The Fall of Fauci

  • Why was Definition of 'Gain of Function' changed on NIH Website?
  • What is Gain of Function' and so contested the Senate Hearings?
  • Why was Fauci physically shaken by what Senator Paul disclosed?

by Luis B. Vega

for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com​

‘If there is 1 Message, that I want to leave with you today, based on my experience – and you will see that in a moment is that there is no question that there will be a Challenge to the coming Administration in the arena of Infectious Diseases’. Both Chronic and Infectious Diseases in the sense of already on-going Disease. And we certainly have a large burden of that. But also that there will be a ‘Surprise Outbreak.’ -Anthony Fauci, 2017

The purpose of this report is to provide a transcript of the U.S. Senate Hearing involving Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci. The Senator pressed questions and presented evidence from both the U.S. National Institute of Health, NIH Fauci’s own Agency and statements from the Chinese that indeed the suspicion of Fauci illegally going around the Obama Band of conduction Gain of Function Research was ‘sourced-out’ to the Wuhan Lab in China. Gain of Function is basically how to ‘weaponize’ a Virus to make it more Infectious, Transmissible and Deadly.

This is what COVID-19 ended-up becoming, a man-made patchwork that Scientists and Doctors like Luc Montagnier contended, had several splices of combined Viruses and even HIV Inserts, which has turned out to be true also. In terms of Fauci, the ‘Fraud’ has caught-up to him. Solution? Fauci has just changed the Definitions of what ‘Gain of Function’ means. It is a known and familiar tactic to fit their narrative of the fraud that is the COVID-19 Plandemic and Fauci. What has been done in the Darkness is slowly coming to Light and all will eventually on Judgment Day. However, it is too late for the millions that have died and will be due to the deception that this Dr. ‘Mengele’ has perpetrated and embodies as a ‘Public Face’ to the World.

The lies of Fauci are sickening enough People to have start to turn on him. Yet the takeaway of this Hearing will be that ‘nothing’ will be done about it. Fauci will not resign because he is protected and the COVID-19 Agenda must continue. If Fauci Falls’, so will the credibility of having the whole Plandemic continue. And the ‘cover’ for Mandating the COVID-19 Injections will not be thwarted. In fact, there is a coming day when ‘Freedom Passes’ or Wellness Passports will be the ‘Order of the Day’. Already, in Australia, the Army is being trained to ‘catch’ the Un-Vaccinated when they plan to go Door-To-Door and confirm all have taken the COVID-19 Injections.

The COVID Camps are a reality. The mere fact that as economies implode, there is a deliberate disruption in the Supply and Food Chain, Governments are more worried about constructing ‘Detention Centers’ for the Un-Vaccinated? Dark days are coming, Tribulation Period Days are coming as Jesus foretold. It will pale in comparison to the Concentration Camps of Hitler, Stalin and Mao. But as there is still the Church on Earth, the Body of Christ, there is yet sufficient Light to expose such Mengele’s as Fauci that have lied and will continue in the Mass Psychosis.

Un-Authorized and Un-Ethical Experimentation

However, for Fauci personally, his fall may be a coming Featured Attraction. It has been also come to light that Fauci sanctioned vile experiments on Beagle Puppies wherein their Vocal Cords were severed so they could not scream as Flies devour their Brains while the Dogs were still alive. This happened in Tunisia. Then there were the experiments on live Monkeys that had holes drilled to their Brain and drops of Acid were administered to see its effect. Such are Sick Scientists. When did Science ever become Satanic to do such harm?

Then there are now other accusations that have come to life of Fauci’s Experiments perpetrated on Orphans in New Yor City from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. He has informed that Fauci’s was trying to peddle AZT to Pregnant Women to see if there were any effects on their Babies from it. He decided to test this Deadly Poison on vulnerable Minority Orphans in NYC, usually the Black and Brown ones. When the Kids objected to the poison being given to them and refused, Fauci had the drug force-fed into them through feeding tubes. There are mass graves in New York with the bodies of these helpless, forgotten Children.

This is the man that in a speech titled ‘Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration’ at Georgetown University Medical Center. He delivered an astonishing prediction just days before Trump would be Inaugurated on January 20, 2017. Fauci, who has overseen the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, warned that looming ‘Health Challenges’ would involve both Chronic Diseases, ones already ongoing, as well as ‘A Surprise Outbreak’. Or rather should he have said a ‘Surprise Attack’?

During the Senate Hearing on November 4, 2021, it was interesting how much Fauci’s demeanor changes. And of course, the Left Media Outlets are taunting Fauci as the ‘Victim’ and how it was Senator Paul who ‘Attacked’ the beloved Dr. Fauci, never mind the allegations and evidence. Here are but 3 main Headlines that appeared right after the Hearing from the bought Media, whom are one in the same that own Big Pharma, and the Money.

1. Senator Rand Paul attacks Dr. Anthony Fauci in Senate COVID-19 Hearing. UPI
2. Fauci says Rand Paul is ‘egregiously incorrect’ about Gain of Function Research. SNBC
3. Fauci confronts Rand Paul who calls for him to quit: Makes me uncomfortable. Yahoo.

Anyone who saw and heard the Senate Hearing will realize that this is pure Propaganda at its finest. Nowhere will they show a Frail Old Man literally shaking in his shoes. And unable to mutter-out his own Acronyms of how he is ‘Not Responsible’ for this Pandemic. But now the tides are slowly working against Fauci. It will be interesting to see if he will be sacrificed on the Altar of Convenience or allowed to continue. However, Fauci clearly seemed extremely docile this time compared to before. Perhaps it might be because even his own Agency is no longer running ‘Interference’ for him. Others noted how Fauci sounds like former U.S. President Bill Clinton when he responded to a question about his sexual encounters with the White House Intern, with ‘It depends on what your Definition of 'is' is’. The point?

Senator Rand Paul

Dr. Fauci, I do not expect you today to admit that you approved of NIH Funding for Gain and Function Research in Wuhan. But your repeated denials have worn thin and a majority of Americans, frankly, do not believe you. Even the NIH now admits that Eco Health Alliance did perform Experiments in Wuhan that created Viruses, ‘Not Found in Nature’. That actually did ‘Gain’ in Lethality. The facts are clear, the NIH did fund Gain of Function Research in Wuhan despite your protestations.

You can deny it all you want, but even the Chinese Authors of the Paper, in their Paper admit that ‘Viruses Not Found in Nature’ were created. And yes, they gained an Infectivity. Your persistent denials though, are not simply a stain on your Reputation, but are ‘Clear and Present Danger’ to the country and to the World. As Professor Kevin Esvelt of MIT has written, ‘Gain of Function Research looks like a gamble that Civilization cannot afford to risk’. And yet, here we are again with you steadfast in your denials. Why does it matter? Because Gain of Function Research with Laboratory Created Viruses Not Found in Nature, could cause a Pandemic even worse the next time.

We are suffering today from one that has a Mortality of approximately 1%. They are experimenting with Viruses that have Mortalities of between 15% and 50%. Yes, our Civilization could be at risk from one of these Viruses Experiments that combine Unknown Viruses with known Pandemic-Causing Viruses… Are incredibly risky. Experiments that combine Unknown Viruses with Corona Viruses that have as much as 50% Mortality, could endanger Civilization as we know it. And here you sit, unwilling to accept any Responsibility for the Current Pandemic and unwilling to take any steps to prevent Gain of Function Research from possibly unleashing an even more Deadly Virus.

You mislead the Public by saying that the Published Viruses could not be COVID. Well, exactly no one is alleging that. No one is alleging that the Published Viruses by the Chinese are COVID. What we are saying is that this was ‘Risky Type’ of Research, Gain of Function Research. It was risky to share this with the with the Chinese. And that COVID may have been created from a Not-Yet-Revealed Virus. We do not anticipate the Chinese are going to reveal the Virus if it came from their Lab. You know that. But you continue to mislead. You continue to support NIH Money going to Wuhan. You continue to say you ‘Trust the Chinese Scientist’. You appear to have learned nothing from this Pandemic. Will you today finally take some Responsibility for funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Anthony Fauci

Senator, with all due respect. I disagree with so many of the things that you have said. Again. First of all, Gain of Function is a very ‘Nebulous Term’. We have spent… not us, but Outside Bodies, a considerable amount of effort to give a ‘More Precise Definition’ to the type of Research that is of concern, that might lead to a Dangerous Situation. You are aware of that. That is called P3CO.

Senator Rand Paul
We are aware that you deleted Gain of Function from the NIH Website.

Anthony Fauci
Well, I can get back to that a moment, if we have time but let us get back to the ‘Operating Framework’ and ‘Guiderails’ of which we operate under. And you have ignored them. The guidelines are very, very clear. That you have to be dealing with a Pathogen that clearly is shown and very likely to be Highly Transmissible in an uncontrollable way in Humans. And to have a high degree of Morbidity and Mortality and that you do Experiments to enhance that. Hence the word E-P-P-P, Enhanced Pathogens of Po…Pote…Potential...

Senator Rand Paul
So, when Eco-Health Alliance took the Virus…

Anthony Fauci
Well. Can I?...I would love to…

Senator Rand Paul
…and combined it with WIV-1 and caused a Recombinant Virus, that does not exist in Nature, and it made mice sicker that had ‘Humanized Cells. You are saying that that is not Gain of Function Research?

Anthony Fauci
According to the Framework and Guidelines…

Senator Rand Paul
So, what you are doing is defining a Weigh-Gain of Function? You are simply saying it does not exist because you changed the definition on the NIH Website. This is terrible and you are, you are completely trying to escape…

Anthony Fauci

Senator Rand Paul
…the idea that we should do something about trying to prevent a Pandemic from leaking from a Lab. There is, the Preponderance of Evidence now, points towards this coming from the Lab and what you have done is change the Definition

Anthony Fauci

Senator Rand Paul
…on your Website to try to Cover Your Ass basically. That is what you have done.

Anthony Fauci

Senator Rand Paul
You have changed the Website to try to have a ‘New Definition’ that does not include the ‘Risky Research’ that is going. And until you admit that it is risky, we are not going to get anywhere. You have to admit that this Research was risky.

The NIH has now rebuked them. Your own Agency has rebuked them. But the thing is… is you are still unwilling to admit that they Gained in Function when they say they became sicker. They gained in lethality…

Anthony Fauci

Senator Rand Paul

…it is a New Virus. That is not Gain of Function.

Anthony Fauci

According to the Definition that is currently ‘operable’. You know Senator, let us make it clear for the People who are listening. The Current Definition was done over a 2 to 3 year period by Outside Bodies, including the NSABB, 2 Conferences by the National Academy of Science Engineering and Medicine on December 2014, March 2016. We commissioned external Risk Benefit Assessment and then on January of 2017, the Office of Science and Technology Policy of the White House issued the current policy…

Senator Rand Paul
…and coincidently...

Anthony Fauci
Right, I have not seen…

Senator Rand Paul
…the Definition, on the same day, the NIH said that yes, there was a Gain of Function in Wuhan. The same day, the Definition appeared, the ‘New Definition’ to try to define a way what is going-on in Wuhan. Until you accept it, until you…accept responsibility, we are not going to get anywhere close to trying to prevent another Live Leak of this dangerous sort of Experiment. You will not admit that it is dangerous and for that lack of judgment, I think it is time that you Resign.

Chair Person
Thank you Senator Paul, and I would like, um to give the time to Dr. Fauci.

Anthony Fauci
Yeah, well. There were so many things that are egregious misrepresentation here Madam Chair, that I do not think I would be able to refute all of them but just a couple of them. For the Listens to hear for. You have said that I am unwilling to take any Responsibility for the Current Pandemic? I have no Responsibility for the Current Pandemic. The Current Pandemic. Okay.

Number 2, you said the overwhelming amount of evidence indicates that is a Lab Leak? I believe most Card-Carrying Viral Philogynists and Molecular Virologists would disagree with you. That is much more likely, even though we leave open all possibilities, it is much more likely that this was a Natural Occurrence. 3rd… you say, we continue…

Senator Rand Paul
…You tested 80,000 Animals and no Animals have been found with COVID?

Chair Person

Senator Paul? The time is deferred. Allow for a response.

Anthony Fauci
…and 3rd, you made a statement just a moment ago that is completely incorrect. Where you say, we continue to support research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Senator Rand Paul
You approved it in August of last year.

Anthony Fauci
No, no. Your statement says quote… I wrote it down as you were writing, ‘You continue to support Research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology’…

Senator Rand Paul
You were in Committee a month ago and said you still trust the Chinese Scientist and you still support the Research over there. You said it a month ago in a Committee…

Chair Person
Senator Paul, I have allowed Dr. Fauci to respond. You have had your time. I am going to give him one more minute…

Senator Rand Paul
He is going to be dishonest. He ought to be challenged.

Chair Person
Senator Paul, we will allow Dr. Fauci to respond after you have given accusations like that. Dr. Fauci.

Anthony Fauci
Well, I do not have any more to say, except to say that as usual. And I have, I have a great deal of respect for this Body of the Senate. And it makes me very uncomfortable to have to say something. But he is egregiously incorrect in what he says. Thank you.

Senator Rand Paul
History will figure that out on its own.

Chair Person
We will turn to Senator Hassan thank you.


Revealing the Foundation of the Fraud

If Fauci is lying, has been lying about what he did in Wuhan to enhance the present COVID-19 Virus, then all of what has been perpetrated because of it is a Fraud. This is the dangerous part of this whole Mass Psychosis. It comes from the book 1984 as it is all about the Power of Words. He who controls Words and their Definitions, control all. It is about Double Speak then. As it has been said, ‘The basic tool for the manipulation of Reality is the Manipulation of Words’. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the Words’.

Fauci’s Foundation will go down in History among the ranks of Mengele as a Murderer of Millions. Yet, if you disagree with him, you disagree with ‘Science’. This type of ‘Science’ is Satanic. ‘To disagree with me is to disagree with Science’, Fauci has stated. What others also caught in the semantics of Fauci’s reply was that he appeared to implicate himself of being guilty of ‘Past Plandemics’, but not the Current pandemic. So not responsible for delta because that mutated on its own... but responsible for the COVID-19 one? Responsible for SARS? Responsible for AIDS? He basically just admitted to being responsible for something.

And at this point in time, those who can change the Definition of Words, at a mouse-click, as it has been done already with what a ‘Vaccine’ is and now what ‘Gain of Function’ is, will continue to occur as the Power Elite, in this case, Fauci who makes $417,000 a year and whose Wife is head of Bioethics at NIH will continue to overload their ‘Science’ on the Masses, like the innocent Beagles, Monkeys and Orphans. And thanks to the COVID-19 ‘Fear’, the Authorities have now become the Arbiters of what Truth is. Science is now ‘Sacred’.

Try to post the Patent of the Gain of Function Science or even some Names in relation it and such inquiries will automatically be deleted. If you look on Google patents, the Corona Virus was patented by employees of the CDC back in 2004. Here's the thing, if the Corona Virus was a naturally occurring virus, it would be illegal to Patent it. Also, patenting a Harmful Virus that can be used as a Bio-Weapon is also illegal. So why is there a patent on the Corona Virus? The point? There is no honest, unbiased, and true Scientific discourse occurring on Campuses, Hospitals, Health Agencies.

It Is a sad and Dark Day when the only place on Earth presently that Science can be scrutinized is a U.S. Senate Hearing for only 20 minutes. Fauci responded to Senator Paul’s statement to resign by saying, ‘It makes me very uncomfortable to have to say something...’ You mean TELLING THE TRUTH? Fauci dispelled Senator Paul’s statement about Gain of Function as being trivial and a matter of what the ‘Current Definition’ is. This is a prime example of a Functioning Psychopath, in one’s opinion.

What is a Psychopath? Here are the Traits of a Psychopath: No Empathy. No Remorse. No Guilt. Constantly Lies. Does whatever it takes to get or do what they need to get done to carry out certain jobs. Based on Orders or Goals. Manipulative behavior. Superficial Charm. Poor Judgment, Failure to learn for Experience. Highly Intelligent. No capacity of Love. Grandiose sense of Self-Worth.

Orwellian Double Speak
Not according to Dr Reiner Fuellmich. See Findings of the Corona Investigatory Committee. It is a sad and Dark Day, when Fauci’s defense is reduced to Semantics over Definitions he is trying to change to mean what you need them to mean at the moment. Bureaucrats have long twisted Language to suit their needs. Here is 1 example provided by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s masterwork, The Gulag Archipelago. An excerpt follows. 

‘From the very beginning of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, strong Elements within the movement favored abolishment of capital punishment. Lenin, the leader of the Communist Element and the Man who would lead the country from 1918 to 1924, scoffed at the idea, but went along with the Members of his Coalition. On October. 28, 1917, Capital Punishment was abolished. At the beginning of 1918, an Admiral went on Trial for refusing to follow an order to scuttle Russia’s Baltic Fleet.

After a brief Trial the Judge ordered the Admiral, ‘To be shot within 24 hours’. Some in the Courtroom expressed concern, because Capital Punishment had been abolished. To which, the Prosecutor replied: ‘What are you worrying about? Executions have been abolished. But Shchastny (the Admiral) is not being Executed; he is being Shot’.

And they did shoot him, Solzhenitsyn added. This is a distinction that would be fully appreciated in the present Orwellian COVID World Order. But thank goodness nobody changed the Definition of ‘Vaccine. Wait ... what? They also changed the Definition of Vaccine on the CDC site. it started around 2015. They have now changed it 2 or 3 times. A ‘Vaccine’ is now considered ‘Something that Alleviate Symptoms’. The difference? If one looks at an old Dictionary, the clear understanding of a ‘Vaccine’ was that provided 3 facets to a Human Body.

1-Stopped Infection from spreading to other parts of the Human Body.
2-Prevented Transmission of the Virus from contaminating other Humans.
3-Provided Safe and Effective and Lasting Immunity to the person.

And the problem? The COVID-19 do neither of the above 3, yet it is called, legally a ‘Vaccine’ to be covered and have the Manufacturing Big Pharma Companied not be liable for Adverse Reactions and/or Death from their Injections. This is why the COVID-19 Injections are not a ‘Vaccine’. The word 'Pandemic' was also redefined by the WHO before COVID-19 was released in order to allow it to include just about any Disease Situation in a Society. And?

This allowed the WHO to declare a ‘Pandemic’ and trigger the Fear Factor in People where previously it would not have been allowed. This allowed for the declaration of ‘Emergency’ and the Authorization of Experimental ‘Vaccines’ to be rolled-out without the proper length of Independent Clinical Trials. Realize that most of the Data collected have been conducted by the very own Vaccine Manufacturers themselves. Then it has been the CDD, the FDA that have ‘taken their word for it’ that the Clinical Trials were fair, up to this point.

The long-term Studies will not be out until mid-2023 at the earliest. But by that time, it will have been too late. A large portion of the Billions on Earth will have had the Injections in them already. Solution? The Left will cover for Fauci. He is their Science God that cannot lie nor harm Life. But he has. So, 1 thing that the Left love is their Animals. Yet, they will turn a blind-eye even at this for Fauci.

What will it take for America, the World to ‘Wake Up’? It will be when their Children start to die-off en masse that perhaps finally, the Followers of Fauci’ Fraudulent Science will come to terms. But it will be too late. Nonetheless, it will turn when People will love their Children more than Puppies. This will be a hard one.


Main Sources

You're Trying To Cover Your Ass': Paul And Fauci Clash Again In Heated Exchange
The Hill

Dr. Fauci Warned In 2017 Of ‘Surprise Outbreak’ During Trump Administration

Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration: Keynote Address by Anthony S. Fauci

Fauci under fire by beagle organization over alleged puppy experiments

NIH is now accused of spending $100m of taxpayer's money on torturing lab monkeys with ACID and snakes


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A Correlation of Year-To-Meaning Study 2022-2029

  • Is there a correlation between Strong's Numbers and Years?
  • Does a Year-to-Meaning study suggest the Year of the Rapture?
  • If so, what does the timeline 2022-2029 suggest is conveying?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com

Eventually, just on the Law of Probability, one day, a proposed Rapture Date will coincide. Not one to judge any other’s predictions or calculations about the Rapture date, but it is unknowable. What is the difference between such and one like myself and/or that seeks to study the Rapture time sequence?

I for one, only suggest a possible ‘Season’ and do not go beyond Scripture and only what is given as pieces of the puzzle. But one can never say with 100% certainty. No one can. That is why is hesitated in even sharing this Dream about the 723 that could possibly be tied to the Rapture. It is the only time I have ever shared this, and do feel uncomfortable because in my boo, in doing so, then one has crossed over onto the ‘Wild Side’! Thanks Bob. But maybe sometimes a ‘walk on the wild side’ is needed? Nope. Lol Just to say to be careful of the teachings coming from that channel.

It is very interesting though as around this time of the Feast Cycles, the Watchers do start to pick-up on the prophetic type of Tu B’Av or the Jewish ‘Valentines Day’. And that it occurs on the Full Moon. Did not Gary or Jeff at Unsealed.org write-up that if and when the Rapture does take place, that it would be at a Full Moon? Well, as mentioned, the ‘dream’/vision did/does seem interesting and perhaps a prompting but maybe it is a dress rehearsal run-through or to suggest the Season or Time is near.

This time last year, precisely we had also discussed the Prophetic implications and types of the Minor Feast. It is a type of the Rapture, for sure… literally as the Maidens dancing in the Vineyards were ‘snatched’ away, etc. We’ll have to see what pans-out on the 23rd. The Feast does start on that 23rd Sunset, if one counts and goes by the Jewish day count. I read the article about Tu B’Av, the 15 of Av and how it officially starts the Grape Harvest to end on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. It lends credence to how then ‘when Pentecost fully came’ was then the Feast of New Wine. So, I really like all the prophetic correlations as you mentioned.


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