for Snake. It is located North-East of Crete and South-East of Athens. Rhodes has several Nicknames, such as ‘Island of the Sun’ due to its Patron Sun God Helios, ‘The Pearl Island’, and ‘The Island of the Knights', named after the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, who ruled the Island from 1310 to 1522.
Today, it is one of the most popular Tourist Destinations in Europe. Being the Eastern Gate to the Aegean Sea, Rhodes was an important Stopping Point for Phoenician Merchants, and Prosperous Trading Colonies and Phoenician Communities emerged there, some within the Greek Cities. In 408 BC, the cities united to form 1 territory. They built the City of Rhodes, a New Capital on the Northern End of the Island. Its regular plan was, according to Strabo, superintended by the Athenian Architect Hippodamus.
Rhodes then became a part of the growing empire of Alexander the Great in 332 BC, after he defeated the Persians. Following the death of Alexander, his Generals (Diadochi) vied for control of the Kingdom. Then 3 Generals, Ptolemy, Seleucus, and Antigonus succeeded in dividing the Kingdom among themselves. By tradition, Paul the Apostle evangelized and helped establish an early Christian Church on the island during the 1st Century. In 395 with the division of the Roman Empire, the long Byzantine Period began for Rhodes.
Beginning from ca. 600 AD, its influence in Maritime Issues was manifested in the collection of Maritime Laws known as ‘Rhodian Sea Law’ (Nomos Rhodion Nautikos), accepted throughout the Mediterranean and in use throughout Byzantine Times. It influenced the development of Admiralty Law, up to the present. In 1306–1310, the Byzantine Era of the Island's History came to an end when the Island was occupied by the Knights Hospitaller. Under the rule of the newly named ‘Knights of Rhodes’, the City was rebuilt into a Model of the European Medieval Ideal.
At the Paris Peace Treaties, Rhodes, together with the other islands of the Dodecanese, was united with Greece in February 1947. In 1949, Rhodes was the venue for negotiations between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, concluding with the 1949 Armistice Agreements. [40]
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodes
The Colossus of Rhodes, Ancient Greek: ὁ Κολοσσὸς Ῥόδιος, was a Statue of the Greek Sun God Helios, erected in the City of Rhodes, on the Greek Island of the same Name, by Chares of Lindos in 280 BC. The famous Colossus of Rhodes, was 1 of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. It was constructed to celebrate the successful defense of Rhodes City against an attack by Demetrius I of Macedon, who had besieged it for 1 Year with a large Army and Navy.
According to most contemporary descriptions, the Colossus stood approximately 70 Cubits, or 33 meters (108 Feet) high – approximately 2/3 of the Height of the Modern Statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor Entrance. From Feet to Crown, it was the tallest Statue in the Ancient World. It collapsed during the earthquake of 226 BC, although parts of it were preserved. In accordance with the Oracle of Delphi, the Rhodians did not rebuild it. When Rhodes was occupied by the Islamic Umayyad forces of Caliph Muawiyah I in 654, he carried-off the remains of the Colossus of Rhodes.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colossus_of_Rhodes
Port of Portal of the Sun God
So, why is that Pattern still being replicated on Earth and even within the Layout and Plans of Modern Cities? It is because those same Entities or Fallen Angels, in league with Lucifer that have taken over Earth since Adam are using the Sacred Sites as Portals to Pierced Dimensions. It is based on a Sacred Grid System much like Humans have invented in Navigation that is determined by Longitude and Longitude, etc. And? With such Sacred Sites, it brings Power to those Humans that have constructed them, at the bequest of their Fallen Angel Masters. In some cases, these Fallen Entities were worshiped as God, much like the Greeks did. But in Modern-Day Civilizations, that Practice or Belief or Notion still is occurring.
In the case of Rhodes, the following will be one’s Interpretation of what are the 3 Structures found there at the Opening of the Port or Portal, as in Gate or rather Star-Gate are corresponding. The 3 Main Structures that comprise the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation are the 7 Pyramid City that is outlined to configure the 7 Pleiades Stars. Then there is the Face Mausoleum of Ala-Lu. According to the Lost Book of Enki, as divulged by the Late Zacharia Sitchin, he was the Exiled Rebel King of the Planet Nibiru. Then there is the Giant Pentagon Pyramid, etc.
What one finds at Rhodes that corresponds to this Cydonia, Mars Triangulation starts with its most famous Structure, the Colossus of Rhodes. It was the Lighthouse and had clear innuendos of being the Light Bearer. And whom might that be, according to the Bible? Lucifer. This Statue of Liberty, now the St Nicholas Lighthouse was also the Harbor Sentinel much like the Statue of Liberty is now in New York City, in our Modern Times. And like Ancient Rhodes, New York City is also configured with such a Sacred Space as it is the Hub of World Commerce, for example and is the Gate to the Western World presently. It is no different as those that built such Monuments are ascribing to Lucifer what Jesus truly was, is and will be forever, the True Light of the World.
Then there is the Neo Agora or the New Marketplace. This was the Ancient Greek location where Commerce and Trade took place. It was where the Ancient Merchants exchanged their Goods and People came to purchase their Goods. In other words, it was the Grand Mall, etc. This corresponds to the Giant D&M Pentagon Pyramid. Then there is the Church of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, or the God-Bearer. In both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Churches, the Notion that Mary, the Wife of Joseph that bore Jesus is essentially the ‘Mother of GOD’. And? If that is the Theological Case, then Mary is the True Creator as she then had to exist before YHVH was ever GOD and Creation was made.
This is Christian Heresy. The Church makes the outline for the 7 Stars of the Pleiades as in many other Sites such Pleiades Correlations are attributed to the Feminine Aspect of the Triangulation and the GOD-Head. This is in the sense that when YHVH created Mankind, they stated, ‘Let Us create Mankind in our Image and Likeness, both Male and Female. One is not insinuating that YHVH is a Woman or God is such, as many do, especially some Pagan Religions. In every aspect of when YHVH is portrayed and revealed, it is always in the Image of a Male, a Man and use of He, Him Pronouns, etc.
Light Bearers
That is why, all these Sacred Space Triangulations, modeled after the Cydonia, Mars Site are ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’. Why? If the real Reason and Narrative would be found out or divulged as Common Knowledge, it would validate all that the Bible has disclosed about such Entities. They are not the presumed and illustrated Benevolent Ancient Aliens come to save Humanity from itself. They are not the ones who ‘Seeded’ Humanity with their Genetic Manipulations but seek to Control, Cull and Contaminate Humanity through it. Why? Humanity holds the Key to the eventual Fate of the Fallen Angels and their Supreme Commander, Lucifer their Rebel Leader.
It is because although Adam fell into Sin and ‘Joined the Rebellion’ of Lucifer, YHVH had mercy and pity on this particular Creation of His. It was a Unique Creation because it is in Humanity that the ‘Image Bearers’ have a Constitution that no other Creation has. And from Biblical Theology, one can surmise that YHVH, who is identified as a Triune GOD-Head of Person, but 1 GOD, is ‘constructing’ a Wife for GOD the Son. This GOD the Son, the Logos, who Eternally existed since before Creation is what incarnated and was Born a Human. That Hybrid was Jesus. He was a Hybrid in the sense that He was 100% Human and 100% GOD, at the same Time, etc.
This is a Biblical Mystery but is called the Hypostatic Union. And that is actually a longs-standing Debate if whether Jesus had 1 Nature or 2 Natures, etc. Suffice to say, that Jesus served as a Substitutionary Payment to redeem or buy-back, not only Adam and Eve but the entire Human Race. However, even though the Provision to be bought back is in place, the Payment is only transacted upon the realization and willful choice to abandon the Rebellion and Allegiance to Lucifer, even if unawares of it, and join the ‘Empire’, that is the Kingdom of Heaven. And that Kingdom is ruled by Christ Jesus as all Authority and Power is now bestowed upon Jesus for having Died on the Cross of Calvary.
And Theologically, what is more astonishing, is that Jesus gives that Human Person a Regeneration of one’s Spirit that is now lit anew. Meaning that the Believers and Followers of Jesus are like Walking Torch Bearers of Light that light the Path back to Paradise where YHVH had designed and placed Humanity in it. In the meanwhile, as a Redeemed Should and Spirit is on Earth in the Earthen Vessel of Fallen Flesh, the last Portion that is to be recreated in Perfection, for all Eternity is the Body. That is what awaits the Believer and Follower of Jesus, the True Light Bearer that leads the Way back to Paradise.
This Last ‘Salvation’, that of the Body will occur at the Point of the Resurrection and Rapture Event. That is what will close-out the Church Age on Earth. It is what will complete the Mission and Endeavor of GOD the Father having commanded GOD the Holy Spirit to find and construct the Bride for GOD the Son, i.e. Jesus, etc. To secure the purpose of this Collective Bride, Jesus had to come and pay with his own Blood and body.
It was to pay for what caused the Rebellion between Humanity and YHVH, Sin. Realize that what Lucifer and his Angels forfeited in Heaven, in the Heavenlies or the Cosmos and on Earth will be recouped by a Redeemed Humanity. And that Humanity called a New Creation in Christ Jesus is what will rule Eden on Earth once again. Truly, the Kingdom of Jesus that is to come will be ‘Heaven on Earth’, literally. And one surmises, the very Dimensions will replicate that which is Hidden in Plain Sight, for now in all of these Ancient and Modern Sacred Spaces.
Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality?
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Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ on another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land.
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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites.
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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars.
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A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.
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